15: Two Turns to Four

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The two teens were now slowly making their way back up the small 'cliff' away from the beach, to reach their destination back at the house where both children were seemingly sleeping. It was quiet for a few minutes before Katsuki eyed Izuku, who was trying to avoid stepping on any large rocks.

"Dont pull a stunt like you did today." Katsuki spoke slowly.

Izuku looked ahead of him and smiled nervously.

"D-don't worry kacchan. It won't happen again"

Katsuki glanced over again before humming. Shortly after, they both made it inside the house, with Izuku taking a short shower and Katsuki dusting off any sand before changing into a different set of night clothes, before both males made their way to the bed. Katsuki, however, noticed that Izuku was grabbing one of his pillows and hugging it closely to his body. He huffed before scooting closer towards Izuku's side, wrapping an arm around his body while pressing his front against Izuku's back. Izuku jumped a bit, looking behind him. He blushed seeing how close they were.

I'm not used to this....

Still in the same position, Katsuki took this opportunity to peck his lips before putting his head between the others shoulder, enjoying the fresh smell of soap. Izuku turned back around, blushing a deeper red.

Yup... definitely not used to this...

"Good night deku" Katsuki hummed, his voice muffled from his lips being pressed against the others neck, then giving a quick kiss on the hot skin. Izuku shivered.

"G-good night Kacchan..." he stuttered, whispering. Slowly, but surely, Izuku's embarrassment died down and fell asleep while hugging his pillow closely to his chest.







Giggles were heard making Katsuki groan and hold whatever heat source he was feeling tighter.

"Shut up..." he grumbled.

More giggles were herd making him huff.

God I hate kids

He slowly peaked his head from the covers and looked towards the door and saw Mahoro smirking and Katsuma giggling.

"What do you want?" he deadpanned with his eyes squinted from how tired he felt. Both pointed at the bed making him follow their fingers unting he was met with a green tuft of hair. Izuku was still in the same position as last how he fell asleep with Katsuki holding Izuku's torso and belly with both his arms. The only difference is that katsuki was covered with the blankets while Izuku was not. He was hugging the pillow close to himself to keep warm. Katsuki smiled before he remembered the kids standing in the same room as him, making him snap his head up and shoo them away. The two giggled some more before shutting the door, loudly, causing Izuku to stir in his sleep.

"...morning..." he rasped while stretching his limbs. He then faced the ceiling and stretched his back, cracking it in the possess. Katsuki simply watched and once Izuku settled once more back on the bed, he pulled Izuku on top of him, earning a squeak of surprise, and leaned over, capturing Izuku's lips in a sweet passionate kiss. Izuku complied immediately and hugged katsukis head, leaning down so the blonde could be more comfortable. Izuku giggled, causing them to pull away. Katsuki groaned in annoyance while Izuku hugged the male under him. Katsuki took this opportunity and started giving gentle kisses on izuku's neck, making sure not to mark him to cause suspicion, causing Izuku to push away before it could go any further. Katsuki smiled at Izuku's red face and placed his hands under Izukus shirt, rubbing small circles on his hips that were straddling him.

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