11: Up the Trail

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(this is what Katsuki is wearing when changing btw. Izuku is wearing something similar) 

"What time will you want us to come by to pick them up?" Izuku asked the lady in front of him. She smiled sweetly.

"Maybe after dinner. My sons and daughter have been so worried about Katsuma and Mahoro ever since the incident so i'd like for them to spend as much time together" she spoke softly. Izuku nodded before scribbling down on a piece of paper and handing it to the woman.

"Well here's my number if there are any problems. You can also contact me whenever you need me to pick up the kids" he said sweetly. The lady nodded before waving goodbye to Izuku and Katsuki, who was waiting on the sidewalk observing their interaction from afar. Izuku made his way back towards Katsuki, walking their way back to their temporary home. Katsuki looked around before spotting the large mountain where the sun was still peaking through since it was so early in the morning.

"Hey nerd, ever went mountain climbing?" he asked as he looked at the boy beside him. Izuku looked up.

"No, not really. Have you?" he asked, pointing his finger towards Katsuki.

"I haven't done it in a long time especially after we moved into the dorms. Me and my old man would go together during the holidays" Katsuki shrugged. Izuku smiled widely.

"I'd love to go mountain climbing! And I won't have to worry about doing it wrong since I have you to help me!" The greenhead said as he smiled while walking, adding a little skip. Katsuki had a smile of his own on his lips. He's only ever done mountain climbing with his dad so taking someone else was refreshing, even though it was more like taking a hike since the mountain was not only high, but wide too.

"Anything we need in particular?" Izuku asked after a while.

"No just some food, water, bandages, and maybe some warm clothes along with other things but we can get that back at the house. The mountain on this island isn't too steep to need anything like rope or hooks but it is high so we'll definitely need something warm so we won't be cold," Katsuki answered. Izuku nodded and made a mental note. As the two got home Izuku took charge of making some food like sandwiches and brought some snacks like peanuts, chips, and some granola bars. He also made sure to bring four to five water bottles. Katsuki was packing the essentials along with extra socks and sweaters. The one thing he dislikes about mountain climbing is the coldness that comes with it when climbing all the way to the top, preventing him from using his quirk. As he was about to pack Izukus bag, there was a shout from the kitchen.

"Katsuma and Mahoro want to spend the night at Mr. and Mrs. Nakamura's home! The parents said they were ok with it and were also able to take them to school although we would pick them up! How does that sound?"

Katsuki thought for a moment before agreeing with the parents. He was ok with the kids leaving the two for a day and a half, he was able to relax without worrying about what they were doing or needing to cook extra food with it going to waste when they didn't finish it. After a few minutes, Izuku came into the bedroom with a smile on his face, holding a large container full of food and snacks.

"What do you say about spending the night out in the open?" Katsuki asked after a bit.

"Are you sure? Where would we sleep? How about running out of water or food? What if we lose the way? What-" a finger was placed on Izuku's lips to make him stop talking.

"Calm the fuck down! It's only a night and we can just go see if there's a tent around here somewhere besides we can just pack extra food and water" Katsuki said as Izuku nodded.

"I'll go look for any camping gear then!" Izuku chirped, making Katsuki roll his eyes, smiling.

By the time it was 9:30, both males had everything they needed. Izuku was responsible for carrying the food and water along with the tent while katsuki carried his and Izuku's shared bag of clothes along with a large blanket for the night.

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