Chapter 2

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Enzo and I walked a bit around the park talking about art and music. I was mostly doing the talking but he was a pretty good listener. After the first few moments of awkwardness, it seemed real easy to talk to him and he didn't seem that shy anymore, adding a lame joke to the conversation now and then. It was nice to have company now and then, I thought. Wait! Did I just think that? Hmm, weird.

It was getting late. We walked to the entrance of the park and said our goodbyes. We parted ways heading in opposite directions back home. There was't a second where I thought to exchange numbers so we could hang out again sometime. It was a chance meet and it was a good way to pass the time. But sometimes you don't have to do anything to have your life screwed up for you. Sometimes the universe can be a b!tch.


It was the weekend. This was always when my friends would drag me out to socialize because according to them, I'm a hermit crab. I didn't like that analogy. So I let them drag me to wherever they thought was fun. This Saturday evening it was a fair. An extravaganza of lights and sounds and yummy food that always managed to give me a migraine.

"Oh come on Sia! Don't be like this. You know you always end up enjoying yourself. ", my friend and room-mate Hannah said while she sat on my back straddling me as I tried harder to snuggle under my blankets and make it difficult for her to yank me out of bed." You remember the last time we went to one of these? We laughed all night! "

"The only problem with our friendship is your selective memory. Yes, there was laughing that night but that was you guys, at my expense.", I said, turning suddenly and making her land on the side of me, on my bed.

She scrunched up her nose,"I don't remember it that way." She rubbed her head in an attempt to make her remember. I laughed. We were friends because we were both silly and got each other's jokes and quirks. She was my partner-in-crime and roommate ever since I joined college. I lightly slapped the side of her head.

"Nut don't even try to remember. You guys were high as the sky that day. And the reason why you guys were laughing was... ", I coughed. Why was I even reminding her? She didn't ask me. Also I didn't wanna relive that day. It was downright embarrassing. It was the first and last day i ever let someone talk me into a bet. I was loaded up into a dunk tank while Hannah who normally has horrible aim tried her luck. Lets just say her luck was damn good that day. I got up and ran to the bathroom leaving Hannah with a confused look on her face. " Wait! Wha...? "

Before she could complete her question I ducked into the bathroom. "Go get ready babe. I'll be out in fifteen.", I yelled out to her.


We pulled up in the parking lot and already the sound of commotion filled my ears. I dreaded getting out of Hannah's VW Bug but I just wanted to get this over with. I met the rest of my group at the entrance. The rest of my group were my gal pals Ashley, Cammy and Sam.

Ashley was the craziest of our group and was 24. Just two years older than me but already accomplished in her workplace. She was all work and no play when she was at work. I guess that's why she went totally crazy when we used to go out. She was a tall, slim figured brunette who could have any guy wrapped around her finger. She looked fun yet hot today too with her black leggings that hugged her long legs, a loose white tee with a black heart in it's centre and black converse. Her hair was up in a high ponytail but still she had that sexy aura about her.

I was always envious of her. I was slightly shorter than her and not as slim. I kept myself fit but still couldn't match Ash's figure. I had my jet black hair left loose as it cascaded down my shoulders. I wore my black skinny jeans and a white lacy top. Hannah had on her camo shorts and a black UCB tee with her brown hair up in a cute bun and pulled Sam into a tight hug.

Sam was like us but only with us. When she hung out with anyone else she was a totally different person - she was always formal and kept her distance. But at the moment you would not think that. She was wearing a pink graphic tee with black shorts and her black hair was in a high ponytail. She was eating some candy floss and managed to get some in Hannah's hair when they hugged. Now they were playfully vowing to kill each other while Cammy laughed at them.

Hannah was my closest friends but personality-wise I feel Cammy and I almost matched. She always kept to herself and didn't like going out. But she always pushed herself to hang out when we all got together. She looked comfortable with her blonde hair hanging just above her shoulders and wearing a button up red and black check shirt and black cargo pants. I hugged her and together all five of us walked into the weirdest and craziest night of our lives.

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