Chapter 17

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couldn't believe what just happened I completely froze, my heart was pounding,it felt like my heart had just been ripped out and stomped on. Rob blurted it out in front of his mum and now she thinks I'm a low life slut, that it was my fault. Maybe it was my fault...No Cami remember what the councillor said 'none of that was my fault'.

I ran out of the room which was pretty hard when your in a hospital gown and your holding on to a drip next to you, I still didn't get why I was still here, I wanted to leave before everyone in the hospital found out what happened.

I started to feel the same as I did three years ago when Callum...raped me. It was hard, especially seeing his face again, I was petrified now, I didn't like going out of the house and now he tracked where I lived what if he waits until I'm home alone and comes to get me?! This wasn't good how I could I go through this again, I can't, I literally cannot do this again.

I walked over to the desk to see a young lady sitting there smiling up at me.

"I want to discharge myself" I had my head held high

"we cant allow that I'm afraid until the doctor has spoken to you" the young brunette girl said

"I don't care, you cant keep me here its against my rights! You either let me discharge myself or ill walk out! I'm warning you" I realised after I said it that she might take that as a threat but I had my fingers cross she didn't.

"I'll go and see the Doctor Miss Smith" with that she got out of her seat and went to find the doctor..she returned about 10 minutes later with a tall dark handsome doctor but just a tad bit too old which was disappointing.

"I hear you want to discharge yourself Miss...." He said

"Smith..Miss Smith" I held my head high "its against my rights staying here I need to go...I mean I want to go" I tried to sound convincing but I wasn't sure if it was working, he flicked through the documents and stared up at me.

"Ok...your free to go" he closed the booklet and walked off

That was easier then I thought, I got back in to my own clothes and headed off but I went to see if Rob was awake, I peered through the window he was laying there asleep all peaceful and calm. His mum was asleep beside him I crept in putting a note on the side of his bed, gave him a kiss on his forehead when he grabbed my hand.

"Where do you think your going" he half smiled, I looked down at all the cuts and bruises on his face my eyes started to fill up. "I'm sorry for earlier I was wrong I shouldn't of snapped at you and said about Callum infront of my mum"

"Rob its not that I was petty for running out.."

"Running? More like staggering" he winked

I gave a chuckle out and continued "I didn't want your mum seeing me as a low life slut and that. I wanted it to be different I didn't want you to know I wanted you to see me for who I am and not feel sorry for me or be sceptical around me" I held his hand sitting on the bed beside you trying to hide the note, I wanted him to read the letter when I left so it be easier that way.

"Don't be silly, this will never change what I think about you ok? You are Cami-Li Smith, the school hottie and the one that I'm mad about"

Rob was making this harder and harder, I wasn't the school hottie Tiffany was and now she knew what happened with Callum she was going to make my life hell, make sure I pay for what happened. I couldn't go through with this anymore I need to go, I loosened my grip and let go of his hand, tear flowed down my face and I walked out.

I stood by the blind when I saw him pick up the note:


I'm sorry, I need to go away for a while knowing that everyone knows what happened is setting me back. Don't think I'm leaving because of you that would never happen. I will call you sometime to let you know I'm fine. Stay out of trouble ;) Don't flirt with all the girls either ;)

I will miss you. Chloe X

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