9: Different Awakening

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The rest of their week has been great. The two kids went to school no problem and the two teens took care of both of them when at home. Once the two kids were at school. Izuku and Katsuki would clean up the house, cook some lunch and then train for an hour or so before going to pick up the kids at the bus stop. Sometimes they would meet halfway since Izuku and Katsuki did get side tracked with their timing. The two were currently watching a movie with the kids, Izuku and Katsuki being on one side of the couch while Mahoro and Katsuma on the other, and since it was the Friday, they were allowed to stay up a bit later than usual considering it wasn't a school day. Izukus phone pinged signaling he had just received a message. He reached down his pocket and looked to see who interrupted his movie time.

"Who is it?" Katsuki asked, leaning over to get a better look.

"It's the group chat. Hagakure and the rest of the girls asked if we wanted to go to the beach tomorrow"

The other two kids shot up from their seats startling both teens.

"Can we come too!" they said in union. It was weird for both older males to understand how these two were able to read each other's thoughts but answered anyway.

"Of course! I'll let them know that you'll be coming too. Are you coming kacchan?" Izuku asked while turning his head towards the blonde who was still peering over his shoulder to look at the constant messages the chat kept sending. He looked up and back away almost immediately after noticing how close they were.

"Sure. got nothing better to do anyway" he muttered paying attention to the screen, avoiding Izuku's gaze. The kids scheered and went back into their spots. Izuku sent a quick message back to the chat.

Izuku: Me and kacchan are coming. The kids are tagging along. I hope you don't mind....

Mina: no problem!

Uraraka: don't worry deku! The kids are always welcome!

Denki: how did you get bakugou to come along?

Kirishima: yeah man. It took me forever to get him to the swimming pool for training a couple months back

Jiro: jealous that your bro was better persuaded by his rival rather than you kiri?

Kirishima: no! It's just surprising is all. I'm happy the two are getting closer.

Izuku: Thanks kirishima and don't worry I think kacchan is closer to you than you think. Anyway thanks for the invitation! Please text me if we need to bring anything extra for tomorrow. Bye bye

Izuku shut off his phone and looked over towards the two kids and Katsuki. They were all very tired. He smiled and turned off the TV.

"Thank god..." Katsuki muttered while getting up and stretching. Izuku rolled his eyes while grabbing the two sleepy kids.

"You could have gone to bed kacchan" he retorted, making his way towards the bedrooms with katsuki following behind.

Izuku put Mahoro to bed with Katsuma following behind. He tucked them both in, saying 'goodnight' before making his way into the bathroom to brush his teeth. Katsuki was also in the bathroom doing the same but slower since it was pretty late.

"Why didn't you just go to bed?" Izuku asked, brushing his teeth. Katsuki shrugged his shoulders before spitting and washing his mouth. Izuku finished and went into the bedroom where Katsuki was happily humming in satisfaction as he crashed onto the bed, face first. Izuku laughed while making his way towards his side and grabbing a hold of katsukis arms and pulling. Katsuki groaned, with his lower half still off the bed.

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