8: Promises

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"I think that's it for today guys! Good job!" a cheery voice sounded through the streets, pressing into her earpiece. After a few minutes, Kirishima, Uraraka, and Jiro came and gathered around the meeting area they agreed upon.

"Im exhausted. I can't wait to eat and go to bed" kirishima exhaled. Uraraka whined.

"Yea but too bad we don't have Deku or Bakugou to cook. Their food was soooo good~"

Everyone chuckled, agreeing to Urarakas statement.

"Whose turn is it to cook tonight anyway?" Jiro asked.

The other two thought for a while "I think today is Seros and Momos. What a weird combination haha" Uraraka laughed.

Just as the conversation was about to go on, Jiro stopped in her tracks making everyone else do the same.

"Is there something wrong-"

"Shhhhh!" Jiro interrupted by putting a finger up and attaching her earphones onto the concrete floor.

A few minutes later Jiro got up from her spot, looking at the two others. "It faint but I can hear slow breaths and its towards that direction." she said pointing towards her left. Everyone followed her lead, looking everywhere for any signs of a person in need of help.


Uraraka bolted towards the boy on the floor and kneeled down. Izuku was lying in the middle of a small pathway between two fences. He was on his side with his limbs lying limp towards the direction he was facing. His breaths were long and slow. Uraraka checked for a pulse and sighed in relief.

"What happened?" kirishima said as he kneeled down in front of the two with jiro following behind.

"I dont know...he's breathing fine but it looks like he's passed out but I don't know from what exactly. I don't see any bruises or scratches so it couldn't be from anyone unless it was a quirk but I highly doubt that."

Jiro shut her phone off and looked at Uraraka.

"I informed the teacher just in case since he might know what to do and told him to meet us back at the infirmary. Uraraka can you make him float?" she asked. The brunette nodded her head.

"Yes but it depends how far so I will need Kirishima to carry him if my quirk gives out" she said as she touched Izuku's head. Kirishima grabbed the weightless body, and carried it over his back, hooking Izuku's arms around his neck and hoisted his legs over his hips. The three heroes made their way towards the infirmary and asked for a temporary bed for the unconscious teen to lay on. A few minutes later, the doors of the room Izuku was staying in opened, revealing a very tired teacher.

"What happened?" he asked.

"We were going back to the headquarters but then Jiro said that she could hear something and then we found Midoriya lying on the floor completely unconscious. He wasn't hurt so he might have just passed out but we don't exactly know from what" Kirishima commented.

Aizawa took note "Where's Bakugou?"

They all shrugged their shoulders while shaking their heads in worry. Just then there was a phone buzzing coming from Aizawa's pocket. He picked it up and saw who it was.

"Bakugou before you start yelling, Midoriya is here with us"

There was some chatter but then a large sigh "alright where is he?"

"He's at the infirmary on Yorana street, you shouldn't miss it." he answered.

"Ok im coming along with the kids" Then the line went flat. Aizawa released a breath before looking at the students.

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