19: Back to How it Was

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"Glad you two could make it." A tired voice sounded.

Izuku and Katsuki nodded their head, greeting him while making their way inside the building. The first thing you could hear was loud voices booming throughout the building from the floor above making Katsuki groan and Izuku smile.

Aizawa closed the door while the two boys set their things down on the kitchen table with Katsuki grabbing the plastic bag to get their dirty clothes in the laundry. The teacher then turned to Izuku who was already looking at him.

"We leave tomorrow morning so you and bakugou gather anything that you have left here and pack it. If you need an extra bag, you have the responsibility to go buy one on your own. I don't care what time you guys go to bed as long as all of you are up by 7:00 and out the door by 9:00. The ship will be leaving around 10:30 but that is no excuse to wake up any later."

Izuku nodded his head and before the teacher could leave, he asked a couple questions.

"Anything specific we need to wear for tomorrow?"

The teacher thought about it "no as long as it's not too revealing. We will be getting to UA late so after we arrive, everyone will go straight to the dorms."

The teacher left the room, leaving Izuku by himself. He grabbed his own bag and sent a text to Katsuki about what was said to him and that he was going to go pack.

Kacchan: When you're done, come to mine and Kirishima's room so we can go get an extra bag. Mine wont hold much longer...

Deku: Ok! Bye bye

Katsuki smiled at the text before going to the kitchen to retrieve his bag and make his way towards his shared room. Once he arrived, he opened his door and was infuriated with the mess that was in there.

"OI! Why the fuck are all your clothes sprawled out everywhere?!" he shouted while shutting his door. Kirishima looked over and smiled brightly.

"Hey man! I didn't know you were coming back today!" He answered, ignoring Katsukis yelling. The blonde made his way to his side of the room and set his bag down on his bed and opened the zipper. The clothes inside immediately popped out with a bounce. Katsuki grumbled before pulling some of them out. Once he had all of his clothes neatly placed on his bed, he noticed a small bag. He picked it up and opened it to see the contents inside. He smiled and then went in his pocket and grabbed another little gadget he had bought at the mall, and placed it inside.

He smiled but quickly placed the small bag back in the bag before his friend could question him. After a few minutes of putting clothes into his bag, a knock sounded making both males look over.

"I-its Izuku..." Kirishima smiled and went to the door opening it wide.

"Hey man! Bakugou is still packing" he greeted before whispering, knowing why he was there.

"O-oh ok. Well I was going to ask if he wanted to go buy another bag. You can come along too!" Izuku stated. Kirishima nodded his head. Katsuki made his way to the door and smiled at Izuku who gave one back. All three went downstairs and out the door to get another bag and quickly made their way back to the shared building. After they had separated, they all finished packing and went back downstairs. It was pretty late now, almost 6:30, and everyone was already there chatting. Kirishima joined his group while Izuku and Katsuki decided to make some dinner.

"How about we combine all of these leftovers and just cook something big enough so the teachers can eat as well?" Izuku asked while looking at the variety of vegetables and random containers of white rice. Katsuki nodded his head.

"Yea because these shitheads were probably eating this everyday. Let's show em' how it's really done!" He smirked. Both males got to work by cooking miso soup, Umeboshi, and natto with the sides of salad bowls, Konnyaku, and seaweed. After two hours of cooking, both males set the large table and placed the many pans, pots, and bowls down the center so everyone can have their fare share of preferred food with a couple of jugs of water, green tea, and a variety of juices.

(here's a visual of what is on the table and just imagine them in way bigger portions)

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(here's a visual of what is on the table and just imagine them in way bigger portions)

"COME FUCKING EAT!" Katsuki yelled from the kitchen. A few minutes later the whole class gushed and melted at the smell of the delicious food.

"It smells sooo good~" Uraraka started making the rest of the girls nod their head furiously, sitting at their spots.

"We've missed your guys's cooking. No one can compare between you two" Denki exclaimed.

"I mean we cook and all but you guys can make a meal!" Sero spoke, taking a seat with the rest of the guys. Everyone made comments while the two cooks sat down in their seat. You could hear occasional moans from people everytime they took a bite from their plate. This fueled the blonds' pride along with Izuku's confidence in cooking. The night went very well for everyone. Stories were shared, laughter was heard, teases were spoken, and hums were emitted from the sweet taste of food. Katsuki snuck occasional glances towards Izuku but always gave full attention to him when he spoke about their time with Izuku doing the same. It brought a smile to both their faces when catching the other's stares.

After the class finished eating, everyone did their own dishes and cleaned the pots and pans while izuku and Bakugou were excused by the class since they were the ones who cooked all of their food. Both nodded but went in the fridge to get the several containers of extra food and made their way to where the two adults were, which was a couple of buildings away. After knocking, Aizawa was the first to let them in with an annoyed sigh. Once the two boys made their way inside the nice place and set the food down, Aizawa smiled slightly upon noticing why they came here.

"Where's pro hero Hawks?" Izuku asked, looking around, hoping to catch him somewhere. He can't help but let out that inner fanboy out now that he has the chance. Aizawa gestured towards the couch where there were feathers everywhere.

The pro hero heard his name and took a peak at who it was. Once he saw that it was two students he smiled and made his way to the two, collecting all of his feathers and putting them in a corner somewhere. The place was too small for his wings to fit without knocking something down.

"Hey kids. Whatcha doing here?" he questioned.

Izuku smiled brightly making Katsuki roll his eyes.

"We were here to give you guys some of the food me and kacchan made for the class!" he said excitedly. The feathered man smiled.

"Good! I've been dying to eat something else other than take out! Is it good?" he asked as he opened one of the containers. Aizawa nodded his head.

"These two make quite the food so don't worry about it being poisoned."

The two teens said their farewell after seeing the blonde hero dig in his food. Aizawa made sure they got out safely and bid him goodnight. The two made their way back, getting ready for bed, and were about to go their separate ways before Katsuki pulled on Izuku's wrist.

"What are-"

A small peck was placed on his lips making him blush. Izuku gave one back and quickly made his way out of the blonds hold, shutting the door to his shared room. Katsuki laughed before he went to bed himself.

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