13: Getting Awkward

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You could hear rustling from outside making Izuku shoot up from his spot. He squinted his eyes from the blinding 'walls' of the tent he was in. Once he adjusted his vision he slowly crept ahead and moved the floppy door aside and stepped out slowly when he didn't see anything. He shrugged with a yawn thinking it was an animal. He stretched his limbs with a rather loud yawn before something touched his arm making him slap it. Hard.

"Ow! What the fuck deku!"

Izuku let out a breath of air before releasing a groggy laugh.

"Ha haaa, s-sorry kacchan thought you were a bug" he said while rubbing his neck.

"Well fuck! Do you slap yourself that hard just for a bug?" He asked, emphasizing his last word while rubbing his slightly red hand. Izuku chuckled a bit more, nodding his head. Katsuki huffed before smirking. He leaned forward, almost pressing himself against the greenette but leaving a couple inches so they weren't exactly touching. Izuku stopped and leaned backwards with a massive blush across his face.

"Morning nerd~" Katsuki whispered huskily, the morning voice still there making Izuku's stomach churn and a lump appear in his throat.

"M-morning... kacchan...." he stuttered.

Katsuki learned a bit more and pecked Izuku's lips before leaning away, helping Izuku so he wouldn't fall and pulled him until both their chests were against each other. Before Izuku could apologize, Katsuki caught his lips in a deeper kiss. Izuku was taken a bit by surprise but eventually gave in and gave one back with just as much energy but pulled away before it could go any further, patting Katsukis chest lightly in a form of an apology. Katsuki huffed in annoyance before going to go finish whatever he was doing. Izuku suppressed a laugh at how needy Katsuki was before blushing thinking about it. How his lips felt against his skin, the surprisingly sweet words that came out of his mouth, his arms wrapped around him in a protective manner, or how his hands grazed his skin gently making sure not to hurt him... It was like a completely different side of him.

"Are you just going to stand there like an idiot or are you going to help me pack up?" Katsuki shouted from inside the tent.

Aaaand there is the kacchan I know....

"Coming!" Izuku shouted while making his way to grab the bag that was now on the floor in front of the tent.

The two had everything packed up in less than an hour and made sure to eat and change into some new clothes. On their way back down the mountain, they made sure to go from where they came from. Izuku and Katsuki would get rid of their jackets and long pants leaving them in shorts and short sleeves when the heat was getting unbearable.

"We're only half way down and it's taken us only an hour! That leaves us with two more hours to spare and thirty minute until we get home and shower. Now itsss.... 10:18 so we should be there around 12. Plenty of time to get the kids and-"


Izuku jumped at the tone. It was low but he knew that it was a warning. He apologized before giving him space so Katsuki could concentrate on the compass and surroundings. Even though Izuku was behind the blonde, Katsuki could feel the mood change completely making him curse in his head. He closed his compass before walking next to Izuku without saying anything to him. The two walked in complete silence, enjoying the company of each other while listening to the trees swish and birds chirp, until they passed some of their friends making Katsuki groan.

"Bakugou! Midoriya! What are you guys doing here carrying that stuff around?" a voice called from the same sidewalk they were walking on. Katsuki was about to ignore it before Izuku decided to stop and greet them as well.

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