5: Innocent Teases

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"Where were you two?" a stent voice sounded. Izuku gulped nervously while shifting in place a bit. Katsuki acted like it was no big deal and rolled his eyes.

"We were just walking around. Is that a problem?" he answered to the teacher in front of him. Mr. Aizawa eyed Katsuki before looking at Izuku who immediately shot another nervous smile, but widened it closing his eyes to avoid his gaze. Izuku wasn't really great at lying about small things like these. The man sighed and held the bridge of his nose.

"We both know that isn't true Bakugou. You would never 'walk around' especially with Midorya. Alone." he said slightly glaring at the blonde. Izuku's smile slightly dropped at that statement and lowered his head.

"Were sorry Mr. Aizawa. We won't do it again..." he spoke.

"Good. Katsuma, Mahoro, come in here"

Two kids ran inside the kitchen and stood beside the teacher who was looking at the two teens in front of him.

"Take care of these kids until further notice. Here is the address of their house and don't make a disaster of it" he said, handing them a piece of paper and walked out of the building. Katsuki was about to ask why Izuku looked so down but got interrupted by the boy himself who was picking up Katsuma.

"Cmon lets go see what your home looks like!" he said with a smile on his face. Katsuki had an angry face. He could see right through that smile but once he saw Mahoro glaring at him he gave her one back. She held out her pinkie and flexed it in a way to remind the blonde about their promise. He glared some more before walking out of the building himself with his packed bag.

"Lets go, it's getting late and I would like to sleep" he yelled opening the door. Izuku placed down Katsuma, grabbing his backpack with a few clothes, and followed behind the others. This went for a while with the two kids playing around and talking at the front with katsuki keeping watch from behind with Izuku a couple feet away being at the very back before Katsuki slowed down his pace so the greenette could catch up but Izuku only followed his movements, slowing down too. Katsuki huffed and stopped turning around.

"What's your deal?"

Izuku stopped as well and looked at Katsuki confusingly.

"What do you mean? I'm just walking..."

Katsuki stomped his way over to him and grabbed his forearm harshly making Izuku slightly wince in pain.

"You keep walking behind me and its irritating the fuck out of me" he continued walking with Izuku tripping a bit. He released his hold making Izuku rub his arm while pouting at the blonde. Izuku slowed his pace in the slightest so he wasn't right next to him but could still see the side of his face. Katsuki noticed but didn't really say anything. He didn't know why it was bothering him now but it felt like his whole back was exposed even though Izuku wasn't even looking at him. It was just a feeling he had and it was irritating him. He shrugged his left shoulder from the chills.

The kids suddenly started running full speed down a small path while laughing, racing each other making Izuku panic a bit but Katsuki was the one to actually do something.


Well it wasn't exactly nice but it worked since the two kids slowed down and looked behind them. They put quite the distance between the two groups. The two kids looked at each other before running again, making Izuku immediately take action and run towards them and swooping them up in his arms before deactivating his quirk.

"Why are you two...huff... running?" Izuku asked, placing the two kids down. The two simply giggled and pointed towards a little house and started running again and entering the house easily. Izuku let them go and looked behind him towards Katsuki who was taking his time making Izuku whine.

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