Chapter 18

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Skye's P.O.V.

Just like I suspected. She tasted like strawberries. I've always been cheesy but I'll never go as far as admitting it out loud that I'd wanted a taste of her since I saw her at the mall. I so wanted to do her that day. The only problem was my damn faithfulness to my girlfriend, who didn't give a rat's ass about it. She always thought I was a cheater. Damn woman. I felt so gawd-damn free when I broke up with her. But I loved her once, with my whole heart and it would break to see her sad. That's why I hadn't broken up with her sooner. Damn me and my sensitivity. Skye man, you are such a pussy.

 I was so close to kissing Sia that time in her apartment, when I had her up against the wall. She looked so doable when she was mad. I used to think about her all the time after that day. I told the guys about her. No doubt it was Chris who must've opened his big mouth to Caroline. That ba$tard wanted her since I first introduced her to him. He must've swooped in to play the knight in shining armor once I dumped her. But why am I thinking about that Jackass? I was kissing Si and I just couldn't get enough of her. I'm so glad that she didn't fall for that Enzo guy's weeping and sorry state back at her place.

I just want to take her back to her place or mine and... oh, well sue me, I'm a guy. Even though she pulled away I was so into it. I could've kissed her all day. And I would've too, if that ass didn't interfere. I had just getting into it again when Enzo cleared his throat beside me. I swear to all that is good I wanted to punch the guy in the face. Couldn't he see we were busy?

I let Si go and she turned around to face him. It must've taken a second for her to register (that did wonders to my ego) his presence or something cause her smile was gone and she looked scared. Not outright scared but I could see it. Well I guess it was. What had he done to her or said to her when I left them together? I should've asked her! Damn, she was running when I found her. I assumed she ran to me 'cause I was yelling like a mad man.

"Sia.", Enzo said. Damn guy was looking at Sia without emotion.

"Enzo.", she whispered. Yup, I was right. She was scared.

"Enzo.", I repeated, trying to get his attention away from here.

"Skye.", Sia said looking at me. I think she sounded relieved that I was here.

"Skye, I'll take her home.", Enzo was addressing me and moving towards Si. "No man I'm good." I said while putting my hands on her shoulders. Maybe Si was right. He was a creep.

Sia shocked me by moving away from me and him, "No guys. I'm good. My place is a few blocks from here. Really close by. I'm good. Really. See you guys soon. Maybe out of town for a couple of days. But I'll call you.", She said while walking backwards and then she was gone.

Damn it Sia. Had to leave things hanging with me and also leave me with this guy. Luckily for me he turned and walked away. I didn't care where he was going. I needed a drink.


I entered the bar that I used to hang out with my buds at. We used to come here on weekends and the place is always packed then. But being a Sunday afternoon the place wasn't so. I sat at the bar and wished Jake was here. He would give me advice for this soup I'm in. And also how to get rid of this Enzo guy. Jake was the most sensible of all the knuckleheads  called friends. Maybe I could meet him later. "Hey Mac." I greeted the bartender.

"Skye, my man." Mac replied with a fist bump. I was a regular and also worked her for a short time. This place was my getaway and all the staff were my friends.

"How you doing? How's the Caroline?" Mac asked.

"That ended man. " I said looking at the flat-screen behind his head. I didn't want to go into details now. I needed something strong.

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