Chapter 14

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Rob and I walked out of college to his car, I wasn't quite sure what car was his but I walked slower then usual so he took the lead. We stopped at a silver Porsche boxster, it was beautiful it had Robs name all over it!

"She's a beauty right?!" Rob tapped the bonnet carefully

"She definitely is!" I have fallen in love with a car, I didn't even think that was possible until now, I hopped in and we were off to costa.

We slowed down as we entered the car park, he parked so carefully into the slot we got out and strolled into costa when I felt his hand slip into mine, I looked up at him, his dazzling eyes looking down into mine I couldn't help but smile. Even though we've only know each other just over a week it felt as if we've know each other for years.

"Go sit down" Rob said firmly knowing I would go against him if he said it politely, I sped over to the last table by the window, I sat there patiently gazing at the window when Rob put down a hot chocolate with whippy cream and marshmallows, I smiled " know me too well" you couldn't have a hot chocolate without cream and marshmallows!!

"Cami, can tell me to slow down but it feels like I've know you all my life, you were the missing piece to my jigsaw but now its complete and so am I. I haven't felt like this about anyone before I just want you to know I think your incredible and...." He looked up from his cappuccino pausing mid-sentence

"and..?" I edged him to continue, he thought I was incredible! I felt all mushy inside, my stomach was doing summersaults and I took another sip of my drink when he started continue.

"and...and I think your....beautiful" Rob took my hand, he stuttered as if he was standing in front of a million people. He just called me beautiful I was speechless, I just smiled as a response. We finished our drinks and headed off to the pier so we could watch the sun set together, we sat on the pier, looking out to sea while the sun was setting, it was the most beautiful thing I have seen it was like a painting. Rob put his hand round me as I shivered keeping me warm, it was late so we decided to head back to his car.

Hand in hand we walked to his car, he opened the passenger car door like a gentleman I smiled brightly at him and got in. As we pulled up outside my house, he looked over at me "Thank you for tonight Cami".

"It should be me thanking you. I had a lovely time" a warm smile plastered over his face. It was true I had the most amazing time, never thought id enjoy his company.

"wait there!" He rushed out of the car running around to open my door as if I was incapable of doing it myself, he lengthened his hand and help me out of the car, I close the door behind me, we walked to me door as we was standing outside my door flashbacks came back to me of what Harry did that night.

He leaned in to kiss me but I backed away, I couldn't, all I could think about was Harry and what he did, why did he have to come back in my head. Was this on purpose!

"I'm sorry Rob, its just..." I started to speak but he interrupted me

"No its ok, I'm going to fast I understand" he looked at me so apologetic, his eyes looking into mine.

"Its not that... something happened here...before you doesn't matter" a tear came down my cheek, Rob wiped it away, be brung me in closer and hugged me. "I'm always here Cami, day or night" he whispered in my ear kissing my cheek gently.



Haven't updated in a while been busy with 6th form, I do apologise but here's a short chapter for the time being will start updating more regularly again now.

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