Chapter 16

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I was looking into his eyes...

Our lips almost touching...

This was so wrong!

He had just broken up!

Sia! NO!!!!

*3 hours ago*

Three hours. It had been three hours since I made the call to Hannah. I told her to get Cammy if she couldn't come to bail me out. I felt like time wasn't moving. I was a jailbird now. "I could get shanked at lunch time and the guards would have to scrape my remains of the floor with a spatula. Maybe I could trade something of mine for protection. Maybe I would be goaded into getting a tattoo with unsterile needles." I was rudely stopped from my rant with a slap to my head. "Ow! What did you do that for jack?" I turn to my abuser. "Stop being grim.", was all Enzo said before trying to catch some snooze.

Skye at the beginning was standing by the entrance of the cell, trying to think according to him, like a criminal. He was suddenly inspired by 'Prison Break' ask he told us and spent about half an hour coming up with a jail break plan. He had spent an hour trying to befriend the guards and when that didn't work out he started singing some sad depressing songs to annoy them into letting him go. Why he thought that would work, was beyond me. Worse than the songs was Skye's cranky voice. Sounded like a cat being strangled. The guards soon got really pissed and told him if he didn't stop, they'd keep him here without being able to make bail. That shut him up for about ten minutes. Then he started annoying Enzo and me, asking questions about us and stuff. Now his head was on my lap as he was fast asleep and look so peaceful.

I suddenly felt all alone. I was in such a mess. I wanted to cry. I could feel it all bubbling up to the surface. Just then the heavens opened and I found salvation! Okay maybe I was being a tad bit dramatic. It was just that I was so happy to see Hannah come down with a police officer. She posted bail for us and I felt scott-free. I didn't care that I had a sleeping , I'm going to call him a child, on my lap. I ran into my room-mate's arms. Skye was on the floor groaning and Enzo had gone to help him. But I stayed with Hannah.

"Why the hell are you here? What did you do? Why is Skye here? Who is that? How long have you been in here? Did you sit on that bench? Ew!" I was bombarded with questions by my wide-eyed roomie. "I'll explain everything when we get home." Skye was up now and looked hurt and Enzo looked bored as fvck. "Hey Hannah-banana! Thanks for posting bail." Skye said while giving her a hug. Enzo had a weird look and mumbled a hello and thanks to Han. We all move up and out.

I was never so happy to see the sky and the road and the dull buildings. I don't know how people serve out life sentences. Hannah was on the phone while I went to say goodbye to Skye and Enzo. I was just done giving Skye a hug when Hannah came to me, "Sorry Si. I gotta go. Some work at school." She turned o the guys, "Can one of you guys drop her home without getting arrested?" She said with a short laugh. Skye grinned. Enzo gave a small smile. He was acting weird as hell."Gotta rush babe." And with a small peck on my check she was off.

I was stuck with the loons once again. "Babe I'm hungry wanna get something to eat? Maybe a coffee?", Skye asked walking in the general direction to my place. "Enzo wanna join buddy?"

"Yeah why not?", Enzo replied back but his focus was on the park we were just crossing. "Can we eat something light? I don't think I can scarf down something heavy at the moment."

"Corndog?" Enzo asked pointing to a vendor in the park. "Sounds good", I said 'cause at that moment it really did sound delicious. We all three walked to the stand, ate our fill on the treats and were walking away when Skye said he wanted something to drink. "We will drink on the way home Skye", I said letting my irritation show.

"But we are already here. We can cross the park and reach your place too." Skye pointed out.

"But that's the long way man." I said whining blatantly. Enzo was smiling at our childish bantering.

"But we have time and I want to have a cup 'o joe from the man near the small ghetto." Skye was oddly specific.

"Arggghh! Fine." I gave in. Why am I such a nice person?

We all walked together through the park, watching families and lovers, doing whatever it was they were doing, content in their own world. It was around four or five in the evening. My battery died so I didn't have the time. How dumb right?

We were walking for a long time before Skye said, that the coffee guy wasn't where we was supposed to be. Wow. Just wow. "I go find him. You guys carry on. I'll catch up." Skye said running away leaving me and Enzo together. Alone together.

"What's up with you man?" I asked him. His attitude was bugging me.

He laughed, "Nothing why do you ask?"

"You have been acting different since Hannah came to get us." I said. We were walking down a path. It was just the two of us and the bare trees. It was quite peaceful here.

"Well its nothing. I've just been thinking." He replied solemnly.

"About what? If you don't mind me asking." I was too curious to care about prying but my Grams raised me to be polite.

"Ashley." He said her name softly.

"Oh." I kinda forgot about her with my whole 'getting arrested' drama. We were silent for a while. I started thinking about all the sh!t Ash said to me last. She was going to wring my neck when she found out Enzo was with me the whole time.

"She was right you know." He said breaking the silence.

"About what?" Like I could leave that ominous question alone.

"My feelings." He said answering to the point. Not giving me an explanation. It was killing me.

"What did she say about that?" I asked. Doesn't hurt to ask right? If he didn't want to answer, I'd let it go.

"That I truly didn't want to be with her." Why would she say that?

"Why would she think that?" I voiced my thoughts.

"Because it's true." I stared at him. He was making no sense. He stopped and I stopped with him. We were having a conversation but where was he going with it? He sighed before walking right up to me. He was all up in my space. It wasn't uncomfortable anymore. In the little time I'd hung out with him, he didn't seem like the bad guy anymore. He seemed like the good guy I wrongly sentenced.

"Enzo?" I asked when it was clear he wasn't going to speak. He looked like he was battling with himself. He lifted his hand and tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear. I flinched. I was cool with him but this was still not comfortable behavior from my friend's ex.

"Sia..."He said my name softly. I was stared at him as he placed a hand on my side, "That night at the I came to the bar-top where you guys were dancing...where I caught Ash and she snatched me up...where I had been to ask someone out...where I drank my fear away to impress a girl I was crushing on...where all this mess started talk to you."

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