18: The Last of our Mornings

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Katsuki shifted from his position, feeling a bit cold. He turned around and reached over the other side of the bed, only for his hand to hit the mattress. He stood still for a bit before moving his hand around, looking for Izuku's body. He opened his eyes when he heard laughter from the kitchen. He trailed his eyes away from the door and over to the desk, finding a little folded note. He propped his body up with one arm while grabbing the note and reading it.

Morning Kacchan!

I'm in the kitchen with the kids making some breakfast. Sorry if I didn't wake you but you needed the sleep.

PS shower and get dressed for the day since we didn't yesterday


Katsuki smiled before stretching and getting up from off the bed. As said, he made sure to get a nice clean shower to wash away all of the germs from yesterday. Once he finished he got dressed in a nice black t-shirt and pants, wearing a nice jean jacket to match. Once he got out of the bathroom he went into the kitchen seeing the kids on Izukus lap while talking excitedly on the phone. He went behind Izuku and saw that they were facetiming. It was an adult male that looked fairly similar to Katsuma.

"Good morning Bakugou. I hope the kids didn't wake you." the adult spoke. Everyone's vision shifted from the phone to the male hovering over them.

"It's no problem. I see you're looking a lot better," Katsuki commented, looking at the man's surroundings. He was still in the hospital but he was wearing regular clothes while sitting normally on the hospital bed, with the phone propped against something so you can see his whole body. The male chuckled.

"I do feel better! In fact i'm getting discharged today"

The two kids jumped excitedly up and down Izuku's legs.

"Really! Do we get to see you?!" Mahoro asked with hopeful eyes.

"Of course you get to see me!" the adult exclaimed. Izuku laughed at how the three were so enthusiastic.

"What time will you be here Mr. Shimano so me and kac-uh Bakugou can clean up the house for ya?" Izuku asked.

Shimano sucked in a breath, thinking for a bit "I should be there around 3:00PM so you have plenty of time" he said, looking towards the camera again.

The kids cheered excitedly with the two teens laughing. It has been a whole month without their dad so it was only natural for them to act this way.

"Alright well I better go. I'll see you two later" he spoke, while looking towards the two kids. The two wave and immediately hang up.

"Hey! I wanted to say bye!" Izuku exclaimed with a laugh, pocketing his phone.

"Too bad!" Mahoro said as she hopped off his leg with Katsuma doing the same, before running into their rooms to get ready. Katsuki leaned down, placing his hands on Izuku's waist making the grenette jump from the sudden contact, forgetting he was there.

"I didn't like how you called me Bakugou"Katsuki whispered in the other ear. Izuku chuckled, turning his head and gave a shorts smooch, not a peck, of the others cheek with a pop.

"You don't like it when I call you Bakugou~" Izuku teased making the blond pout.





"Close enough," Katsuki stated, giving a short kiss on the other's lips. Izuku looked at him funny, making Katsuki roll his eyes with a smirk.

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