3: Released from the Worry

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The three in the room were talking about what had happened during the fight. It was mainly Katsuki doing all of the talk since everyone in the room knew Izuku would get side tracked. However, Izuku had to step in towards the end.

"...Well after we got stuck if those two skeleton-like creatures, I don't... remember what happened. After that, all I remember was waking up panicked, not knowing where I was." Katsuki finished with a sigh. All might nodded his head while taking in all of the information. He looked towards Izuku's direction for further explaining, with Katsuki doing the same. Both were eager to hear the rest of the story, but for two completely different reasons. Izuku closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"When me and kacchan were stuck, I couldn't figure out a way out. I was stuck. My head was going all over the place while my body was being crushed, but when I saw kacchan... I- I felt at ease. My mind cleared, making one thought come into mind..." He looked directly at katsuki when speaking now. "I decided to share my power with him. I combined our power into one. It was the only way we could have saved everyone otherwise the villain would have defeated us." He sighed while looking down at his scarred hand. "After he was defeated... I felt terrible. You chose me saying that I had the power to protect anyone, but I let you down by giving to someone else. I don't regret what I did but that doesnt cover up the fact that I let my mentor down..." he turned to katsuki again with a saddened expression "...that I let kacchan down.."

Izuku had tears running down his face, he looked away towards the floor where he was sitting. He knew he already had a similar conversation with All Might when he was about to pass out from exhaustion but he felt the need to tell Katsuki everything.

"I- I Don't want it"

All might and Izuku turned his direction confusedly.

"Please. I- i don't want it. How can I give it back?"

Izuku had a look of sympathy and was thankful of how concerned he sounded, even though it was a bit strange to hear from Katsuki, making him frown again with the same thought that had occurred to him twice that same day already. He turned towards the direction of All Might, or in this case Toshinori, to see that he was chuckling.

"Young Bakugou. Midorya here hasn't lost his power"

This statement made both males confused and flabbergasted.

"What do you mean?" Izuku asked, scooting away with his body and placing his hand behind him for support.

"Midoriya, your power never left. Allow me to explain... I thought the reason was because he had lost consciousness before the transfer finished but it wasnt that. It was much more than that. You both risked your lives to protect the ones you care dearly about and to make sure to win so you can make that a reality. One For All stayed with you because the previous users knew that you were willing to sacrifice your dream to save others." He got up from off the chair and crouched down in front of Izuku who had tears running down his face at full speed.

"One For All never left. It is still a part of you and soon it will be your power and your power only"

Izuku hugged the bright blonde tightly, making him stumble a bit, but the bug hugged back nonetheless.

"Thank you... thank all of you for this. I'll strengthen both myself and this power. And I'll make sure of that" he whispered. They disconnected from each other and both stood up with Katsuki following after.

"I must leave now. All of you still have plenty of recovery and work to do before you come back to UA. There will be some heroes that will stay here such as Aizawa and Hawks, but they are here just for patrol. They will not be helping you unless it is an emergency" All Might said while making his way to the door. Katsuki scoffed.

"Yea like any villains will be messing with us anytime soon."

This made Izuku and the adult laugh. They said their goodbyes leaving Katsuki and Izuku alone in the room. Katsuki took notice of his arms again.

"I guess I know why they look purple. If I knew this is how much this shit hurt, I would have gone easier on you deku" Katsuki said, inspecting his arms. The grenette chuckled a bit.

"Well I also do that to myself, besides, we can't afford to be easy on each other. We are here to make the both of us stronger" he said while smiling.

Katsuki smirked, making Izuku a bit nervous. If he knew better, Katsuki had a devilish plan and he was sure it involved him in some way.

"Then how about we test that out? Like they said... it's been five days since i've beaten your ass"

Izuku chuckled nervously.

"H-ha ha kacchan. W-we can't strain our bodies t-too much now can we? We both need time to heal and gather our strength...until then" Izuku smiled widely "I will gladly accept your challenge"

Katsuki chuckled a bit, making Izuku smile. Both made their way out to see the rest of their class talking to Aizawa while they stayed behind to watch them.

"Allright kids. You all need to go back out there today and do some heavy duty work. This time Iida will tell you your stations." he turned towards the blue haired male making him step up to the front. A few students listened in attentionally while others just listened to their part before leaving.

"Alright. Today we will be working on the lower part of town so Uraraka and Asui will be in charge of moving large pieces of debris into separate piles while Ashido and Aoyama will disintegrate them. Next, Kaminari will be in charge of anything electrical like phone lines and Sero will go along with you to make sure everything is placed correctly. Kirishima, yayorouzu, and Ojiro will help with fixing any holes in the streets, homes, or shops. Tokoyami, Shoji, and Todoroki will go along the beachline since the people here are still living their everyday lives, and make sure no one drowns or gets hurt. In the process you can get rid of any massive rocks. Me and Jiro will make sure there are no injured people or lost kids. The rest can do what they did previously before the attack ever took place." Everyone started filling out of the room, including Izuku and Katsuki, but the two were stopped by Aizawa who was sitting at the table drinking some coffee.

"I have an important job for the two of you."

Izuku and Katsuki turned around, knowing that the teacher was speaking to them, and waited for his instructions.

"You two will be in charge of Katsuma and Mahoro"

"WHAT?" Katsuki shouted, making Izuku hit his shoulder before focusing his attention back on the teacher.

"As much as I would love to take care of them, don't they need to go back to their father?" Izuku asked, perplexed at the statement.

"Unfortunately, their father is still in the hospital and their mother is deceased. I can't take care of them because I have patrol and twenty children already drains my energy on a daily basis so adding two more will not be any better especially since they are so young. Besides, you two need to recover and I need a babysitter." he said getting up from his chair. He was about to leave but Izuku interrupted him, making him halt his movements.

"Well we can't let them stay here. There aren't any extra rooms and everyone is sharing each room that they have available here."

The teacher sighed. "I was given permission from the father for you four to take care of them at their house as long as you don't make a mess and keep it clean, that is." with that he left the two alone with nothing to do.

"Well since Mr. Aizawa doesn't want us to do anything and the kids are nowhere in sight, wanna go train?" Katsuki asked, making his way out the door. He was going to go train anyway but there was no harm in asking if the greenette wanted to do the same.

Izuku beamed at the request. "As long as we don't go too far i'm fine with that" 

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