Twenty four. For a brief moment.

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Listen to "I lost a friend"- by FINNEAS

The morning rose with a yawn, the suns soft yellow lashes blinking at me through the fogged up window pane. For just a moment I'd forgotten where exactly I was, I had no idea who I was.

Then it came back. The novelty of Harry's cute jokes and light words had worn off and the heaviness of what my mum had done was chipping away at my conscience- bringing dark into the dawns golden glow. Life didn't seem so golden anymore.

Before I could think about facing my mother a warm, nutty aroma was placed in front of my nose. A creamy cup of coffee was nestled between the most attractive pair of hands I had ever seen. I still can't get over the beauty of them, the rings and the tanned soft skin- he even had on some soft pink nail varnish, I hadn't even noticed it yesterday amongst all the stress.

He nudged the cup closer to me, swapping the mug to one hand as he scrunched his nose up and rubbed his tired eyes with the other hand. I simply watched in awe as I sipped my coffee.

"Thanks baby" I whispered without realising what I had called him, the nail varnish and the cute little nose scrunch practically forced the pet name from my lips. "I, I don't-"

"No worries Angel" he smiled at me, his smile reached his eyes and it looked like he was trying not to show his teeth in a bigger grin, and for another brief moment- he'd made me forget where I was again. His influence on me was more powerful than the sun, he was the definition of golden to me. Fuck the sun, he was so much better.

"I like your nails." I told him gently, keeping the volume level low. Harry had a way of keeping a space so calm and tranquil just by the soft huskiness in his voice. The atmosphere would copy him, his character, his charm- it was always reflected into the air around us.

Suddenly Harry pulled his hands behind his back whilst he remained crouched in front of me. His eyebrows had furrowed and he looked down to the floor and I had instantly found the number one thing I hated most in this world- Harry being ashamed.

Without a second thought I pulled on Harry's arms, making them come between us and trapped them tightly between my hands. He resisted a little at first, but let a little sigh blow past his lips when he realised I wasn't letting this go.

I ran my fingertips over the tops of his blush pink nails, the colour was so subtle you wouldn't see it if you didn't look hard enough, but I did. "Never hide what you love, and personally I think it looks sexy." I offered him a cheeky smile, kissing the back of his hand to show I meant what I said.

His eyes flicked down to my actions and back to my eyes multiple times before he settled on just keeping them locked with my gaze at him. "I do really love them though," I continued, "can we maybe do matching nails later, like maybe a blue or"

He blinked at me, before slowly nodding his head and giving me a happy yet grateful smile at the lack questions I didn't ask him- I could sense there was a deeper meaning to why he paints them then he was letting on, but I knew he'd tell me one day.

"So.." he breathed whilst sitting down next to me on the sofa. " I brought your mum in some coffee, turns out she doesn't like coffee which is embarrassing but she said she didn't mind. I've also cleaned up the music room, I've put piano pieces in boxes in case you want to get it fixed and I can make some breakfast if you wa-"

"Shh shh, that means the world to me Harry. Everything your doing, no one does shit like this for me, so thank you." I smiled gently at him, hoping I could show my appreciation by holding eye contact whilst I spoke. I wanted to kiss him again too, his lips looked so pink and pouty in the morning, but I knew I wasn't ready yet.

"Oh, and I'm making you breakfast." I told him, he'd done enough for me this morning, I wanted to return the favour. He was the guest after all.

Harry smirked at me now, "Ooo look at you, you little housewife. I love it." I scoffed, rolling my eyes at the way he could easily turn the mood around with one little comment as I shuffled to the kitchen.

"If anyone's the housewife hear, it's you darling." I told him, giving him a playful glance to make sure he knew I was kidding- I appreciated all that he's done for me more than I could express.

"Oh please, I'd love to hear you call me a housewife after I've made it so you can't wal- oh hi Mrs Hart"

Before I could even register what the hell he was about to say, and why my heart was beating incredibly fast- my mother walked slowly into the room, and I swear I could feel my pulse quicken even more.

I watched her carefully, judging her mood through her steps towards me. She was wearing one of my hoodies, a pair of my joggers and some fluffy socks she got me last Christmas. She still looked beautifully young, but her eyes weren't meeting mine. I nervously glanced towards Harry in need of comfort, and he tilted his head softly and looked up at me through his lashes, which somehow made me feel like I was going to be fine.

As she neared closer I held my breath, I knew I wasn't ready for her to still be unstable- the foundations of my composure took a beating to last night and the cement cracks had yet to be mended.

However when she stood in front of me, she hugged me. She wrapped her small frame around mine, sinking her hands into the cushioning fabric of my jumper and pushed my body towards hers. I froze. I loved my mum with everything I had, but after we had lost so much she never hugged me anymore. I thought she didn't love me as much as I loved her. I thought she blamed me.

I slowly wrapped my arms around her, tightening my hold once I realised she wouldn't let go. Nuzzling my face into her neck I could smell the lilac perfume she's always worn, along with my rose washing powder that sat on my clothes she was wearing. I hadn't felt at home in a very long time, and for one brief moment it was just me and her. And I was home, with her.

Soft sniffling came from my shoulder, I knew she was crying so I only increased the firmness of my grasp on her. "I'm so sorry, I know how much that piano meant to you."

Her voice was raspy, it sounded like she'd been crying before she came to see me. The mention of the piano made my chest throb in a uncomfortable way, but I pushed it down for the sake of keeping my mum calm. I didn't want her to cry anymore.

"Angelina, honey I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry, that meant the world to you and your Dad and I ruined it."

I winced at hearing the pain in her voice, so I quietly tried to shush her to make her relax and take a deep breath."I know mum it's okay, I'm okay"

"No your not, it wasn't only yours and your Fathers. It was for you and-"

"Mum, no please" I rushed out panicked, pulling away from her hold.

"Rosie. It was for you and Rosie"

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