Chapter 15

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I turned the key in the door, I stood there waving to Rob as he drove away. I climbed the horrid stairs until I reached my bedroom I got in to my night time baggy top, i laid there staring at the ceiling my phone went off.

"Shall I pick you up tomorrow? I have a surprise for you xxx" it was Rob, I smiled he made me feel special like I was actually worth something rather then being felt like I was worthless that I was useless. "That sounds good. See you tomorrow xxxx" I replied, I then realised I put four kisses! Four kisses!!... "Sleep tight xxxx" my phone flashed it was ok he did four too! I could relax, I turned my light off and fell to sleep.

I dragged myself out of bed taking a glimpse of myself in the mirror as I walked into the bathroom, makeup smudged under my eyes, hair sticking up in all different directions...whoever settles down with in the future I feel sorry for.

Deanna and I still weren't talking, god I missed her maybe I should hear her out?.

I decided on wearing something more casual then usual, a pair of blue ripped jeans, a converse hoodie and of course my converse. I slapped on some foundation, mascara and lip-gloss and decided just to leave my hair naturally.

My phone buzzed "Outside beautiful" I smiled down at my phone it was Rob, I grabbed my belongings and headed for the door before Kat woke up it was only 7.30am I wasn't quite sure why he was here already. I walked out to his car where he was standing there in his dark blue jeans, white top that hugged his body so you could see his abs with his leather jacket slung over one shoulder, he smiled which made his look even better. He opened the door for me, I got in and we drove off but we wasn't heading towards college it looked like we were heading towards the motorway... Where the hell was we going?

I looked over at Rob frowning at him in confusion "Where are we going?" He looked back and forth at me and the road so we didn't crash how considerate of him "You'll see" I didn't want to wait and find out I wanted to know there and then. I hated waiting and I certainly hated surprises!


It then hit me we was heading to the light house, me and Deanna always went there when we were younger which depressed me as I missed her and I was going to speak to her today but I didn't want to tell Rob that because he was trying to do something sweet and if I told him that Deanna and I went here it would ruin it so I kept my mouth shut.

"The lighthouse" Rob said as we pulled up

"Wow!" Good job I could act and done drama in college

"follow me" he grabbed my hand leading me the way, his grip was tight but not to tight it wasn't till we stopped I realised who was standing in front of me...

"Deanna" my face lit up, I couldn't believe what was going on.

"Cami!" She hugged me.

Tears poured down our faces, I couldn't believe this "Rob said that you felt bad about what happened and he wanted to do something special so he rung me" Deanna looked over at Rob who was looking over at us smiling.

I looked over at Rob, this was so thoughtful of him, he knew how much my friendship meant to me and he done his best to get us here.

"I knew it would be easy to get you here Cami it took a while to persuade Deanna though" Rob was truthful and that's what I loved about him. But I looked over at Deanna confused.

"Why did it take persuading to get you here" my voice was shaky, worried what she would say next.

"you know I don't do early mornings...i struggle to get to school on time so this an extra hour earlier this is a once in a lifetime thing! So don't get used to it" she nudged me laughing, I started to laugh it was like nothing ever happened and that's how I wanted it to stay. I didn't want to know what happened between Deanna and Callum, she knows how I feel about the situation and that's that.

"What Callum did was wrong and when I see him..god help him" Rob spoke from the corner, I looked over at Deanna she mouthed the words 'im sorry' now Rob knew what Callum did to me. I wanted to forget it like it never happened the whole school knew about it and I just wanted Rob to think I'm a normal girl and not see me any differently but I couldn't blame Deanna for this she was only thinking of me.

We hopped in Rob's car and we were off to college at last, Emily was standing at the parking slot with a banner that read "ABOUT TIME" I take it Rob must of Facebooked her or that would be slightly awkward if we weren't friends.

I went running over to Emily giving her the most biggest hug ever "Your strangling me" Emily managed to say, I quickly let go we both laughed.

Deanna came over, we had Dance so I gave Rob a kiss on the cheek and we walked to the main hall, as we walked down the corridors everyone turned to stare, they starting muttering about us, Deanna glared at them and they stopped. We were like royalty everyone moved out of the way.

We were back together, the three musketeers, the means girls and we were stronger then ever. So everyone better watch out for us we ain't going to take shit from no one!

That's when i stopped i saw Callum standing in front of me, why was he here! I moved away from Surrey because of him, i got injunction against me. Why won't he leave me alone! Why was he in my college!

Everyone now knew what Callum did because of my mother, she never wants anything to do with me but when she found out what happened she became closer to us. Visited more often now she visited Twice a month instead of once and if she found out he was here she would flip and call the police but I couldn't go through it all again.

Deanna and Emily both looked at me, they could both see the panic in my face. He walked over to me and rubbed my arm "Cami baby, I missed you we should go out some time" he went to put his lips on mine, I was to scared to move. I closed my eyes nothing happened I opened my eyes to the sight of Emily punching him! I had never seen her like that before! She had never punched anyone before I could see the anger in her face build up, Callum pushed her against the wall I screamed at him the first time I felt I was in control.

"What was that baby! Are you shouting at me? You know what happens when you shout don't you" he walked towards me. Why wasn't anyone helping! Was they scared of him!

That's when Rob came running someone must of texted him.

"You go near her and that will be the end of you" he warned him

"who told him ayy!" He shouted to everyone who was standing around.

"You dirty bastard!" Rob punched him, I didn't know what to do, Deanna put her arm around me, I looked back over at Rob and Callum before everything went dark.


What has happened between Cami and Callum so bad that this has happened? Keep reading to find out.

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