Chapter 10

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I ran towards Enzo’s apartment. This had to get fixed and fixed now. Maybe talking to him could help me understand why she acted like I was after her guy. Why would she think that?! Gawd. How could she? Ugh! I met the jack-ass once! One freaking time! And he was absolutely bad news then! And he is turning out to be bad news now. I was going to find out what he said to Ash to make her freak out like that.

I entered his building and was going over what I would say to him in my head. I was nearly near his door when I started contemplating about bashing his head in. I had been going over everything since I left the mall and I was really fuming as I reached his door. I noticed it slightly ajar but I wasn’t without my manners, so I proceeded to ring his bell. I waited patiently for two minutes before I rung it again. I started getting impatient so I rung it the third time.

“Who is it?”, I heard him yell, but his voice sounded strained. I pushed the door open and yelled back, “It’s Sia.” “Oh I’m in the bedroom.”, he called back. So I let myself in. I had to appreciate Enzo’s place. It was classy. All the furniture was deep brown and contemporary. The walls were impeccable and white. A few black-framed painting adorned them. The whole place had a new age minimalistic feel to it.

I walked to the passage and it brought back memories of the last time I was here. All I had to do now was figure out which bedroom he was in. That’s when I heard a kind of animalistic grunting from one of the rooms. I pushed opened the door and I was met with the sight of a muscled back. A sheen layer of sweat clung to it. My movement in the doorway made Enzo turn around. He smiled at me and stooped what he was doing. Apparently he was working out and from the music blaring from his earphones he was listening to some rock band. He was wearing black sweats that clung to his waist and no shirt as he sat at the edge of the bed lifting weights. I don’t want to admit it but he looked good. Like doable good. NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! Filthy mind. Bad girl Sia! Naughty girl! I giggled inwardly at my limbic system struggling to pick a side. I looked back at Enzo who had a look of confusion on his face.  I must have looked like some crazy person, giggling for no apparent reason. He got up and gestured for me to follow him back to the living room. “So Sia…?” He left it midway but I understood he was asking why I showed up unannounced. I took a seat on his couch as he made his way to the kitchen. I contemplated how to start my little rant. After ogling at his sexy defined back and chest, I kinda lost track of what I wanted to say. A cold glass of orange juice was placed in front of me while Enzo took a seat across from me. He was sitting at the edge of the seat and had that stupid innocent smile plastered to his face. “What did you tell Sia?”, I said with a blank expression. Exposed muscles make it so difficult to think, show anger, think…

“Sia?”, he said my name and I realized I was staring at the floor and lost in thought.

“Yes?”, I looked at him. I had come to put him in my place. Not to hold truth to the accusation put on me.

“What did I tell you?”, he asked. Wait what?! Did he say something? I know I zoned out but did he say something?

“What?”, I asked him. So much for showing him his place.

“You said ‘What did you tell Sia?’”, he said. Did I now? Damn this! Damn it! This whole thing has fallen to pieces. I have to get this conversation back on track. Maybe I can start this again. What ruined my concentration?! Those damn shirtless chest.

“Put on a shirt”, I blurted. He laughed but didn’t ask any questions. He headed inside and I took a sip from the glass kept for me. I collected my thoughts and sat up properly on the couch. Be confident.

“Does this help?”, a t-shirt clad Enzo asked smiling as he took his seat again. I wasn’t about to get sidetracked. “What did you tell Ash?” Right to the point. Good, good.  

“About?”, he asked me as he took a sip of water from a bottle. “About me.”

“Nothing Sia.”, he looked at me with confusion. “What would I tell her about you?”

“Then why does she think that I have the hots for you?”, my face was a mask of calm.

He laughed. It was a really happy and carefree laugh.

“Well Sia, I never said anything to implicate that you”, he air quoted, “have the hots for me.”, he said as he looked to me and smiled. This guy really likes to smile huh.

“Well she seems to think so and we had a fight about it.”, no point lying about it.

“Oh sorry to hear that.”, he looked genuinely upset that we had fought.

“Well listen Enzo. Even if you say you did imply it, I don’t even want you to think it. I do not have the hots for you. I do not find you attractive”, LIAR! my mind yelled, “and I think you are a creep. Well that’s just my deduction from experience uptil now.”

He smiled that sickly innocent and genuine smile again. He was about to say something but I cut him off. “And if you so much as make my friend cry, I’ll give you a black eye myself. Don’t even think about breaking her heart… you will be a dead man.”

With that I got up. A dramatic exit was in order to show him just how serious I was. But hey! It’s me. I don’t get what I wish for and I ended up tripping on the carpet end, just as I was about to get to the door. So much for that. And just like the last time I fell, my face didn’t get to keep its appointment with the floor. Enzo’s hand was wrapped around my stomach and he pulled me hard against his chest. So hard that I managed to hit him and we ended up falling on the sofa together. Now isn’t that a nice and compromising position you got yourself in? This can’t get any worse. I tried getting up but I just ended up turning into Enzo and found my face inches from his.

He looked at me. He looked good and my hormones decided it was time to end a dry spell and started dancing about inside me. Wrong timing muthafvckers. Of course they didn’t listen. I found myself wanting to kiss him. No Sia don’t! “Sia”, he breathed my name. Help God help! Why did he have to make my name sound sexy. His bell rung. Haha! Yeah saved by the bell. Hallelujah! “Enzo baby you ready?” What? No God! Not this way. You were supposed to get me out of this mess not further in it!

We jumped apart . “She can’t know I was here!”, I whisper yelled at Enzo. “What? Why?”, he was walking towards the door. “Give me a sec love., he yelled back to Ash. He turned back to me. “Why the fvck not? We didn’t do anything wrong.” Enzo was clearly annoyed. “Well Enzo you don’t know Ash ok. She will take it the wrong way. I came here to fix it not destroy it completely.”

He just looked at me for what felt like a minute and gave in. “Fine. But you can’t get out right now and I’m not ready for our date. Go hide.” I smiled at him. I wanted to say thanks for understanding but he looked back to me angrily and whisper yelled “NOW!”

I heard the door open and ran to a one of the doors. Locked. What crap?! I tried another. I could her Ash, and that meant she was inside. I had to find someplace and quick. Suddenly I heard their voices closing in on me. Oh hell. I ran into the Enzo’s room. But I could hear them getting closer. “Why don’t I help you pick something out?” That was Ash. They were coming here. Aaaaahhh!!!! Well I panicked and scurried under his queen sized bed. And just in time that to.

“Sorry I’m late babe.” Enzo’s voice sounded suspiciously guarded. He was going to get caught.

“Nonsense sweetstuff. We aren’t that late. We have a good hour and a half before we have to get going. And you take hardly any time getting ready.”, Ash sounded hot. If She kept that up…

“Babe! What..” Enzo was cut short and then I heard something I never in a million years wanted to hear. They were making out! Ew.

Suddenly Enzo’s shirt landed in front of me. I covered my mouth before I could let out a squeak. No! No! Oh gawd no! “Ash babe. We will be late.” Enzo sounded out of breath. I saw what I’m assuming was her dress puddled on the floor. Fvck. “Fvck!” Enzo let out breathlessly.

And that was how I ended up under a bed where my friend and official creepster made love right over my head. I was officially scarred for life.

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