Chapter 21

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Two days had passed since I went out with Kai. It had been a day since I tricked Skye into a blind date. And I still hadn't heard back from both guys. I hope I didn't scare Kai off. I had been on my best behavior and keep my stupid-ness to a minimum. But that guy was out of this world. He had an opinion on any topic I brought up and his insight into various topics blew my mind. I wanted him to blow my mind in other ways too. Perv.

I giggled out loud as Hannah passed me. We both didn't have classes that morning but she was getting ready for hers in the afternoon. "What has gotten into you this afternoon?", she walked past me to find her books on the desk. I was lolling about on the couch. "It's 10:30 in the morning Han!", I yelled and rotated on the couch laughing. Now I had my legs on the headrest and my head hanging off the seat. "You are in a really good mood! So who is responsible? Skye?" I sat up to a normal posture with my legs folded under me. "Skye?", I was still acting like a giddy headed teen. "He is so out of the picture!" Hannah turned and looked at me wide-eyed.

"What did you do? Don't tell me you made someone take care of him!?", I smiled. "She will take care of him for a long time.", I said still smiling at her evilly. "What?", Hannah said in a whisper with her eyes almost bulging out of her sockets. "I set him up with Cammy!", I said with a huge smile on my face. "What!", Hannah yelled and threw a pillow at my face. "What the hell Han?", I threw it right back at her. "You twit! You made me think you sent someone to take care of Skye in a not so pleasant way.", she said looking away embarrassed.

I laughed my ass of the couch. "You thought I sent someone to get rid of Skye!", I stopped talking to breath, "You have to stop watching all those detective shows. Or was this paranoia because you were watching a 'How to get away with murder' marathon last night?" The laughter was threatening to take over again. "Shut up Si.", Han was quiet for a moment, "Why did you set him up with Cam?"

I threw her a puzzled look. "What's the problem there?" "Nothing. I just thought you liked him." I kept quiet. I didn't want to get into the whole 'why' of it all. Hannah would definitely have some stuff to say. "Don't you have a class to get to.", I said walking to the kitchen. "Si...", she started but thought better of it and left the apartment. I let out a harsh breathe.

I didn't want to tell Hannah that I wanted away with the drama. I didn't want to admit to her that I didn't know what to do with all the attention. I didn't want to admit to myself I missed Skye's presence. I really thought he would show up at my doorstep and give me hell for tricking him. But I hadn't heard from him since his reply to the message about the date. I didn't want to feel so ignored for the mere fact that I deserved him being pissed at me. I just never thought I'd hate it so much.

I was about to decide against going to college and curing up by the window with a good book when my door-bell rang. I wasn't expecting anyone so it was weird. Hannah had her key. Cam was busy today. I had asked her to hang with me after college but she said she had some work. She was so vague it bugged me but I didn't say anything. Ash still hadn't spoken to me after that Sunday and I was happy about that. Sam didn't show up without Hannah being there. Was it Skye?

I rushed to the door and opened it without looking to check. If that said something about me I didn't care, because sitting just outside the door was a beautiful bouquet with a small note attached to it. I took it inside and slammed the door behind me. I will admit I had a huge smile plastered to myself like a goof. I took care of the flowers, putting them in some water before sitting to read the note.

It was a short poem writing in the most beautiful cursive writing:

Though you push me away, I long to hold me in my arms again,

Your face, the way you smell is imprinted on my brain,

Needing to see you has almost driven me insane,

Please meet me for dinner at the address below or I will die with shame.

Cute way for someone to ask me not to stand them up. I giggled. I wish I knew who it was. But apart from the address and time, there was no name. These couldn't be for Han because she had plans with Sam that night. And now apparently I have a dinner at seven. My conscience snickered at me. What? I wasn't going to stand someone up. That is just plain rude. My Mama thought me better. I smiled as I got ready for my class.


Eight o'clock. That was the time said on the card. It was 8:15. I felt like I an idiot. Only I would feel bad for an unknown card and flower giver and show up. I was glad I dressed simple. I wore a short deep blue dress. It was plain enough to be casual and classy enough to wear for a dinner. But my dilemma was not my attire at the moment. I was stood up.

Why did I even think to expect anything different? There was only one person who was sweet enough to make a gesture so romantic and grand and that was Skye. But I was 100% sure he would be pissed with me. So this couldn't be from him? Could it? Ugh! If I drank any more water I'd have to get up to use the restroom. 

If Skye had sent me those flowers in some elaborate plan of revenge then standing me up was so obvious. I shouldn't sit here any longer and wait like an idiot right? Or should I? Leave. The voices in my heard were so bossy. I was about to pick up my things and leave when someone cleared their throat behind me.

I wanted to face-palm myself. Of-course. Did I expect anything less from Skye? It was always an eye for an eye with that guy. I hated karma 'cause she truly was a dog's mistress.

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