Chapter 12

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I was looking into his eyes…

Our lips almost touching…

This was so wrong!

He had just broken up!

Sia! NO!!!!

*19 hours ago*

I was walking all around the apartment. I spent one hour examining the door. It looked like a normal door. After that hour, I gave up to the assumption that Enzo must have put a lock on the door or something. I spent the next two hours looking for food in the kitchen and kinda made myself at home.

I was getting sleepy and I didn’t want to be here when Enzo came back. What if he bought Ash back with him? I couldn’t go through the whole thing again.

It was around ten. Han would be asleep by now and if she wasn’t she would make a fuss to come. Cammy had an exam tomorrow I didn’t want to disturb her. Sam would have taken advantage of my absence and would be fooling around with Hannah. All the more reason not to call them. Also what would they think? Me… in the home of my close friend’s boyfriend. No. I wouldn’t hear the end of it. Who else could I call?

I looked through my phone. My eyes settled on a number that I never thought I would deliberately use ever. But desperate times…

I dialed the number and before I could talk myself out of it I pressed ‘call’. “Hey Sia!”

He sounded happy to hear from me. It was ten at night. Why would he be happy to receive a call from me? “Hey Skye. Listen man…um… I..” My brain was saying hang up. I didn’t want to owe him again but I didn’t want to stay here either.

“Spit it out babe.”, he said. I could hear the amusement in his voice. “I need your help.” There. I said it.

“Would there be any other reason you’d call?”, he teased. I didn’t have time for this. “Listen Skye. I’m locked in this guy’s apartment and…”

“WHAT?!”, Skye yelled on the phone. “Sia give me the address.”

He sounded mad. He might come and break down the door or something. “Skye…”

That’s when I heard a high pitched voice yelling at Skye from his end over the phone. He was shushing this voice and I felt bad if I might have interrupted something. “Listen Skye. Sorry for calling. I’ll…”

“You will do nothing by yourself Sia. It’s all okay. Just give me an address. I’ll pick you up.”

“Skye I know the guy. I just can’t get out. The handle is jammed or something. Get some tools okay.”

I heard Skye let out a frustrated breath. “Address Sia.”

“I’ll text it to you.” I said trying to end the conversation. If I was the one making him frustrated, I would not want him here. I just can’t stand when a person has a problem with me. But he made it clear that he wanted to come to my rescue again, so I didn’t say anything else. “Fine.” was all he muttered before hanging up.

I quickly texted him the address and waited.

Twenty minutes later, there was a knock on the door. I was sitting by it like a loyal guard dog. “Sia!”, Skye yelled. I cringed. He might wake up Enzo’s neighbours and who knows who they are and how they would take to a couple of unknown kids trying to open up a door. So I called him on the phone.

“Skye don’t yell.”, I whispered.

“You don’t have to whisper on a phone nutty.”, he laughed and I heard it through the door. “Fine. Just get me out of here.”, I spoke to Skye on a more normal volume.

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