Chapter 26

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 Ashley's P.O.V.

Ever want something you didn't have? Or something you couldn't have? Or something that was denied to you? Surely each of you has felt that way. There are two parts you could choose if you ever felt this way: the first, where you deny yourself what you most want and end up cursing the existence of the obstacle hindering you from your desire or you do something that allows you to take what you want for yourself. And each of you have gone down either one of those paths, granted in each choice there is a good way and bad way to handle it but most of us aren't saints.

I never told Sia that Lorenzo told me he wanted her the night we met in the bar. Yes I knew he wanted her. Puppy dog eyes and love-struck, it added to his attractiveness. And he was something I wanted. That's why I went up to him in the first place. The way he stared at us when we dance up on the bar. Mostly Sia but still. His eyes glistened with the potential of an extremely amazing emotional beast. So when he made his way to the bar, obviously I was going to take what I was eyeing.

Do you think that fall was a slip-up? Ashley Simmons doesn't slip up. Never has. Never will. Perfect timing and perfect opportunity equals bewitching that hunk of a man to suddenly take a fancy to me. Everything was perfect. The dates, the dinner, the mind-blowing sex! I finally found the perfect partner. He was the yin to my yang, the soft side emotional side of the relationship to my wild, crazy and calculating side. It just made sense, you know.

 I love my friends, I really do but if they get in my way they know how it is with me. None of them ever purposely hurt me. We were close. And I know that this time was the same. Sia didn't hurt me. The twat didn't even have a clue about Lorenzo's feelings towards her. It wasn't like he was obvious about it. So I don't blame the girl. But unintentionally she disrupted my plan and I admit I let my anger get the best of me.

Actually it was kinda her fault in the first place for provoking me. Without knowing the guy she labels him as a creep. Sure he has some kind of anxiety disorder I guess, I don't actually know fully well what his problem was because I never faced it with him. But that doesn't give her the right to call him out on it and degrade his image to the world. Well in this case my group of friends. I think that not only provoked me but him as well because after our first night together he was just fine but somewhere in the middle he just took a turn and started talking about Sia a lot. I think it was one of our date nights when I arrived early to surprise him with some fun before our date instead of after it. It was like he was probing for information about her out of me. Like he could find the answer to fix her view about him from me. Well that just drove me closer to the edge.

I guess I went off the edge the morning after a whole night of passionate and I dare say a little adventurous love making. We were cuddling when I said something about meeting up with the girls and he insisted on coming. I told him it was girls day but he said he just wanted to say hi. He thought he could fool me? I was insulted by that as well as annoyed as fvck because he wanted to see her. From there it just got worse. I accused him and he wasn't affected so I took was I hoped was not his weakness and insulted her. Turns out my guy was pining for someone else while being with me, while sleeping with me. Well that was a slap to my face.

So there were scratches and a few punches thrown and I also managed to throw him out of his own apartment. After that I proceeded to break anything that looked expensive. Well just a few show-pieces. And I expected him outside the door but where did he go? To Sia's. Well that was bloody obvious when I opened the door to find him missing. And then he chose to hide and she chose to lie. Who were they trying to fool? I heard Skye yell went I went her apartment. And her answer to my phone call? Did she think I bought that? I was so glad I banged on the neighbour's door before leaving. I irritated the fvck outta her. That coupled with the shitty music blaring from Si's apartment was the perfect thing to make her call the cops.

Seeing the three of them arrested was epic. Sia looked like she was about to shit her pants, Enzo was nervous but surprisingly calm but I figured the reason for that was when he staggered and proved to anyone with eyes he was was wasted. The other guy, Skye I think his name was. He was a fine specimen. And it was blatantly obvious that Si liked him. She never stopped yapping about him when we were at the mall before all thing went south.

So while I watched Enzo walk into Sia's building tonight (yes, I was stalking him), a bulb went off in my head. Because like the previous time they met after my blow-up, for Enzo's surprise date for Sia I could see her changing her ways to him. She was soft enough for her to develop feelings for the ba$tard in a few weeks' time. I saw it at the park. I saw it after the dinner. I saw it tonight when she didn't turn him down and after an hour of waiting he still hadn't gotten into his car and driven home.

Well I want Lorenzo back. And I want him bad. So the only thing I can do is find a way to make Si think of him as a creep again. If she breaks the a$$hole's heart maybe I can snatch him back up and help fix the shitty pieces. But that would be really difficult and take a whole lotta time to execute.

I need something quicker and more idiot proof and something that would guarantee results. Well easier than making her break Lorenzo's heart, I could just find a way to break hers.

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