Chapter 4

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I stared on in shock. He laughed as Ashley smiled at me getting the plates out of the cupboards. "Sia?", he stepped towards me to hold my hand. I looked up at him. "You really don't remember last night do you?", he asked, amusement in his voice. I shook my head still stunned as he guided me to the kitchen island like a child.

I couldn't find words. How could someone as shy as Enzo land someone as hot as Ashley? I know i'm giving in to the stereotype but it made sense. When i met this boy, he was a shy lil' muthafucka but now look at him, flirting with one of my close friends. i watched as Ash placed a bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice in front of me. She went back to the counter to grab her bowl and glass. I looked back at Enzo who was staring at me intently then back to Ash who let out a chuckle.

It was then i felt it. Anger. Who the eff was this guy? He just earned a spot on 'the creep list'. I was not going to let my friend be anywhere near this guy anymore. I was just about to get up and leave when my tummy decided to do an impression of a starving bear, which earned another chuckle from Ash and a smirk from Enzo. I decided to let him explain himself while i devoured the cereal which was slowly losing it integrity and turning to glop. "OK. So can someone kindly explain why i am in my friend's conquest's place with no memory of last night?", i asked with a rude undertone and an almost full mouth of cereal. I couldn't help it. I was cranky, curious and hungry.

"Well I'm not surprised you don't remember babe", Ashley said with a smile, "I'm surprised I remember anything. At the rate we were going, we should have landed up in a gutter somewhere." I nodded for her to continue while I devoured my cereal like my life depended on it and at that moment it sure felt that way. "Well where to begin?", Ash said tapping her chin. I was Enzo's hand encircle her waist with one hand as he sipped his orange juice. She looked at him and smiled in acknowledgement, then turned back to me, "Whats the last thing you remember?

"Well we were at the fair. I remember us karaoke singing then playing some games and....and...umm...", my eyes widened as bits of my memory were restored as i struggled and soon i was laughing and almost fell out of my chair. " Hannah....han....", i just couldn't stop laughing which was making my headache worse but damn it was worth it. I struggled to compose myself but a few giggles managed to find their way out. I looked at Ash and she was laughing to but not as unlady-like as me. Enzo's face was a mask of confusion but amusement was shone in his eyes. "What happened to Hannah?", he asked Ashley 'cause i was still struggling with my words. "She decided to got into a 'Dunk Tank'as a bet because she thought Sam had bad aiming. Turns out she's a pretty fine marksman."

Enzo just nodded as his mouth lifted up in a smile, "Are those the two friends you told me about last night?", he asked Ash. It was my turned to look confused. She nodded, "The very same.", then she looked at me and continued, "You remember them leaving right?", I tilted my head to think but I just couldn't remember anything more than Hannah's annoyed expression as she got out of the tank. I was on the floor laughing my ass off. Not really but we all were clutching our stomachs cause we were laughing really hard. I smiled but shook my head in negation.

Ash picked up her glass of coffee i guessing with both hands, "Guess I'll start there...."

"Well because Hanana-banana was soaking she was freezing her butt off or so she claimed and made Sammy drive her home. So that just Cammy, you and me. So after we went for a bite, the night seemed a bit slow, so i asked you guys if you wanted to hit a club. You said we weren't dressed for it but surprising was the fact that Cams jumped at the idea." I interrupted her,"Whoa!", and she continued,"I know right."

Cameron, even though I said resembles me personality wise, takes a lot of convincing to go places. And seeing as she jumped at the idea of clubbing when we weren't exactly dressed for it was totally weird. But she does have mood swings like the rest of us. I remember her being unusually quiet last night. Maybe something was up. I should have asked her about it. Gawd, who knows maybe I did ask her and I can't remember shit now.

" She jumped at the idea and before i know it, she pulled both of out of the fair and hailed a cab.", Enzo got up to clear the table while Ash continued her story. I muttered a thanks to him as he took my bowl to place it in the dishwasher, " We decided on going to one of those laid back clubs cause of our attire near...."

" Yeah I know which one you are talking about...", I just wanted to know the rest. I was growing impatient but still fascinated that i couldn't remember this part. I kept drawing a blank at everything she was saying. She finished her coffee and continued, " We got in pretty quick. Cammy went directly to the bar and ordered us drinks."

I nodded. Nothing different like the other times we went there, "And then?"

Ashley looked at me like she was about to tell me a horror story," Cams went wild. She pounded back shots like they were water. And we joined in as crazy as it may be. Even i don;t remember the complete night after that but I do remember dancing on the bar-top with you guys." My eyes widened in horror. I was a terrible dancer. So me on a bar-top and drunk as faq means i had to have gotten messy. Ashey laughed. She was very aware of my dancing skills. I was so happy Enzo was not in the room to question my embarrassment. "Chill chicklet, you weren't so bad.", Ash said as she tried to comfort me as I used both hands to cover my face. "How do you know?", I retorted in embarrassment. She still chuckled and and said, "I do know. Im a hundred percentage sure it wasn't as bad as me slipping and falling to the floor from the bar-top."

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