Seventeen. Treasure map.

419 16 6

Play "fine line" - Harry Styles

A lopsided smile spread across my face whilst my eyebrows furrowed with confusion, an adventure?

Before I could even think about questioning the curly haired man in front of me, he grabbed my wrist, picked up my vans from beside the door and practically dragged me out of the building.

"Harry! Oh my god, what are you- where are we even going?" I stumbled out, the breathlessness from practically running down the flights of stairs becoming apparent in my voice and clouding my thoughts so I couldn't even form a full sentence.

His green eyes simply shone with amusement as he stared back into mine, merely shrugging whilst a small smirk graced his lips- knowing full well the lack of information he gave me would confuse me even more.

I didn't know who this Harry was today, or how long he would stay, but all I knew was seeing pure happiness portrayed on his features instead of that usual anger and sadness made me want him to never leave.

A loud smack echoed though the stairwell as the last step came in contact with his shoes and my sock classes feet, the slight screech as we ran out of the building reminding me of basketball courts back when I was in primary school- the simpler days.

Harry unlocked his car with a click and literally hauled me into the front seat before he knew I would change my mind. He chuckled softly when I blew strands of hair from my face that managed to fall when he buckled me in himself.

"Was that really necessary?" I huffed, cocking an eyebrow whilst toying with my fingers. The distraction it caused allowed me to not focus on why I was being so comfortable with him, but instead on the cool feeling my rings brought when I toyed with them, my brain easily taking the scapegoat choice on what to be interested in.

"Yup" Harry said next to me, before placing a strip of gum in his mouth and absentmindedly chewing on it whilst changing gears.

I suddenly became captivated on how his strong jaw tensed and flexed under his tan skin and how his perfectly straight teeth would show every time he chewed in a certain way. I also noticed a little strand of hair had fallen over his eyes again and I had to tuck my hands under my arms to physically stop myself from pushing it back.

I was becoming way to at ease and to put it frankly, it was scaring the shit out of me. He melted that frosted grey that swarmed in my chest when I was alone, he replaced my dark thoughts with pictures of him just being himself, something I've also become too fond of.

Any other day and I would bolt a mile at the thought of human interaction, but today was going to be a low day if it wasn't for him.

Dodging mirrors and reflections to avoid looking at myself was the only thing on my brain when I woke this morning. There was shame in my blood, the red liquid feeling like a sickening black coursing through my veins at the thought of the accident.

But Harry, as temporary as it may be, makes the black a light blue. The same hue but a completely different meaning.

"So what do you think hm?" His husky voice mumbled as he continued to stare at the road, driving carefully just after I'd finished day dreaming and putting my shoes on. The concentration in his driving was something I've always appreciated about him. 

I widened my eyes and looked anywhere but his eyes, trying to make it seem like I was thinking over what he said even though I hadn't heard one word of it.

Clearing my throat I leant my face onto my palm, the heat of my cheeks flooding into my hand like lava-  I didn't even want to think about how red I was. 

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