Four. Angel.

624 25 15

Play "fools gold"- One Direction

I like to shower in the mornings. And I like to say it's because i find it rejuvenating or refreshing but the reality is, it's the only thing that can get me to truly wake up out of my trance I seem to constantly be in.

So after my daze-awakening shower I headed to college to try and catch my morning lesson on time, rushing into my car and driving to school. I would never drive too fast or be reckless though, it's not worth the consequences. 

Arriving in the car park I thought I had made it on time, even with the minus from the lack of speed, but the very low number of swarming students walking into the building told me otherwise.

Running down the hall I passed a slightly reflective door made of metal, so took a quick opportunity to glance at the way I looked this morning. My hair was tied up messily, a few blonde tendrils framing my flushed face from the running. There were apparent dark circles under my eyes, but they were always a detail that never seemed to leave for more than two years now.

I wore yet another long sleeve, this time it being a white cardigan, the cream buttons and cuffed sleeves making me look almost too innocent. I decided on wearing a pair of vintage jeans and combat boots, I felt in the mood to look presentable today. My black glasses still sat on my head, though I still didn't use them in lesson.

You see I don't like to be judged. This is why I took the liberty of glancing over my appearance to see if anything was out of check before I continued to rush to my lecture.

I saw the uninviting closed doors to the classroom and winced at how attention drawing my sudden entry was going to be. I sucked in a shaky breath and decided to not dwell on it too much as I ran to the doors and swung them open, hoping to slip in to my seat quietly amongst the soft chatter of students. When I abruptly entered, I puffed out an exhausted breath and looked up to find a seat as I usually would.

Then I realised. Nobody was making a sound. Everybody's interest was now directly and solely focussed on me. Including the irritated looking professor.

"Miss heart" he said sternly, then cleared his throat as he glared literal daggers at me- which only fuelled my anxiety once more. I hated people looking at me as it is, now I was probably expected to speak in front of everybody too.

I widened my eyes and swallowed, looking anywhere but the teachers furious face. My stare landed on two green ones watching me intently, and I felt a slight ease come over me  at him being here. Strange.

"Miss heart!" He repeated, "You have interrupted my lesson and now you won't apologise to me? What type of family raised you and your obscene lack of manners?" Mr Mavis questioned angrily.

I froze. The mention of my family made a cold numbing blood circle my brain, chilling me to the core. I blinked away rising hot tears and averted my eyes suddenly, not needing anybody to see my vulnerability.

I refuse to think of my family, so the unexpected mention of them sent me into a tumbling spiral with no apparent end. The pressure of talking about them on the the tip of my tongue intensified the alarming collection of emotions within me, like thunder on the horizon of a once steady sea.

My throat felt dry, I couldn't seem to speak but as always the professor took no notice and continued to carry on with his interrogation of me. "Answer me Angelina, you cant just walk in late, ruin my lesson and not apologise. Now answer my question Miss Heart, why were you raised to be so rude?" he all but snarled.

I didn't understand his outburst, I never meant to upset anybody that was never my intention. I wanted to apologise and save the unwanted stares at my panicked reaction to his question but I couldn't.

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