Chapter 15

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I was looking into his eyes…

Our lips almost touching…

This was so wrong!

He had just broken up!

Sia! NO!!!!

*6 hours ago*

It had been three hours since I received the call from my… well I don’t know what to call her anymore. Friends don’t do this to friends. Don’t say the things, she said. I was hurting and that’s why three hours after the call, at 11 in the morning, I was drunk as a skunk.

Skunks drank? I giggled. An image of Pépe le Pew with a glass of chardonnay popped in my head. I giggled again. I had been doing the whole time. Thinking of random shit. Laughing. Then thinking of Ash. Drinking. And the cycle had repeated uptil now. Surprising I wasn’t feeling sick.

Enzo giggled too. Skye was dancing on the table with just his shorts on. Weird how comfortable we all were with each other at the moment. Skye had gotten up after an hour of tucking him in and immediately joined our pity party.

We all had our reasons for being messes so early in the day. And we didn’t care. I wasn’t incharge of the music blaring from the speakers as Skye tried twerking on the coffee table. He was trying to move to what sounded like… I want to say Nicki Minaj but I honestly don’t know. Skye had been acting like a crazier version of Skye and kept making me and Enzo double over in a fit of laughter. Right now we looked like he was getting electrocuted. I couldn’t hold it in.

There was pounding on the door again. Ugh. I was about to get up but Enzo was already at the door. There was some screaming from whoever was on the other side. But I didn’t care. It didn’t sound like Ash either. So we were still safe I guess. But at this point I don’t think Enzo cared about being caught anymore. I couldn’t actually make out who it was. The music was too loud.

Enzo had told me all about their fight in the morning. She made me seem like I always wanted any guy who she had. And that after she was done with them I always went running for her scraps. She also said that I was trying to manipulate her to make her leave Enzo so I could get him. She made me look like a skank. And here I’m the one who has had the fewest relationships. I could count them on one hand.

Enzo had made an attempt to stop her from her comments but that made her criticize me more. Then Enz said that I was a nice person and that she should be a better friend to a beautiful individual such as me and she blew her cap off.

It was a nice thing for him to do but I was further down the rabbit hole now. Enzo had come back from laughing at whoever was at the door. “Who was that?” I was not too bothered but I was a curious cat. I just had to know everything.

“Your neighbor.” He said taking a seat on the floor next to me. I was refiling my glass. “What was the problem?” I handed the bottle to him. “Music too loud.” He sounded tired. “Chuck it.” I said and looked back at Skye. Skye had fallen from the table but landed on the sofa and had curled up in a ball. Guess we should turn in for the night…hehe…I mean afternoon…” I said getting up and stumbling back a bit.

“No way babe. We still can go a couple of rounds. Let’s dance.” Enzo took my hand and pulled me to him and started moving. In our inebriated state, his spazzing out looked good. We laughed and danced. There was knocking on the door again. This time Skye opened it and yelled a “Screw you.” to whoever was on the other side. “I’m calling the cops then!” I heard the threat. And normally I’d be scared but I was numb at the moment. And I was enjoying being emotionless.

Enzo took my hands and started dipping me and twirling me as Skye tried imitating a ballerina and dancing around us. I was having the time of my life with these two guys. Hehe, that sounds so dirty. Sia, you are such a perv.

I wished everyday could be like this. I got out of Enzo’s hold as the guys danced to some EDM music which was, I assumed, playing out of Skye’s IPod. He had crazy taste in music. I needed to teach this kid some good music and introduce him to Cammy. Yeah they would go good together. I’m a genius.

I was rudely brought out of a happy dance in my head when my door was kicked open. So much for that piece of wood. Hannah was going to be sooooooooooooooo mad. I was going to yell at the intruder when his clothing caught my eyes. A uniform. Dam the cops. Busted.

He  had two other officers on either side and all three of them took note of the scene in front of them. Three empty bottles scattered on the floor. A half-naked guy dancing around lik a jack-in-the-box. And another guy tring to catch the half-naked guy but clearing enjoying the chase. And me with a glass full of liquor standing like a dumb statue in front of them. So much for looking innocent.

And that kids is how I was arrested and booked to spend my time in lock up for 24 hours. Me. Sweet innocent lil’ Sia. Locked in a cell at the police station, drunk as fvck, found alone with two guys and arrested on a charge of public disturbance. Who’s the good girl now?

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