Chapter 5

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I stared at her, wide-eyed. "You did WHA...??", I almost yelled. Almost. it was more of a whisper yell.

She smiled and shrugged, "No big deal. I'm glad I did."I looked at her as if she was demented. She looked down at her hands and smiled, "Cause that's how I met Lorenzo." I smiled at her. She looked happy. "Who is Lorenzo?", I asked her still smiling.

"That's me.", Enzo's voice was behind me. I jumped out of the chair. When did he even get into the room? "Wait! What?", i asked. He held my hand as before and guided me back to my seat, chuckling.

"Lorenzo Carter. But i prefer Enzo.", he said as he took his seat. "But I prefer Lorenzo.", Ashley said and I looked at her and she blushed. I looked back at Enzo and he seemed really into her. How could he not be?

"I was really cliché actually. I literally fell into his arms.", Ash said, "So i spent the entire night getting to know Enzo well", She smirked and I could tell she hinted at a double meaning, "But I kept my eyes on you two. Both of you managed to meet someone but as soon as I saw Cameron incapable of walking I called her room-mate who fortunately was close by and she took her home. It was past 3 so I didn't disturb Hannah so I hauled your ass over with us. Lorenzo was kind enough to put you up in his guest room. And the rest is history."

I couldn't believe last night was soooooo lame. I couldn't help huffing in protest to her story. I thought it was going to be awesome. I was downright weird and so super lame.

I had to get out of there. I left Enzo's apartment with both him and Ash sprawled on the couch together watching 'Silver Linings Playbook'. He wasn't her usual type. She went for models or classy businessmen. A guy with an attitude. A guy with power. And she could get them easily. And if she didn't then she'd settle for a one night stand. But it was never with a guy like Enzo. May be when he was under the influence, he seemed like one of the guys she goes out with. Maybe when he has a little to drink he gains confidence. Maybe it's exactly like Rajesh Koothrapali's case from the big bang theory.

So if that was the case, she would see him for what he really is today in his sober state and dump his lazy ass. In my eyes this guy was a weirdo and a creep. I was going to do everything in my power for my friend to see this that is if she didn't see it today.

I shivered in my coat. I didn't feel like going back to the apartment but I couldn't stay out here. Its feels like a million degrees below zero. So I decided to go hang out at the mall. I got myself a serving of frozen yogurt and sat near a fountain somewhere at the centre of the atrium. I always loved to watch the families and the rest of the visitors at this place, going about their work. I was curious as to what was going on in their mind and what their next plan was. What they wanted to do and whether they were doing that yet or not? I looked at the children and wondered what they would be like if they grew up. I normally over-think a lot that's why my friends made it a point never to leave me alone with my thoughts. If left along enough then it turns rather depressing and most times takes a toll on me.

I sat there till I was done with my frozen snack and got up to find a trash can. It had been just a little over 30 minutes since I left Ash. I thought back about this whole situation as I searched and window shopped. I suddenly left my feet slip out from below me. Turns out it is really important to watch where you are going and I hadn't seen the wet floor space demarcated. And now I was going to land on my butt and would be utterly humiliated in front of total strangers for not paying attention.

I waited to feel the sting of pain and hear the smack at butt-met-floor but it didn't come. Instead I was yanked into a strong, firm chest. I felt as if I was being steadied as strong arms held me in place. "You should really watch where you are going." an annoyed and very deep voice said.

I looked up to meet deep blue eyes. "I'm so sorry." I muttered looking down and paying real attention to the floor now that he mentioned it. I walked carefully to the side to sit down. I had left him behind muttering a thank you and I went to take a seat. Close call I muttered to myself as I held the seat and let out a deep breath. I still felt the sensation of falling.

"Are you alright?" he asked, "You look a little pale." I didn't move. I suddenly felt sick. I felt a hand on mine as I was lead somewhere. I looked up when I stopped being dragged and realized I was front of the restrooms. I rushed in to the bathroom and threw my guts up. Well there goes last night's booze.

I splashed some water on my heated face. The sick feeling didn't go but I felt a ton better than just a few minutes before. I walked out the restrooms with a hand to my head and noticed that the guy who saved me was there looking right at me. Was he waiting for me?

"You look like shit." he said laughing. "Well thanks man.", I said smiling sarcastically. I walked right past him, not bothering to look at him. I was annoyed and was in need of a hot shower. I heard someone running behind me and I prayed that the douchebag would just leave me alone. But I guess my luck ran out last night 'cause the whole day was shitty and I was once again staring at blue eyes that stirred this sense of frustration deep inside. How could this get any worse?

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