Chapter 6

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I avoided the jackass till I reached the mall exit and I just stood there. No I wasn’t letting him catch up to me. Nature was doing that. Out of all the days, all the effing days of the year it decided to snow today. I wasn’t in any state to go out in the snow. I just wanted to go home. I felt tears threaten to fall. I just wanted to go home.

My vision got blurry and I was just so annoyed with my crappy day I decided to just face this shitty weather and walk it. I’d at least brave it enough to get a cab. People started gathering near the exit. Some were going back to the mall to wait out the weather. 

Suddenly I felt something draped over my shoulders and then was yanked out into the frigid cold. I was trying to shield myself as the snow was coming down hard. But I managed to see the douche pulling me to the parking lot. He helped me into the car and I embraced the warmth. “Well you owe me three thank yous now. I take cash.” I looked up and saw him smirking. I so wanted to smash his face on the dashboard but if I was getting a free ride back home I was taking it. I gave him a sickly smile, “Thank you….um..”

“Skye….the name’s Skye”, he said and started the car. “Thanks Skye. And I don’t have cash on me so my sense of gratitude is all I can offer you.”I said as he exited the mall compound and took the route to the main road. He immediately stopped the car near a curb, “Get out. I’m too cheap to give free rides to chicks I have no interest banging.” All I could do was stare like an ass at him as he leaned over to try to open the door. I pushed him back into his seat. He looked at me so cluelessly at my awestruck expression.  “What ? Well I don’t.”, he said. I was back to my crappy mood as I yelled at him, “can’t you be nice for once without the shitty attitude. It kind of defeats the whole purpose.”

He held up his hands in surrender. “Geez woman. Calm down. I’ll take you home. Happy?”, he asked as he started his car and I grunted in reply. He took note of my directions and within twenty minutes I was reached my apartment complex. “It doesn’t have to be only cash. I’m willing to barter services.”, Skye said. I was so relieved to be so close to home. I turned to look at him as he studied a text he just received.

He looked good. He had on a black tee that clung to his body and a warm jacket over it with blue jeans. He was tall and had his black hair fall over his eyes just enough to look boyishly good and not like a homeless weirdo. His hand was still gripping the stirring wheel and he had a couple of black bands on his wrist. I think he was going for a bad boy look. Even if he wasn’t he managed to pull it off.

“I can see you, you know.” Skye said and I knew he was talking to me but I tried to play dumb. “You can see who is texting you? Wow man that amazing tech exists. I gotta get me some of that.”, I said and turned to exit the car but I was yanked back inside and I was really gonna punch him now. “I know you like what you see but this babe”, Skye gestured to his whole self, “This is taken.” 

“Then why have you been hitting on me for the past twenty minutes?” I said almost slapping him.

“Well babe. Sorry to tell you but I wasn’t. I just like to be paid for my services.”, he said smiling and looking back at his phone. “Well sorry to tell you babe but I don’t have cash so…”, he interrupted me, “I wouldn’t mind a coffee. It’s fvcking freezing out here.”

“Oh no way. I’m not taking a strange guy with shitty attitude to my place.”, I said turning to leave and this time he let me. I pulled at my coat trying to help my warmth and rushed into the lobby. I called the elevator and just as I got in, Skye joined me to. “Dude I wasn’t hinting that I’m not taking you up. I’m telling you.” This was beyond frustrating. He took out his phone and leaned against the side. “Look babe. I did something for you. Now you are in my debt meaning you owe me something. I would like a coffee. Free stuff is always better.” I wasn’t getting anywhere with him.

 I let out a defeated sigh and pushed the button to my floor. He was right I did owe him. I would be on the floor in the mall right now covered in puke right now if it wasn’t for him. But I wasn’t going to tell him that nor was I going to be courteous about this whole thing.

I exited the elevator at my floor and walked to the door, leaving him behind. I unlocked the door with my keys and walked in. It was extremely quiet. This didn’t seem right. Ash said Hannah went home with Sam last night. She should be awake by now. It was so close to noon. I started a mini panic rant. I always had the habit of thinking of the worst. I turned around to look at Skye. I knew he understood I was panicking. I motioned for him to be quiet when I heard a noise coming from the direction of my bedroom.

 It could be Hannah. I was praying that it was Hannah. I picked up the closest thing to me as protection that turned out to be a flash light. “Are you effing serious?!!”, I heard Skye whisper yell but I didn’t pay attention to him. I was hoping my flashlight ninja skills would come into play automatically since I watched night at the museum like a butt-load of times. I could always blind the assailant if I chickened out from a fight.

I stopped when I reached my door. I heard voices. So much for hoping it was just Hannah. I got ready to bust open my door. I was already feeling the sense of fear creeping over me. I don’t think I could do this. That’s when I heard it. Hannah. That was Hannah’s voice. Actually that was Hannah’s scream echoing throughout the apartment.

I felt fear leave me as a sense of protectiveness was building up inside me. I had to save her. Just as that thought left my head and before I could get into battle stance, Skye had kicked open the door and run in. “Let go of he…..What the fvck!!”, he yelled. I then found myself running into my room to see my best friend and roommate safe and snug on my bed. Worse was that she was naked. To make matters worse, my other friend Sam was with her. Naked.  With her head between Hannah’s legs.

 I stood there dumbfounded. I had just walked in, rather barged in on my two girlfriends having sex. The shitty part was that they had used my bed.

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