James Potter x Reader [1] - Remus's sister

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You were a Hufflepuff and Remus's younger sister. He was in his second year when you entered your first. You looked older than your age, though, and already then some older boys turned eyes at you when you walked across the platform on your way to the Hogwarts Express. Remus didn't appreciate that, especially because you were still a baby to his eyes. He already found himself too young to get interested in girls and relationships, so he couldn't even imagine that a boy could get close to you...

You met Lily Evans, Marlene McKinnon and Dorcas Meadowes in the station and decided to make your way with them, instead of staying with Remus. You wanted to hang with girls for once... So you got in a compartment with your new friends, while Remus got in one with his, not far from yours.

You barely had time to sit before the train huffed and moved ahead. A few minutes later, you heard squeaks in the hallway. Marlene pulled out a few sickles out her pocket, a smirk on her face.

"Time for sweets..."

Your heart raced and your stomach gurgled at the hearing of the word 'sweets'. Lucky for you, you had a few coins in your pocket too. You got up and followed your new friends out the compartment.

Meanwhile, the trolley had stopped just next to the Marauders' compartment. Sirius and Remus bought a few sherbet lemons and a chocolate frog, Peter got an acid pop and a box of Bertie Bott's every flavoured beans, while James got some pepper imps and a hot chocolate. He already had his list of pranks on his knees.

"So what shall we do to the first years, this time?" Sirius asked next to James.

Although it was usual to them to prank the first years in every beginning of the year, Remus wasn't that enthousiastic this time. Not surprising, as you were one of them... Then, footsteps got heard on the hallway. Lily, Dorcas and Marlene walked to the woman carrying the trolley, and bought respectively a chocolate bar, a licorice wand and a bag of marshmallows. Then, finally, you showed up.

"Hello. I'll take - umm... an acid pop and some pumpkin pastiles, please" you told the woman.

Remus knew those were your favorite. He raised head and smiled at you. You smiled back, then turned head to their friends to greet them politely.


"Hey" Sirius and Peter said back.

James, who had been too busy planning his future pranks, finally got distracted and took eyes off his list. He drank a few of his hot chocolate, turning eyes at you. Your cute but mature looks entranced him, causing him to choke with his hot chocolate.

"Eew! James!" Peter cried.

"Bloody hell, Prongs!" Sirius said, between disgust and euphoria.

You saw the whole scene. So did Lily, Dorcas and Marlene. You all went back to your compartment, giggling.

"Looks like you caught his eye!" Dorcas claimed.

Meanwhile, James had finally got over his choking and was finally able to breathe again. He inhaled deeply, putting his cup on the table.

"Who was that?" He asked.

"My sister" Remus answered.

"Wait - you have a sister?" Peter asked, suprised. "You never mentionned her..."

"Too bad. She's pretty" Sirius said, poping a sherbet lemon in his mouth.

"That's actually why I never mentionned her..."

Remus grined. But he got even more annoyed when he turned eyes to James. He was now sitting with an elbow on the table, his hand against his cheek and looking at the edge of the compartment, like you were still there. Never before he had seen such a pretty girl.

"She's my sister" Remus repeated more distinctly. But James was too dreamy to hear it.

Remus then turned eyes to a rolled newspaper next to James's elbow. Peter's eyes met his and he immediately understood. Peter grabbed the newspaper and slapped James's head with it. James instantly jumped, causing his list to slip of his knees.

"Back to Earth, Loverboy!" Peter yelled.

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