Three. Unspoken Words.

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Play "The Bones" - Maren Morris, Hozier

After the class ended, the new boy practically disappeared from the room with a strong urgency laced in his movements. It was like the intimidating atmosphere he radiated gave him a clear walk way, the people parting for him with this so called respect that I just couldn't fathom.

Of course, I didn't dislike him or anything, because that would be uncalled for considering I didn't even know as little as his name.

But because of my complicated history and his seemingly complicated personality I didn't want to know him nor talk to him- just use his perfect face for my drawings. As shut off as that may seem, I've never been one to welcome skepticism with open arms.

I made my way to my car at the end of my class, it being the only one I had today so there was no need to stay longer, before it began to rain ever so slightly.

Looking straight up into the clouds, I saw a subtle break in the fluffy depths of air that cascading sun light decided to dance through. It was very pretty for a mid October day, which was a nice vacation for my unwanted, dull mood.

As I continued to stare up at the sky I heard a clearing of a throat next to me. I jumped, then abruptly turned my head towards the new presence that decided to interrupt my peaceful moment. It was the new guy, narrowing his eyes at me with an obvious glint in them that screamed pissed of.

I looked at him in confusion and furrowed my brows, wondering what I had done now that had truly ticked him off to the point of him glaring at me with such profound hatred.

"You're in my way" he stated harshly, his green irises flickering to an object behind me. Whipping my head around to see what caused him to look there I put two and two together, it was a car, his car no doubt. My face scrunched up in embarrassment for the second time today as realisation tore through my brain. I tried to quietly shuffle away from his stare, but to no avail because apparently he had other plans.

"No apology?" He questioned.

I halted and widened my eyes at his words, it also being the second time today I had to ask myself if I needed to apologise to this man. Thinking about it, considering I was the one who was indeed standing in front of his property and idly gazing towards the sky, I probably should. In fact I definitely should, mainly to steer him away from the fact that I without a doubt looked undeniably crazy to him for what I was doing.

People don't usually stop and stare at the sky when it rains.

"I'm sorry," I whispered suddenly. Then turned quickly on my heel without waiting for a response, scanning the parking lot even harder than before in search for my car. When I finally reached it I sat inside, letting out a shaky breath of air I didn't know I was holding in. Hurriedly, I started the engine and drove out the entrance, not daring to glance up at his looming figure that I knew was still present exactly where I had left him.

- - - - - - - -

Being at home in the evenings is most definitely the highlight of my day, as unfortunate and depressing as it sounds. Sure the uncomfortable silence was still very present, but it seemed more bearable at this time of day.

The way the weather would press against the windows, or how the dead leaves would swirl up to the glass, silently asking to be let inside from the cold. I felt in control in the evenings, because the gradual fade of light that happened everyday without fail would remind me that the world still goes on, no matter what happened the previous hours before. But this specific evening, I did not feel in control. Not in the slightest.

And it had to do with the fact that I spoke to him today. I never speak, so why did I speak?

Was it because I felt intimidated? Well, yes obviously. Or because I felt like I needed to apologise? Kind of. But deep down I knew that some twisted, unwanted part of me chose to apologise because I wanted him to know I was good. That I did good. That I was worthy of forgiving for such a tiny mistake of standing in front of his stupid car. I didn't even know the guy, who cares what he thinks right? So why did I?

Slowly, I make my way to the kitchen and start to make my second coffee of the day with these thoughts controlling my mind. Caffeine doesn't effect my sleep, funnily enough caffeine is the least of my worries when night awaits. Haunting dreams seem to alert me to consciousness instead.

I grabbed the milk from the fridge and poured a little of it and some sugar into an oversized mug, watching the earthy colours swirl together as the familiar scent hit my nose. I didn't feel like having my usual strong espresso right now, the thought of it seemed too intense to handle.

I sipped gently, and breathed in to calm my racing thoughts that a certain curly haired boy brought to me that day. Once I breathed out I realised it was nothing to get worked up over, it wasn't like I was going to speak to him again, and so I decided to get my studying done.

The wooden floorboards creaked softly under my fluffy socks as I peered around unwillingly for my books, but all of a sudden my phone started to ring, cutting the silence so roughly.

The caller id stated it was my mum, hesitating, I went to answer.

"Hi mum" I breathed out gently, then waited for her reply.

"Hey! I mean hey Angelina, I was wondering if you wanted to meet for coffee honey, I haven't seen you in a while I miss you" she stated quietly.

Her voice sounded so familiar it brought a sense of warmth and a comfort of home, making it hard to turn down her offer. "Um" I started, "of course I would love to do that but I'm so busy with studying right now, could I let you know when I'm free? Would that be okay?" I asked, silently praying for her agreement. Speaking so openly with family or people I've known my whole life was easier for me, the need to be introverted lessened greatly.

But I wasn't feeling up for lying to my mother on how I was feeling when she would ask over coffee, I've never been a good liar, especially not to her. And most definitely not face to face with her.

"Oh yes, yes of course I understand honey. But just don't be a stranger okay? I love you."

"I love you too."

The echoing beep that signalled that the call had ended bounced around the hollow walls of the apartment, whilst I looked down in shame, the unspoken words that I didn't say to her lingering coldly in the air.

There isn't anything I would want to do more than spend time with her, but the task of putting up a constant mask around her was evidently, extremely tiring. She would see through me, and that's the last thing I would want. As I said before, I didn't deserve the extra worry.

Not seeming up for studying anymore I took out my sketchbook and sat on the window ledge. The glass was left slightly ajar, letting a cool breeze fan across my face but I didn't mind. I started to draw random lines across the page, not knowing where the pencil would take me.

As I was lightly shading, I glanced towards the door that led to the art studio that I decorated when I moved in, thinking it was going to heal me in some idiotic way. I shook my head and looked up at the sky again, staring at the blinking stars above- my hand still sketching all the while.

When I finished looking up, I let my eyes drop to the smooth creamy page that danced with swirls of charcoal. A cold warmth overcame me as reality of what I drew struck me.

It was a boy, with soft curly hair, an arrogant attitude and a gold cross necklace that swung gently with the light.

A.n- I hope your enjoying the story so far!

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