Chapter 14

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I was looking into his eyes…

Our lips almost touching…

This was so wrong!

He had just broken up!

Sia! NO!!!!

*9 hours ago*

“Why should I be bothered?”

I got a glare back from Enzo. “Don’t you have a heart Ash… fvck I mean Sia…UGH!!” He was clearly upset that Ash broke up with him but I was very happy she was done with him. He sat down on a chair and groaned. Skye tried burrowing deeper into my plush couch.

“Enzo? Why are you here?” I wanted to relax today. I really would like just one day without all the drama but it doesn’t seem like that’d happen. Unless you made it happen. “Sia I need your help.”

I laughed a humourless laugh. “Uh-uh. No way. If Ash broke up with you, she’d definitely thought it through.” I said confidently. In all honesty Ash never took a second to think about stuff like this. She took ‘never sweat the small stuff’ quite literally. It was most of the times a spur of the moment thing for Ashley. “You wanna know why she kicked me out of my own home Sia?” Enzo had gotten up and caught both my arms and was really mad at my aloofness. But I didn’t react. “Sia she threw a fit ‘cause I defended you.”

“Why would you…why was I even in the conversation?” I tried to not be bothered but it did bother me. He ran a hand threw his hair and sat back down, looking at the floor. “Everything was alright till today morning. We were at breakfast and she said some stuff…” He got back up and went to stand by the window. “Enzo? What is it?” I asked. Curiosity was getting the better of me. “She…”

He was rudely interrupted by banging on my door. Why was everyone banging on that poor piece of wood? If this kept up, I’d need a new door. “Enzo! Sia!” Oh my flying fish. Ashley!

“Enzo I know you are in there. Open the eff up!” Well this was going to be a massacre.

“Don’t open the door.” Enzo ran to me just as I was about to open the door and whispered.

“Why the fvck not?” I whispered back. I wasn’t going to get sucked up in their drama. But if this was going to explode in my face, I might as well listen to Enzo. Hence the whispering back.

“Someone shut that b!tch up!” Skye yelled out. Thankfully his voice was muffled cause his head was still buried in the couch.

“Shut up Skye” I whisper shouted to him. She was still my friend. I wasn’t going to let him call her a b!tch, though she had been real man to me a few days back.

“I don’t want to prove her point” Enzo replied to my question. He had moved me away from the banging at the door, to stand at Skye’s side.

“What would that be?” I asked him back. I needed the whole story.

“If someone doesn’t make her stop, I will.” Skye was getting up from the couch but his voice was all groggy. Clearly he was still dazed with sleep.

“Take him to another room.” Enzo said to me as he got a hold of one of Skye’s arms. I nodded and grabbed the other.

“Come on Skye.” I said softly as if talking to a child. I grabbed his elbow and my hand brushed the side of his body.

“Not there Sia. I’m ticklish there.” He said sleepily with a small giggle.

“Totally didn’t need to know that man.” I said back smiling as we made our way to my bedroom.

“I need a drink.” Enzo said after we put Skye in my bed. He had a far off look and I could see him struggling with his emotions. I didn’t point him out to the good stuff. If he found our stash he was welcome to it.

I was tucking Skye in when my phone buzzed on my desk. Ash was calling me. I put on my best impression of a sleep filled voice when I answered her. I had somewhat of a plan of what to say to her if she met me that day. I had thought about it when I didn’t open the door. But I hadn’t thought it through. I thought I had more time to plan out my excuse as to where I was.

“Hello?” I kinda dragged out the word.

“Sia? Where the eff are you?” Her voice was filled with anger. She practically yelled back.

“Ash? What time is it?” I stuck with my plan. I tried sounding like Skye did just a few moments ago.

“Where the hell are you Sia?” She repeated her question unfazed by my replies.

“At Skye’s place. Movie night. What’s wrong Ash?” I hope she bought it.

She sighed. “Ugh. Nothing. Sorry to wake you.”After the briefest moment she again said, “Hey isn’t Skye dating someone?”

I didn’t know I told her that. “That ended a while back.” She didn’t need to know the awhile was a few hours. It was not my business to tell.

“And you ran up and grabbed what you were eyeing for so long right?” She said it so effortlessly. So devoid of emotion. Like it was a fact.

“Wh… dafuq are you talking about?” I was genuinely stunned. I lost my whole thought train with that question.

“You know very well what I’m talking about. Anyway gotta find Enz. Want to beat the shit out of him. If you see him, give me a call okay?” And she hung up.

“What the fvck is wrong with her?” I whispered to myself as I dropped the phone back on the desk and took a few steps back.

“She thinks that you are a skanky man stealing slut.” I hadn’t known Enzo was back in the room. He had found our bottle of Jack and was taking swigs from it without a glass. That didn’t bother me at the moment because his words cut me deep. Why would Ash think that? Was she still upset with me 'cause of our spat? Didnt she know i was only looking out for her?

“What the…” I just stared at him. I couldn’t make sense of anything.

“I’m sorry Si…” I moved to him to take the bottle out of his hand, stopping him in between whatever rant he was about to start. “Give me that bottle.”

Drinking in the moring, are we Si? I was going to be a long day.

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