Chapter 7

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I know what you guys must be thinking. No I didn’t know two of my closest friends were gay. No Hannah never even gave me a hint to suspect anything ever. Don’t get me wrong I’m totally supportive but I feel betrayed. And dude….my bed!!!

“Babe…I didn’t know you were this kinky. If you wanted me you just had to ask.” Skye said which smirking and checking out Hannah and Sam as they scrambled for their clothes. I just stood there shocked and hurt.

“Sia…” Hannah tried to speak to me while she dressed. I couldn’t stand there anymore. I pulled Skye out of the room, grabbed my bag, my jacket and headed out. “You want coffee Skye? Let’s go get that coffee.”

I reached his car. Luckily it had stopped snowing but it had cooled down drastically outside. I got into Skye’s car without him even inviting me. He took a few seconds but joined me in his car.

From the corner of my eye I saw him turn and look at me. “I don’t need your cocky remarks now Skye. Just drive ok. I’m buying” I fiddled with my fingers in my lap. He turned back in his seat and drove to a café.

The smell of coffee and baked bread was welcoming and warm. I felt better than I had done all day. We sat in a booth and placed our orders. I didn’t want to think about anything so I took out my phone to play ‘mmm….fingers’. I had seven missed calls and thirteen messages.  I stuffed the phone back into my pocket. “

Our order came and the waitress set it in front of us. It was only then I looked up and noticed Skye staring at me. “Do you wanna talk about it Sia?” I was shocked that he knew my name at first cause I didn’t remember telling him but then I remembered Hannah yelling out for me to listen to her. I looked at him. He looked genuinely concerned. “Umm…” I did not actually know. Should I open up to him?

“I know you are thinking whether you should open up to me?” I stared at him with a slack jaw. He looked up dramatically and stared into my eyes, “Sia I have to tell you something.”I didn’t realise I leaned in further. “Sia…I’m a … I’m telepathic.” I just stared wide eyed.

“Yo…you are what?” Skye put his hand over fine on the table. “Sia I have to tell you one more thing.” I didn’t speak so Skye went ahead. “Sia…my dear sia…” I nodded inanely. “Sia…you…you are so damn gullible.” Before I knew it I had poured my coffee in his lap. I threw some money on the table and walked out the door as Skye hurled profanities at me. I hauled a cab and went home.

I was totally done with my shitty day and I just wanted to be done with the Hannah situation. But when I got home, no one was around. I slumped on my sofa but jumped up when I heard my door bell ring. Thinking it was Hannah, I ran to open the door but was met by a seriously pissed Skye. “What the fvck Sia?” if you looked at him, you wouldn’t think I’d just burned his junk but he flinched every time he moved. His discomfort just made my day. Am I a sadistic bitch? I couldn’t help let out a tiny giggle. This made Skye all the more mad at me. He started advancing towards me while I held my mouth and started walking backwards. I was struggling to control my laughter. “So my suffering is hilarious? I wonder if I do this…” He pushed me up against the wall and put his hands on both sides of my face “…if you would find it funny?” He didn’t touch me. He just had me cornered. It was uncomfortable on so many levels.  “Sia?” He asked and I just stared ahead. “Apologise” I laughed…sarcastically of course. “Never.”

“Babe…”He voice held a very dangerous tone. “..what you did was not funny. Also I am in serious pain at the moment.”

“Then go fix yourself up. I’m not stopping you.” He inched his face closer but I was not standing down. He might have helped me but he was seriously a jerk. “Sia don’t test my patience. You don’t know what I am capable of.”

I looked at the hot guy in front of me and heard what he was saying and realized… I did not know this guy. He helped me from making a fool of myself but he had been an arrogant ass the whole time. Plus I let him in my home, where we both currently were standing in a very compromising position. When had this ever happen to me before? Never. When had this ever happen to my friends? Never. What the hell was I doing?

“I’m sorry.” I whispered. Skye backed up a lot and let me breathe my own air for which I was grateful. “Well thank you doll for being so considerate. I accept your apology on one condition.” Skye said sarcastically with a sickly sweet smile. I sighed dramatically and gestured for him to just tell me already. “I need pants and to use your bathroom.”

Well that wasn’t so bad. I gave him a large pair I owned and used to sleep in and showed him to the guest bathroom which was just near my living room. Since I‘m being nice… I went to make some coffee for both him and me. I just set the cups on the table when Hannah walked into the apartment. “Sia I’m…”

That’s when Skye walked out of the bathroom and declared very loudly, “Sia I gotta tell you…getting into your pants was the most difficult thing I’ve ever had to do. It’s like the difficulty level was over 10,000.”He hadn’t noticed Hannah in the room and her eyes widening. Her expression suddenly changed and she groaned, making Skye look up at us. She looked at me with a distraught expression, “Don’t tell me that you did it in my bed!”

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