7: Finding Comfort in your Presence

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A gentle knock on the door wakes both teens. Izuku looks at the clock seeing that it was past midnight. He groaned tiredy and laid back down.

"Come in," he yawned. The door opened revealing a small silhouette of a boy, recognized to be Katsuma. Once Izuku and Bakugou heard a sniffle, They both lifted themselves from the bed again.

"What's the matter Katsuma?" Izuku spoke softly from both tiredness and remorse for the crying boy.

"Nightmare..." the little boy whispered, wiping his eyes from the tears.

Izuku glanced at Katsuki who seemed to be too tired to do anything at the moment so he made the decision himself.

"Want to sleep here?" Izuku asked, patting the bed. Katsuma nodded with another sniffle and crawled in between the two males. As soon as he went under the covers, including his head, he clung onto Izuku, wrapping his arms around his waist and burying his head in his chest.

"Aren't you going to suffocate like that Katsuma?" the greenette asked, petting the light brown haired males head. The boy shook his head aggressively and snuggled closer to the male. Izuku laughed a bit and simply looked at Katsuki who was doing the same before being pulled by a small hand.

"I want both of you next to me. I feel safe with you" Katsuma murmured from under the covers. Katsuki glazed at the hand that was gripping his shirt and then backed up. Both the teens faces were mere inches apart. Both blushed heavily and looked away. Izuku laid back down to cover his embarrassed face with Katsuki doing the same shortly after, still keeping his distance. Katsumas hand didn't budge though, it kept tugging at the men's tank top. Katsuki huffed and compiled until his body was right next to his and the boy's hand dropped and hugged Izuku's waist once again. Katsuki yawned and glanced over towards the greenhead and saw that he was already sleeping soundly. He smiled while lying down and used his left hand as a pillow and his right hand wrapped around the small boy cuddled up on Izuku. He hoped that the next morning he would wake up in this same position, to avoid any further embarrassment, but his hopes were crushed when he woke up the next morning. Katsuma was still facing Izuku with his hands wrapped tightly around his torso and Izuku doing the same like he was a little teddy bear. Katsuki was no different. He had one hand around the greenette with his hand resting loosely on the little boy's small back and the other was under Izukus neck as if it were a pillow. His whole body was flushed against the other with his knees tucked to the backside of Izuku's legs. No matter how embarrassed he was at the moment, he was grateful that he was the first awake.


Izuku shifted in his place making Katsuki very uncomfortable and his face to flush a deeper red. He slowly retracted both his hands until his whole body was disconnected. He rose from the bed and stood up looking down and groaning.

"Great... I guess there will be no warm showers today!" the whisper shouted to himself while making his way towards the bathroom. Izuku started shivering until he woke up. He looked behind him to see that the covers were thrown to the side. He frowned and pulled them up to cover himself up.

"Stupid kacchan and taking all of the covers making me cold.." he grumbled under his breath snuggling deeper into the warmth. He inhaled the scent and hummed in satisfaction. It smelled of a warm musky scent with a mix of carmel. Once he realized the scent was from Katsuki, he paled. He should have remembered of Katsukis natural carmel scent because of his nitroglycerin. He never got to know Katsukis natural scent since they were always distanced from each other but he knew that it had to have some sort of carmel mix due to the explosive chemical. He shook his head and got up from the bed to ignore all of his thoughts. He really liked the smell but he thought it was weird to think so. Katsuma woke from the alarm that started blaring from the katsuki side of the bed.

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