Chapter 12

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I was furious, I had just been humiliated in front on the whole college, I got up holding my head held high and I walked out but In reality I just wanted to crawl in a hole so no-one could find me but I knew that was impossible, where would I find a hole big enough? Stuff digging a hole myself. Deanna and Emily came running out after me, I locked myself into the cubicle and sobbed my heart out, anyone who came in would think I was some low life, wouldn't blame them either.

"Girly it's fine were here for you" Emily tapped on the cubicle I was in. Emily knew what to say at the right time, when I'm feeling as if I have no one she will be there to make sure I know she's there for me, she was honestly the best friend I could ever ask for.

"He's a douche doll, you can do so much better then that toe rag!" Deanna chuckled trying to lighten the mood

I stayed silent "Cami, answer us please. Your scaring us!" Emily tapped on the door.

"I'm not going to put my head down the toilet if that's what your thinking or anything worse" I pulled another load of tissue out of the toilet holder. I need to start manning up I could let anyone see how this affected me.

I opened the toilet door, mascara all down my face, Emily grabbed the tissue out of my hand to wipe the mascara away. Deanna stood there going through a plan.

"Right so, you walk out like nothing happened, you walk back into the assembly, whoever stares you just stare them out show them you ain't bothered!" Deanna said proudly. It was the best plan she had but this will do for the time being, I entered the main hall hundreds of eyes stared over at me "Don't let it bother you Cami! Be a man!" I muttered I looked up and smiled at everyone who stared, Harry winked at me so I decided to play him at his own game and winked back, his face dropped. I liked this game.

I sat quietly at the back of the hall, now and then getting a few nasty looks from Tiffany, meet Tiffany the school SLUT! she has slept with practically every boy even the nerdy boys, although she's hasn't slept with Harry yet.

"Think Tiff's jealous she's hasn't been laid by Harry" Deanna whispered. Was she really jealous of me sleeping with Harry. Maybe she was, knowing that made me feel kind of smug and proud.

The bell rung, I rushed out of seat with Deanna and Emily following, I got more dirty looks as we lined up for our lunch "Look what cat dragged in" Tiffany thought she was smug but was that all had for me.

"That all you got, fucking bitch" I laughed walking to our table. Harry smirked and came over to me had to be kidding me.

"Hey baby, wanna come over later" he winked

"what so you can humiliate me even more?!" I chucked my glass of water over him and stormed off, he said something but I was too far to hear what, that was when I bumped into someone's chest "Hay! Watch where you bloody going will you!!" I shouted bumping into a muscular body I looked up."I'm so so sorry! I didn't see you coming" He responded, he was tall, brown dreamy eyes, short messy hair and had a sleeve tattoo.

"Don't need to say sorry it was my fault I was on rant I should of looked where I was going" I touched his arm feeling guilty for shouting. "Robert but call me Rob" he smiled down at me "Cami-Li, but everyone calls me Cami" I smiled back, everything that had just happened left my mind. I've only just met this dude but I could tell he was going to be bad news!

I walked away with this biggest grin on my face, it was like Harry never existed he was wiped out my brain for the time being until he tried to smooth talk with me and I would be stupid and fall for it. I walked into English literature strolling over to my seat when I noticed someone was in my seat, I stormed over "Hell no! Get out!" I yelled, he looked over up at me it was Rob. "wow...second time you've snapped at me and I haven't even been here a day this was going to be fun" he leaned back into his, I mean my seat, put his feet on the desk and smirked at me.

God he was a cocky shit but so attractive! So dreamy and "Got something you would like to share?" He smirked, is he some kind of mind reader?! I raised my eyebrow at him was he going to move or what! "!" I said slowly so he understand, he got up kissed my cheek "Anything for you sugar tits" he laughed moving to the empty seat one row in front diagonally from me.

We were studying Carol Ann Duffys poems, you could write so much about them, I tried answering every question possible, literature was one of my favourite lessons, I looked over at Rob where he was just staring at me, I felt my cheeks blush but I had no clue why, he was a cocky, arrogant arsehole that has only joined here for one day so far and he already thought he owned the place.

I picked up my books and placed them on Mrs Jackson's desk, I felt someone touch my arse I spun round to see a familiar chest in my face. "Touch it again and ill break your hand" I was good at being fierce to Rob but if it was anyone else I was shit!

"I like you!....your feisty" he slapped my arse then walking in a different direction, I stormed over to Deanna who was standing by the lockers observing me and Rob. "Who's that hottie?" Deanna nudged "You both seemed close" Emily winked, I never even noticed Emily. Woops.

There was something about Rob, something I found intriguing, something was telling me that I need to know more about this dude and I was going to find out what it is.


I got home and slouched on my bed, Kat was at work so she wouldn't be back till about 11 o'clock which suited me I could watch whatever I wanted without being moaned at, I rung Deanna but there was no answer I tried again she answered laughing.

"Am I interrupting something?" I asked her, trying to identify the voice in the background It sounded like Kieran but I wasn't sure.."Not really what's up chick?" Deanna said softly. "I have a free house wanna come round?" I was hoping she would say yes as I did get lonely on my own "I'll be there in 10 can Kieran come?" Deanna's voice was low and apprehensive "Of course, can you ask Emily please?" The more the merrier as I liked to say "Sure" the phone went dead after, I thought I better get out of my pyjamas and into something more presentable.

They were here, Deanna, Kieran, Emily and Josh, then there was me the odd one out, Deanna and Kieran are now official! Took longer than I expected, Kieran got up in front of the whole of the college to ask her out it was the cutest thing ever but It could of been awkward if she said no. They were the cutest couple going, he cherished her, he treated her like a princess and she was absolutely smitten with him then you have Emily and Josh, Emily never really spoke about their relationship, he adored her more then anything, she loved him to the moon and back. I think Josh is a nice guy but he has become slightly more horny lately as Emily told us! CRINGE!

Thoughts came back to Harry and I became an emotional wreck, i trusted him, i told him thing no one else knows and he does this to me. I should of known better, why would someone like Harry be interested in me? It was true he was an amazing guy, all the girls like him, he could any one of them if he wanted so why me?...well I now was all a game.

Everyone left and I walked into my bedroom, laying there looking up at the ceiling having flashbacks of earlier 's incident, would this ever stop haunting me? I wanted to move on, forget about Harry. I don't need a guy to make me happy and feel complete, from now on I will not speak to Harry Booth, I will concentrate on getting the grades I need to get into University. I know I can do this and I will!


Cami has finally decided to get rid of Harry for once and for all, no more of him messing her around but is a certain someone going to come into her life and distract her? Or will Harry keep pestering her?

Find out in the next chapter.

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