Chapter 10

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It clicked it must of been Julie, our neighbour, she was peering out of her blind when Kat was dragging me Indoors. " this when you dragged me in from the door step?" I tried not to laugh but it was so hard not to, Kat started laughing when the policeman walked over "Care to share the joke?" He said sarcastically, "I think you made a mistake I dragged Cami-Li from the doorstep earlier because she was upset and collapsed..." He face turned red holding In the laughter, the officer turned round and walked off to the others, he was whispering when he came back over "I think there was a mistake, I'm terrible sorry for the inconvenience, have a lovely day" he walked out the door and drove off, Kat and I walked back into the front room, I snuggled under the covers and fell asleep.

It was 7.58pm when I woke up to find Emily and Deanna looking over at me "Jesus Christ!" I shouted, "Why aren't you ready girl?" Emily looked at me her eyes wandered up and down on me she didn't look impress, "I'm not feeling well sorry" i lied, what if i saw Harry! I couldn't be dealing with that.

"Tell them the truth Cami.." Kat said walking in, 'im busted now! Thanks Kat' I thought to myself, they sat down one either side of me I just flopped back down, my head was on Emily's lap and my legs rested on Deanna I told them everything that happened even the police situation, they nearly wet themselves! "Baby, this is what you need! A night where you can let your hair down, have some fun, no boys just us three!" Deanna insisted I went, was she trying to be funny, 'let my hair down' I just recently had my hair cut short it was like a bob style I was inspired by Julianne Hough, I didn't respond it was ticking over my head it was either that or be home alone?

Party or home alone? Party or home alone?..... Party. I smiled and jumped up it was exactly 8.15pm, I heard the girls screech, they ran upstairs after me i was looking through my wardrobe and I got out a short skinny dress, the arms were slightly weird as they were on the arms instead of shoulders, I got my black belt out, black heels and clutch. Outfit sorted. I couldn't do much with my hair so I straightened it and backcombed it a little. Emily played some tunes getting the party started and Deanna came in with so pre drinks. After the day I've had I was going to get absolutely pissed! People may think I'm over reacting but what boy calls another girl 'baby' when there supposed to be on a date?!..

I applied my makeup, added my hoop earring, my chunky necklace and bangles then slipped into my dress. "OH MY GOD!!" Deanna gasped "You look gorgeous!!!" Emily smiled. "Thanks dolls" I laughed, Im not very good at compliments so I tend to disagree, tell them to shut up or just pretend I agree and say thanks.

We all walked down where I saw Kat holding her phone, "Lets get a pic of you girls then" we all stood together pouting like we do, swear we already took over a hundred photos upstairs but like Deanna says "There's no such thing of having to many selfies!"


We all jumped In the car, Kat was coming too so I knew if I saw Harry or he was bothering me she would be there in a flash. We arrived for the first time I was excited and I just wanted to get in and have some more drinks, I waiting for the others to get out and join me, we walked in some nerdy boy whistled at my sister "You have no chance darling..even when I'm pissed" Kat told him, he must of been about 15? Why was he even here? We carried on till we got to the drinks table, the girls were picking up cups but I decided to just take the bottle of vodka with me.

"Take it easy" Deanna laughed "YOLO IT!" I laughed taking another swig. My jam came on "Don't believe me just wash!" I shouted, "Umm...hate to disappoint but its watch not wash!" I heard a familiar voice from behind me and the same adorable laugh that Harry had I spun round it was him "What evs!" I looked at him with the vodka in one hand trying to make a W shape with one hand, (I wouldn't try it, it's impossible!). I was truly smashed but I was having such a good time "Give me that, you've had enough" Harry tried getting the drink off me. "oh hell no! This is my drink!" I tackled him to get the bottle of drink back, everyone looked round to find Harry laying on the floor belly first with me laying over him trying to get the drink back.

"Cami, get up" I didn't pay any attention, someone grabbed me by the waist it was Callum! "Get off me you fucking prig!" I slurred I felt the room spin "A prig?" He laughed "do you mean prick or pig?" He continued to mock me. Who was he to judge! "BOTH!" I shouted, Kat came running through "Get your hands off my fucking sister or ill have ya" he released me from his arms I staggered over to Deanna and Emily.


"Erggg" I moaned at the bright light shining through the gap in the curtains, I felt so rough, I couldn't remember anything from last night I crawled out of bed and bumped down the stairs, this made my head feel worse, I crawled into the front room and slouched on the sofa. I have never had a hangover like this before, "Your up then?" Kat laughed bringing in two cups of teas and of course some Tablets to help try shifting this hangover.

I felt an urge of panic through my body, "Where's my phone?" I looked over at Kat. "it's on the table beside you, Harry dropped it off this morning" Kat looking over at the table where my phone flashed. I looked at it I had 24 facebook's, 9 texts and 14 missed calls..I clicked onto my texts where I saw a text from Deanna "thought you might wanna see this?" it was a picture of me tackling Harry!!

I went onto my facebook and it was the first thing on my newsfeed!! How embarrassing! I ignored all the other notifications, I went to see who the other texts were from I had 5 texts from Emily telling me to ring or text her to let her know I was alive!

I had a hot bubble bath, put on a facemask when the door bell rang, Kat jumped in the bath I had nothing on except a bath robe around me and one wrapped around my head, completely forgetting I had a face mask on I opened the door it was Harry, he looked shocked I wasn't quite sure his eyes then lingered up and down my body, what an arsehole! "Yes? Can I help you?" I raised my eyebrow this was when I remembered I had a facemask on. "Crap! I'm so sorry forgot I had this on" why was I apologising if anyone needs to apologise or explain it was him! I invited him in and I went into the downstairs toilet to rinse the facemask off.

He was sitting on the sofa I stood by the doorway still in my bathrobe, "Do you mind if you go and put some clothes on, it's really distracting..." His voice slowly went quieter and quieter "The things I would do to you!" He muttered, I chose to ignore him. I went upstairs and brushed my hair and put some shorts and a baggy top on. I joined him back downstairs he was looking at a baby picture of me...well this was embarrassing!

"Soo..why you hear?" I entered the room with two cups of teas, "Thank you Cami-Li" he took the cup off me, I had a weird sensation through my body, it was a tingling feeling, I never had this around anyone else before it was only Harry. His phone beeped he peered down and placed it back in his pocket. He moved to sit next to me, there it was again the weird sensation in my stomach leading to my vagina. What was happening?!

"Cami, I'm going for a run and gonna grab some bread wont be long" Kat shouted slamming the door. We were alone in and empty house, I was so nervous! He never brought anything up from yesterday and who that girl was..Maybe it would be better to forget about it?

Kat had been gone for nearly 2 hours, I tried ringing her but her phone was switched off again, Harry was still here keeping me company, it went silent it was an awkward silence "your so beautiful Cami-Li" he broke the silence, he brushed the hair out of my face, there goes the sensation again, he whispered in my ear "The things I would do to you" i looked into his eyes he leaned in, his soft lips on mine. "You going to show me to your room?" His voice was husky and sexy! It was a voice that just turned you on, I nodded not knowing what to say I was speechless.

I lead him up the stairs, his hand holding mine I opened my door, "It's lovely" he smiled he walked over to my bed and sat down "Here" he patted the bed, I shut the door and sat down. He started kissing me, he slowly lowered me down onto the bed so i was laying down "I'm not sure about this Harry" I whispered, I found my voice at last "why?" He continued to kiss my neck "Well..." I didn't have the courage to tell him but I didn't need to he said it for me "you a Virgin?" He looked at me, this was embarrassing, I'm 17 years old and I'm a virgin, to me and my friends it was fine but to boys like Harry was a big deal, "It's fine ill be gentle, I promise" he continued.. I nodded.

He unbuttoned my shorts and slid them down and took my top off, 'Thank fuck I put my sexy matching underwear on today' I thought, he slowly kissed down my neck and down my body...

This was it I was going to loose my virginity to Harry Booth..

It wasn't as it seemed....(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now