4: The Things that Bother the Other

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(I edited the background by adding Izuku and Katsuki. Check the comment section link for the original picture)

Just as promised, both teens were making their way to an open area where the two can train without getting the attention of anyone, especially Mr. Aizawa. They didn't feel like getting scolded but the question was that they had no idea where to go.


Izuku asked while walking a faster pace to be somewhat closer to the blonde rather than behind him. Katsuki hummed in response allowing Izuku to continue.

"Where, exactly, are we going?"

Katsuki slowed his pace just a smidge so Izuku was in his peripheral vision but still ahead of him by an inch.

"Remember that clearing where we first fought the multi-quirk villain?"

Izuku tilted his head. "The one where Mahoro made that giant illusion to alert the others?"

"Yea. It's a big enough space for the both of us and it's far away from where the other idiots are. Better yet it's surrounded by trees that stretch a couple miles, so that's another plus" Katsuki shrugged. Izuku simply looked at Katsuki with curious eyes.

Why is it bothering me so much? I gotta ask him later. 

Katsuki made a turn and was met with a small clearing to walk through to enter the forest. Izuku followed behind seeing that katsuki had more of an idea of where they were going. Upon doing so, it reminded him of when they used to go out on adventures as kids in the woods. Katsuki was always harsh towards the other but for Izuku, he never really took it the wrong way.

"You're so lucky kacchan! Your quirk is so cool. I hope I get mine soon too" A small little greenhead male said with a proud smile while holding two green cassettes walking down the forest. In front of him was his best friend. Well, that's what he thought of him as anyway. The small blonde in front of him turned his head with a smile, continuing to walk down the forest path while holding a small net.

"No matter what quirk you get, you'll never beat me!"

He internally giggled at the small memory, but due to this and trying to hold it in, he had a large smile plastered on his face while tucking his head in slightly, letting some air out of his nose. He tried so hard to keep his composure but, for some reason, he simply couldn't. Katsuki heard the uneven breath and turned around thinking that Izuku was out of breath from walking.

"How are you tired alre- OI! Why do you look like that!" Katsuki shouted, stopping in his tracks. Izuku's face was morphed. His cheeks were filled with air, his eyes were slightly covered by the eyebrows that were trying to form a serious face, his nose was scrunched up and his shoulders reached his ears. Izuku couldn't hold it any longer and just started laughing making Katsuki even more confused and pissed off at the same time.

"Hahahahaaaa noth-nothing heh kacchan... just reminds me of the old days.." he said calming down a bit but still had a smile of his face which, let me tell you, was a better view to Katsuki rather than seeing the one he was making before. Katsuki looked around a bit trying to figure out what the boy was talking about until he met Izuku's gaze again. The position he was in right now, both hands at either sides with an open smile and being surrounded by trees, brought the same memory, but instead of holding a smile, he held a frown. He turned around and started walking again with Izuku following of course. Even though it brought happiness in Izukus opinion, the memory of their childhood just brought sadness and regret to Katsuki. The littlest gestures or mistakes, Izuku would always be insulted or yelled at. Like Izuku following katsukis tricks with the ball, only for him to fall on his butt and for Katsuki to make fun of him. When skipping rocks across the pond with Katsuki skipping each one and Izuku having them all sink to the bottom and Katsuki along with his friends to laugh. Or when reaching out a hand towards Katsuki when he fell off the log when crossing the lake. Thinking about how Izuku smiled in those memories, makes him wonder if he even remembers how mean he was back then towards Izuku. He glanced over and saw a rather calm expression on Izuku's face while he was looking around. Before katsuki could question him though, Izuku bolted through the forest while shouting at the blonde.

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