Chapter 8

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I didn't know whether to yell at her for her being so unfair and not apologize or cry with laughter. My day was the weirdest ever. I was just going to say something, anything to break the awkward stare down we were having but Skye beat me to it. 

"Are you serious Hannah?", he laughed, "You thought...", he laughed harder. Well that's insulting. Hannah giggled, hopefully just because she got the laughter bug from Skye and not because she thought I couldn't land that ass. Because if I wanted and could tolerate that attitude of his, I totally could. Yeah just keep dreaming. Wow the voices in my head ain't helping. I shot Hannah a glare. She gave me a cheekily smile then looked at me with remorse and held up a couple of shopping bags that I hadn't noticed her carrying. "I got you new sheets. My way of saying sorry." She had her hair down and her hair covered her face. I knew she did that when she didn't want people to know she was crying. I ran up to hug her as I saw Skye looking at us when he was making his way to the couch.  

"Hanhan it's alright." I said stoking her hair. She let out silent sobs as she held me tight against her. 

"No it's not." She mumbled into my shoulder. "Hannah it is. I was just hurt that you didn't trust me enough to tell me. And slightly annoyed that you had sex in my bed. "I laughed as I held her a little away from me. She let out a sad giggle. "Sia it's not that I didn't trust you. I wasn't really sure myself. And I for sure didn't know about Sammy."  

I nodded in agreement. No one knew about Sam and her orientation. She did mention a few of her conquest but no one had actually met them. Well I hadn't for sure. "Where is Sam anyway?" I asked Hannah as we both made our way to the couch.  

"I don't know." She said looking at her phone. "How could you not know?" Skye said.  

I shot him a glare. "Well we never spoke about anything. All this just happened." 

Skye let out an annoyed snort and I shot him another glare. I thought Hannah would yell at him or tell him to shut up or something. 

"No it did. It just happened out of the blue." she pleaded with him to believe her, "After we got home, we both had a shower. Separately.", she looked at both of us seriously before continuing, " Then we sat to eat some ice cream and watch a movie." She blushed and it was clear as day. Skye piped in, "What was the movie Hannah?" 

I looked at her as she looked at both of us blushing, "It was 'Friends with benefits'." 

"There you go." Skye said dusting his hands as if he solved a great murder mystery.  

"That doesn't mean anything", I said trying to defend my friends but Hannah interrupted me, "Well I guess it started cause of that." I put my head in my hands defeated as Skye sat smugly smirking. "Well what happened?", he asked.  

I was going to protest when Hannah started spilling the dets, "Well me and Sam laughed at certain parts cause you know miss Kunis is downright hilarious in that movie. Then when their pact started, them being JT and Mila, Sam started shooting me these glances. So I casually started flirting with her. Just for fun you know. I was being really lame but then things just started heating up. And then..." 

"O-K!", I put my hands up and standing up, "I don't want the details babe. "Well we don't need the details Sia. We heard how good Sam was, remember?", Skye pointed out. Both Hannah and I groaned. Skye laughed and walked to Hannah. "With all the action you were getting, you never gave me a second to introduce myself. I'm Skye. I'm Sia's hero." He said laughing as he picked up the mugs and taking them to the sink.  

Hannah looked at me funny. "Long story", I told her. "What are you going to do about Sam now?", I asked her desperately changing the topic. "I don't know Sia." 

"Well I think you should go talk to her." Skye said and he rummaged the shelves for something. He really made himself at home. "What?" I asked.  

"I don't think that's a good idea Skye", Hannah said.  

"See babe...", Skye addressed Hannah while folding his arms and leaning against the counter, "One thing I know. If it's awkward, attack it soon and fast. And do it with no one around. Easier to clean up the mess." I looked at Hannah and she was just staring at Skye. She then got up, picked up her keys and coat and walked out the door after muttering a thanks to Skye and a bye to me.  

"Wow." I said looking at Skye who sat real smug and comfortably on the couch. "Get out!" 

"Wha...!" He said as I got up, picked up his stuff and went to drag him and kick him out of my home.  

"You very possibly just put my friend on a path to get her hurt. And also might have ruined a friendship." I said as I neared the door.  

"What are you talking about?", he said with a very shocked expression plastered on his face. 

"Hannah is the most sensitive of us all. Plus these kind of thins are delicate situations. Almost like trying to disarm a bomb. And boy you just told Hannah to cut the wrong wire." 

He looked at me as if I was talking Chinese as I struggled to push the hunk of a man out my door. "Wanna bet on it?", he said, "Stop pushing me Sia. I'll go quietly." 

"Fine", I said exasperatedly. "And no I will not bet on my friends." 

"Think of it as betting on yourself. To prove how much you know about them and situations like this.", he said smirking. 

"Why would I have to prove anything to you?", I looked at him inquisitively. 

"Wouldn't you like to be right?", he asked. 

"I am right." I said not as confidently as I felt. 

"Prove it." I knew he sensed my doubt 

"Fine. What are we betting with? The stakes?", I asked.  

"If you are right...", I butted in, "If I'm right you have to leave me alone." 

"Ouch babe. That hurt. And here I thought we were becoming friends." 

"If you win..", this time he interrupted me, "If I win you have to pay me for today in whatever way I ask for." 

I looked at him, "Do you think I'm stupid?" 

"You are definitely not babe. Just around me.", he said laughing. 

"Ok this bet is off!", and with one shove I managed to get him out the door.  

"Ok chill girl. No funny business, I promise. You pay me but it'll be a clean request.", he said smiling the most gorgeous smile I've ever seen. 

"Done.", I said while shutting the door on his beautiful face.

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