Twenty. Cold rings and hot skin.

382 16 6

Listen to "daddy issues" - The Neighbourhood

We ended up pulling in to a lay-by, me trailing after Harry and calling for him to stop walking to fast whilst he laughed with a bunch of fries in his mouth.

"You're too slow love" he half spoke half muffled to me once we had made it to wherever it was we were going.

Once he sipped his small kids bottle of orange juice, an act I found incredibly endearing considering the size of his large captivating hands in comparison to the size of the drink, he flicked his chin to the side- urging me to look forward.

One careful step after another I shuffled slowly towards the deep burnt-orange metal barrier that had faded with the harsh cut-throat breeze of England, chipping away at what was supposed to be it's tough exterior. I wrapped my already cold hands on to the ledge, my reddened fingertips blending seamlessly with the colour I was grasping.

I saw and felt Harry's calculative stare drag slowly up my form setting my insides on fire and making me forget about my frosted hands, and as soon as I looked over the panelling even his gaze was hushed to a whisper in my mind.

Heavenly swirls of candy floss pink and butterscotch orange were slathered across the unforgiving sky in a soothing sultry picture of paradise. Mallow clouds and the sumptuous warmth the setting sun brought cascaded over the horizon of the Thames, and for one fleeting second I was okay.

No words were spoken as Harry watched me scan every single detail, drinking it all in like I was starved from anything beautiful- which is ironic considering I got to look at the man next to me everyday. No view could top his jewelled ocean, the crust of every wave that made up his being crashing down to the sand just to leave room for another stunning wave to crash again. That was Harry I guess, you can watch and study him from afar- but you have to learn to swim before you got too close in fear of drowning.

A breathless thank you managed to break free from my throat, but other than that I was completely frozen. The height of the bridge, the cascading danger of it habituating into my veins the more I peered over the edge.

Negative thoughts were like that medieval experiment, the one where they place a bottomless pit of innocent mice on your stomach, proceeding to light a fire above them- forcing the creatures to try and burrow into your skin. It's graphic I know, dark perhaps, but that was life. The way I viewed it was no matter how innocent the thought may appear, it could always rear its ugly and pain-ridden head.

And my thought was falling. Letting my fingertips slip past this cold red barrier of trepidation and just letting go. Falling. No more reckless thoughts, panic attacks or piano torture. No more Judy, no more coffee, no more more Harry.

Harry. I wanted more of him, not less.

And it was in that devastatingly raw moment that I realised, he was the only thing keeping me glued to the pavement on the other side of this stupid ledge.

Fuck...this has become a lot more complicated than I once thought. For me anyways.

"You okay princess? You zoned out there for a second." Harry's warm voice melted the icy train wreck in my mind, and the dark was gone as I welcomed his candle light- right now I didn't care about getting burned.

I tried not to blush at this new nickname, but every single word that came from his lips I found myself worshipping. And even though I was anything but spoiled in my real world, Harry managed to make me feel like royalty when he pulled shit like this- taking me to places I know i would never ever forget.

"I'm okay." I said quietly, but something urged me to ask him the same. "Are you? You know, okay I mean?"

I caught his eyes widening just a fraction before he blinked away his surprise, clearing his throat just before a tiny pastel blush swept across his cheeks. Or maybe it was just the cold and I was being hopeful. I guess we will never know.

"I guess we'll never know." Harry stated, practically repeating my thoughts as he sewed in another intricate embroidery to his web of silk shirts and forest hazel eyes.

But before I could reply he made his way closer to me, enclosing me with his strong arms as he placed one either side of my torso as we both stayed gazed out into the abyss of the evening. I could feel his hair tickling my face as the wind blew it so delicately, combining his caramel browns with my blonde strands.

He smelt good, as usual. The quaint rose scent from his shampoo had faded because of our rendezvous in the lake, but his scent was still as captivating. Earthy and fresh, along with his signature vanilla glazed skin and minty peppermint gum he always kept squished between his pearly white molars.

I saw his hand come into frame in my peripherals, reaching closer before he actually booped my nose, even doing the little sound effect and I felt his chest move against my back as he chuckled softly. I smiled as his hand then began to brush past my cheek bone, then my collar bone before resting his grip around my neck.

It was gentle, his cold fingertips and rings cooling my already flushed skin. But before I could register I felt his lips press against my shoulder, then fanning his hot breath on the sweet spot near my ear.

He proceeded to very delicately lick and kiss at my throat- nibbling my skin and tightening his grip with his hand just a tiny bit that if you weren't experiencing it you wouldn't of noticed. I tried to think why I wasn't fighting this, but all I could come up with was that it felt extremely good.

Before I could help myself a very small moan had tumbled past my lips getting caught in my panting breaths, and Harry had pressed his body harder against mine from behind- allowing me to feel his body's warmth and filling me with pleasure and sin all at the same time.

Without even giving me a chance to even over think though he had already stepped away, and not giving it a second thought I turned around with furrowed brows to find out where he had gone. And when he could come back.

He was there facing me with big doe eyes, pupils dilated so large I couldn't see the green anymore. I was out of breath, extremely turned on and completely and utterly captivated by him. I couldn't even think straight, my mouth was so dry I had to part my lips to lick them- pining for moisture.

Harry followed my action before he could even stop his wondering eyes, and he crept closer to me like predator hunting prey. His shoulders were broad, his hands gripped the railing behind and once in a while I could hear the soft clink of his rings when he would re-tighten his grip.

Levelling his face to mine he stopped, taking his time to rake his eyes all over my blushing face. Leaning in even more so, he destroyed that already small gap between us when he parted his sumptuous lips and caught my bottom one between his teeth, pulling slightly before edging away and breathing just as heavily as me.

"Scared baby?" He whispered his confusing words whilst not breaking this harsh eye contact. I knew he was going to elaborate by the dark teasing glint swirling in his irises.

"Your heart is racing, just like mine is." He reached for my hand and placed it to his chest, and his heart was indeed thrumming against his rib cage.

"You're flushed. You tighten your thighs together every time I touch you." He continued to hush quietly whilst stroking his finger up and down across my hip, not wanting to break this quiet, heat filled bubble we had created.

"You won't admit it but you're scared because you want me. And fuck ...when I tell you I feel the same. But I'll wait to kiss you...because I care, more than I'll admit."

I was stunned to say the least. I wanted to have something in my brain, anything. But all I had was this golden heat encasing my chest from the three implied words that Harry had spoken on this
un-expecting night. He wanted me.

Why he did was a question for another day, right now I just needed to comprehend the words I'd been wishing for him to say without even knowing I needed to hear them.

There was no words left for me to say. I was speechless, along with being stuck with that yearning feeling in my core from Harry's previous needy actions that was begging to be dealt with. The thought of it made me swallow.

"No words baby? Dry mouth? I've got some orange juice here if you want it." His glossy lips all but smirked at me.

A//n. hey guysssss... if you enjoyed I would love if you left a vote for this chapter, I'll be updating again very soon!! Love you all xxx

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