Chapter 23

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"What is this Skye?", he smiled. It wasn't an innocent smile. It was something primal, evil maybe. "Payback baby.", was all he said as he smashed his lips into mine.

I pushed him back with whatever strength I could muster. "Stop!", I said.

"Why the fuck should I Si? I want you." He said as he went back to showering smoldering kisses on my neck. All I could do was whimper. "",my sentence ended in a moan. I heard Skye say, "Sia? Sia! Sia!"

I closed my eyes when I felt myself been lifted and laid on the bed. The bed shifted and I presumed Skye was sitting beside me. The distance was suddenly too vast. I wanted him close to me. I couldn't stand it. I don't know where I got the sudden burst out energy but I got up and pulled him to me. We ended up in a tangle of limbs. I laughed and moved to sit above him. He placed his hands on my waist as I bent down to kiss him as passionately as I could. His hands started moving upwards and I felt a tightening in the pit of my stomach.

"Sia!", he shouted. Shouted? His fingers on my bare skin were just driving me wild. Bare skin? I just felt this fire within me that I had to satisfy. "Skye!", I moaned as my fingers explored the planes of his chest. I wanted more. I moved my hands lower as I kissed his chest. I heard a groan and then he caught my hands and moved. Suddenly I found myself on my back with Skye straddling me. His hands were on either side of my head. His face was so close to mine. I closed my eyes and waited for his lips to touch mine again. I just couldn't get enough of his kisses. "Sia!", he shouted again, this time right in my face. "Why the fuck are you shouting Skye? You are ruining the moment.", I said with my eyes still closed.

Then out of the blue, I heard giggling. Skye giggled?  "Do you think she is thinking about me?", Skye asked and I heard the giggling again. Who was he talking to? Is this some kind of kinky way to talk in bed? As if I wasn't there? The moment is sooooo gone. "Who the ef...", I know I opened my mouth but I couldn't hear myself. What the? I tried to move but I couldn't. I felt a weight on me. I struggled to open my eyes but all I was met with was darkness. "Water.", a voice said. Water? I heard some shuffling And then....


I jumped off the bed, drenched from head to toe. "What the fvck!" I stood there wide-eyed staring at a laughing Hannah and Skye. I grimaced. What the hell just happened?

"Si? Honey, sit down. You look like you going to fall.", Han said guiding me to a chair. "What happened?", I felt sick as I asked them this and eyed the bathroom. "Wanna throw up?", Skye asked. I closed my eyes and held up my hand, "No I'm good... just tell me what happened. One second I was kissing you and the next I am drenched."

"You were kissing me? Si?", Skye asked with a smirk. Then he looked at Hannah and stretched out his hand for a high five. Han laughed and hit his hand away. I wanted to strangle someone to get information out of them. When had Hannah come into the room? What was the weight on me? Why was it so dark? Why am I wet? Why did they just high-five?

"Si...", Skye knelt before me and placed his hands on my legs, "You passed out."

"What? In the middle of our hot make out session?", I held my face in my hands. How embarrassing!

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