12: The Best of Views

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The two had everything set up. The tent was done, fire was going, bug spray was on, and the sun was setting. It took them all afternoon to set up the whole space by making sure the area was safe, clearing the campsite from any big sticks, rocks and the annoying leaves, gathering some more water by a nearby spring, collecting some good firewood, and changing into some warmer clothes since it was nearing night time. Katsuki was now lighting up the fire with portable flint and steel, grinding them together, forming sparks.

"Why don't you use your quirk? I mean yea it's cold and stuff but I think simply heating up your hands could do the trick" Izuku said as he crouched down on the opposite side of the fire pit surrounded by rocks and dirt. Katsuki scoffed.

"It's no fun if you do it the easy way. Besides why rely on my quirk when I have resources?" katsuki said as he finally managed to get the fire started and flopped down with both knees raised. The fire cracked making Izuku sigh happily, extending his hands to get warm while looking up at the brightly colored sky.

"Thank you kacchan"

Katsuki looked in his direction with a quivering eyebrow "for what?"

"For bringing me here with you. It's nice to spend quality time with an old friend" He smiles, the fire making his face illuminate brightly. Katsuki looked away in shame before getting up from his spot, going further away from the campsite to go see the view of the small island. Once he sat down, he propped his knees up, hugging them with his feet crossed. He heard shuffling before something wrapped around his body, encasing him in warmth. He looked over to his left and saw Izuku fixing the massive blanket to cover the blonde male before taking a seat next to him.

"C-can I ask you something?" Izuku stuttered. Katsuki now knew something was up. Usually the greenette would simply talk so asking permission to do so made him realize that he was nervous. Turning his body to face the other boy, he hummed to make the other continue while tightening his hold on the blanket he was given. Izuku took a deep breath before crossing his legs and facing Katsuki, face to face with a small space dividing the two sets of legs.

"Ever since we woke up from our...coma... you've been acting differently. It's not a bad thing or anything! It's just that... I've noticed the way you act and I haven't been nervous around you. Well, not as much as before but a lot less, that's for sure. heh. Anyway, I wanted to ask you why" he started looking directly into Katsukis gaze, fixing his jacket a bit to get warmer. Katsuki quirked an eyebrow.

"Why what?"

"Why have you been acting so nice towards me?" Izuku said immediately after in a stern tone. Katsuki was even more confused.

"I haven't, I've been the same as always," Katsuki said with a shrug and a slight shake of his head.

"I don't count as sleeping in the same bed 'same as always' kacchan. Do I need to bring up the times when cooking together you never mentioned me doing something wrong? Or when we have those heart to heart talks? How about asking me to train with you rather than sparring? And honestly it's not just you that has changed but me too! I've been feeling more confident when talking to you, or making suggestions without being scared of what you might say! The kacchan I know would yell at me for bringing him a blanket, ignore me when talking to him, get into fights for the smallest of reasons, and he certainly wouldn't allow physical contact with me..." he sighed. He wasn't mad but he was confused. They sat there for a few seconds before Katsuki spoke.

"Would you like me to go back?" He spoke. Izuku looked up from the sudden softness of his voice.

"N-no! Not at all! It's just that after spending so much time with you like that, reminded me of when we used to do it all the time. Spending our time with each other but not only that, I also feel... different. A good different! But still different. I can't exactly explain it myself but rather than being anxious of what I'm about to say when talking to you, I feel embarrassed, or feeling more carefree about voicing my thoughts to you without having that fear stopping me from doing so." he finished smiling a little. it was silent between the two. 

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