Chapter 11

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I was looking into his eyes…

Our lips almost touching…

This was so wrong!

He had just broken up!

Sia! NO!!!!

*24 hours ago*

Yuck! Yuck! Yuck!

I felt bile rising in my throat again. When will they stop!? It’s been hours! Well to tell the truth its felt like it. From the dim display on my dying phone, it had been exactly 42 minutes. Even with my fingers plugged snugly in my ears, the growls and screams flooded my innocent mind. Fine! It’s not that innocent but that’s beside the point. I even thought of giving up the jig and running out of the room but I had made it this far. They had to stop sometime soon. Right? Oh God…please… s’il vous plait!... por favor!... per favore!...Damn I ran out of languages!

But it looked like God heard my prayers. The bed had stopped moving and the noises had ceased. Then it creaked again and someone hopped onto the floor. I saw Ash’s feet walking towards her dress on the floor. I could only see her feet but I could make out she was facing the bed. She giggled and walked towards the bed again. NO! NO! NO! Not again! But she walked backwards. God was on my side today. She giggled again, “Not again babe. We will really be late, if we go for round two.”

PUKE! I heard Enzo’s deep chuckle, “I’ll make it quick!” He all but breathed the words. So that’s what Enzo sounds like when he turned on. I unfortunately found that very hot. I should get my head checked. Ashley laughed as she walked out his door and pulled it behind her. I guessed she was trying to get him to not give into temptation and grab her again. I stayed still but my limbs were really cramping up. I heard Enzo grunt and reached for his shirt from on top of his bed.

It was so sudden and I didn’t expect it, I let out a muffled squeak. “What the…”, I heard him say. He jumped down and bent to look under his bed. As soon as our eyes met, he let out a loud and manly scream.

And that was the end…

Just kidding…

I scrambled from under his bed and tried to stand but failed and fell right into Enzo’s firm body. To make things worse he was still in his underwear and hadn’t got around to putting his shirt on. “What the hell?”

He looked confused and ashamed and angry all in one. “Si…” I knew what was coming to me. My rashness brought me to this. “Enzo…”, Ashley’s voice flooded the passage outside the bedroom. Enzo pushed me against the door, just as Ash tried opening the door. “What’s wrong babe?”

“No… nothing babe!”, he was looking at her from behind the door and I was pushed up against the door as he pressed up against me. I felt like I was stuck between a rock (Him) and a hard place (the damn door). I tried to move around him as he spoke to ash but his hand held me back. I almost banged against the door behind me so I clung to his chest for stability and ended up running my nails over it. Enzo’s grip on my arm tightened as he let out a sharp breath. “Babe open the door. What the hell is wrong?”, Ash sounded worried and tried to open the door more. “I’m fine love. Just stubbed my toe on the bed. Stings like a b!tch.” She laughed, “Ok babe. Get ready soon. I’m waiting.”

She left and Enzo shut the door and held me firmly against it. I was glad she didn’t come in thinking she could nurse his fake wound in some seductive way. I looked up at Enzo and he was looking at me funny. He came closer and I realized he was about to kiss me. I put my hand on his chest to stop him. It looked like that gesture put some sense into his head and he pulled back. “What are you doing in my room Sia?” Anger clouded his eyes.

“Sia?”, he whispered again, locking the door and walking me towards his bed. On second thought he put me in a chair near his study desk near a window. “I’m sorry okay. I tried the other doors but they were locked. I panicked and ran in here. I didn’t know you guys would…”

The look of anger on his face subsided and was replaced with an apologetic one. “Ya you couldn’t have known. I’m sorry you had to  hear that.”

I smiled at him and stood up, “It’s all good man. I just have to get out of here now. Ican still hear you guys in my head.”

Enzo groaned. I laughed, “You better get ready. The sooner you leave the faster I can get out of here.”

He gave me another small smile and all I wondered when I looked at him was what a passionate guy he must be in the sack. He must be good if Ash is still here.

Half an hour later, Enzo was dressed in a navy blue dress shirt and black trousers. “The keys are in the bowl near the door. I’ll use my spare to lock up.” I hadn’t moved from the chair and I looked at him ask he spoke. He looked nervous and walked up to the door. He turned back one last time, “Bye Sia.”

With that he walked out of his bedroom and shut the door behind him.

I sat in his room for another twenty minutes. I spent that time checking his collection of books on his desk. When I was sure the silence in the apartment was because they had left and not because they were at it again somewhere I made my way out and walked to the door. I found the keys with relative ease and put my hand on the handle of the door and took one last look around the apartment. Ever since Enzo met Ash my life has been quite eventful and not in the good way. This was the last time I’d be coming to his place. I turned the handle downwards but it wouldn’t move. Hmmm, maybe I’m doing it wrong. I pulled it upwards. It wouldn’t budge. Dafuq. I pulled it and pushed it and tried all four options again. But it just wouldn’t move. The door wouldn’t open. What kind of sorcery is this?

Guess I was stuck here… Ah hell.

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