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Before I start, I must warn you that life is unpredictable. Well most you already know that. And decisions are made based on the time, the place, the emotions at that moment. My life was normal. Well as normal as a student's life can be. So when the whirlwind of trouble decided to uproot and cause chaos in my normal life, I went into survivor-panic mode. It's not like I planned any of it.

How was I supposed to know I'd meet him and we would turn out to be so close? And now I can't rewrite the past. And my stupid brain and all those effing hormones. I'm not in charge of my brain... My brain is in charge of me, right? That's the reason for this mess!! Well I just need someone or something to blame at this point. All those feelings brought up by hormones I have no control over. Those that make my mind fuzzy and not allow be to think clearly...maybe it's them...

You must be wondering what I am rambling on about. Guess I gotta start at the very beginning. If only I hadn't met him...well there are quite a few other reasons as well... *sigh*... Well it all started when....

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