Chapter 17

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                             talk to you."

Enzo's arm snaked around my waist as he pulled me closer. His hand reached out to push my hair behind my ear. I shivered and it wasn't only from the cold. His touch was so gentle. I spoke so badly about him and he actually cared for me. Ugh! Only I'd be stupid enough to not see this. Don't beat yourself one could know. It's not like he paraded around with placards. For once my conscience was on my side. Weird. But I couldn't look at him. I trained my eyes firmly to the ground and pushed away from him gently. "En..."My breath was knocked out of me when he pulled me back to himself. His arm around my waist was firm as he tipped my chin up so he could look into my eyes.

I was looking into his eyes...

Our lips almost touching...

This was so wrong!

He had just broken up!

Sia! NO!!!!

That's more like my conscience...spoiling such a romantic and very hot moment with guilt. I looked away. No way could I do this, even though a small part of me wanted to. He sighed and buried his face into my hair. "I'm sorry." I whispered into the awkward silence that followed. "No I'm sorry." He pulled back to look at me, his brown eyes pleading with me to believe his apology. I didn't even know why he was apologizing.

"I don't know what made me go ahead with Ash. I think I chickened out. Argh!" He turned around and punched a tree. That frightened me a bit. I never pictured Enzo as someone to lash out or become violent. "I'm so effing stupid!" He yelled out. I hugged myself. I was alone with him in this part of the park. I was just hoping his little outburst didn't end up including me.

He put a hand on the tree he punched and looked down. He was breathing heavily. I wanted to run but... My mind was debating on staying and taking care of him and trying to calm him down. Seriously Sia? How dumb can you get? Just Run!!!! I took one step towards him. He straightened and was turning around when I heard Skye yell. More like scream. And he was screaming out for me.

What did that guy do now? He must've not paid the coffee guy and got arrested again. Ugh! Why do these things always happen to me? Because you are stupid enough to associate yourself with these guys? It was a rhetorical question dear conscience. "Leave him." Enzo was facing me again and he looked again at the interruption. "I can't do that man." I looked in the direction Skye's voice was coming from. "He is a grown ass man. He can take care of himself." He was yelling now. This wasn't good. I remembered why I had a problem with this guy. "Sia you have to listen to me." He started towards me again. I want indecisive anymore. I ran towards Skye's voice. "SIA!" I heard Enzo yell. I just hoped he didn't come after me.

I ran through the trees. I didn't notice we were deep inside the wooded part of the park. The creep took me there on purpose. I ran and looked behind to see if he was following me. No one in sight behind me and I was almost reaching the clearing. Almost. Before I could turn around I hit this... I thought it was a tree... but it turned out to be a wall of muscle. Skye caught me before I could stumble backwards. I had never been so grateful for this guy who had his inner-child on the outside. I felt his chest rumble and realized I was hugging the life out of him. He was still chuckling as I let go and looked away blushing. "Where were you babe? I searched the whole park for you."

 I was still breathing hard from running as I looked at him. He had this cute smirk and he looked genuinely concerned about me. I was going to tell him about Enzo. I truly was. But I got distracted but this pretty bouquet in his hand. "What's that...?" I pointed to the pretty pinks and whites in his hand. He looked sheepish. "Um... I wasn't searching for the coffee guy Si..."He coughed awkwardly and held the flowers out to me. "Are you serious Skye?" I laughed. It was a really sweet gesture. "Yeah babe. For all the trouble I caused you." I took the bouquet. This was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for me.

I was still looking at the flowers in my hand when I felt his hand on my cheek. "Plus I wanted to give you something comparable to how beautiful you are. But I couldn't find a diamond in the park so this would have to do." He pulled me closer to him. Gawd! He was so cheesy but all this was doing weird things to me. I had butterflies in the pit of my stomach and when Skye's lips descended on mine, I didn't push him away. I didn't remember my idea to hook him and Cameron up. I didn't even see Enzo reach us. I just kissed him back.

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