Chapter 3

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I woke up with a bad headache. I sat up and was really pissed at whoever left the curtains open. I was about to call out to Hannah when I noticed something off about my room. I squinted against the glare but then it hit me. THIS WAS NOT MY ROOM!!!

'Damn! what the hell happened last night?!!', I thought to myself pulling the blanket closer to me, unconsciously using it as a shield against what I might find out. Did I sleep with someone? How can I not remember? I don't remember drinking last night. I remember going to the fair with the girls. There was karaoke, we played some games and then.... and then.... Damn!

My mind was drawing a blank. Well to be a victim of this terrible throbbing in my head, I must have gotten real drunk last night. My apparent memory loss was a reinforcement to this conclusion. Unless someone drugged me. I looked down at myself. I was still in last night's clothes. I didn't know what to feel. I hated this feeling. The only way i was going to be able to find out anything is if I got out of this room.

I slowly left the comfort and safety of the bed and opened the door of the bedroom an inch. There were no sounds coming from the hall. Might as well grow some balls and get this over with. The suspense was killing me. I walked out into a passage that would lead from the hall to what i am assuming by the three closed doors to be three bedrooms. I walked into the hall to see an open kitchen at the far end. I only then realized that my throat felt parched.

With all my worry about where I was, i only just realized it. I was about to make my way to the fridge. I thought if someone drugged me and kidnapped me, they would definitely have tied me up if they didn't want me to make myself at home. But since i was up and about with no one to stop me, i was going to do just that. Damn I'm shameless. I laughed softly to myself and I had taken only three steps forward when.... THUD! "Ow!", a masculine voice yelled from behind the counters, "Damn drawers."

I froze in my tracks. I looked on, fear rising within me as i saw a shirtless guy stand up behind the kitchen island. His back was to me and had something in his hand. I heard him muttering to himself about the drawers again. My fear held me in place. What was i thinking?

How could someone wake up in a strangers home and think all is rainbows and butterflies? Man I'm stupid. This was my end. He was going to kill me right here. I'm sure that he thought i wouldn't be up for a while. Maybe he was preparing for his sick addiction. Getting the knives sharpened and the plastic on the furniture. He must have already bought strong detergent to get my blood of the carpet and the floor. i was thrown from my gruesome thoughts by a sharp smack on my head.

"Jeez Sia, stare much. I know he looks edible but i already called dibs last night, remember?", Ash said as she bounced to the shirtless hottie in front of me while i just stared on. I was relieved as well as completely confused as to what was going on. The guy was about to turn around when she pulled his lips to hers and kissed him...hard.

His arms went around here waist and it was then only i realized what Ashley had on. He was in an oversized tee shirt that reached mid thigh. she managed to make even that look sexy and I just hoped that she had her underwear on under that.

I must've looked so creepy staring at my friend suck face with a stranger but at the moment I sure as hell was relieved. I was about to turn and walk away and give them some privacy. I would get my answers later. If Ashley was with me, that meant everything was fine and she would explain everything. I couldn't believe she took me to the guys place instead of dropping me home. I felt kinda embarrassed about this whole thing and was about to leave when he spoke, "Running away are we? ", i turned around so quick i thought my head would snap of. I knew that voice. But it couldn't be him. He was looking at Ash but turned to face me. I knew my jaw would have been on the floor. I managed to whisper, "Enzo?"

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