Fourteen. Balcony Whispers.

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Play "Infinity" - One Direction

Harry's eyes widened the tiniest amount, so small it would've gone unnoticed if I hadn't been observing him so closely, before he cleared his throat and nodded curtly, seeming to be back to his usual unaffected persona.

He then proceeded to climb out the window, jumping onto the the stone floor of the balcony with a loud yet soft thud when his boots hit the ground.

Draping the dark grey blanket round his sloped shoulders he carefully lowered himself next to me, leaving a decent sized space between us and letting a soft breath blow past his lips.

The air from the breath cascaded and twirled out into the black night sky in silvery cold clouds, and I found myself mesmerised by the pattern his breathing made as it drifted towards the stars.

Remembering his curiosity about astrology my eyes flickered across his features that were now focussed above us. A warm feeling spread in my chest at the thought of witnessing him feel contentment and joy for something he clearly loves so much, the gentle look that overtook his eyes telling me more than he could ever possibly explain.

I guess it's like me and my fascination with rain, the small droplets putting my presence on earth into perspective, reminding me to stay grounded.

My dad always used to say that whenever it rained you had to make sure to stop and take a moment, because you had to remember that the universe cries too. I always found it silly before, but now watching Harry and his love for the stars made me realise that loving the rain isn't silly at all.

"Everything's so infinite up there, imagine being able to know every story each insignificant star told. It would take ages to learn each astrology, but it would be worth it I think."

Harry's soft gravelly voice was quiet, the volume so light I had to lean the smallest bit closer to make sure I didn't lose it in the noise of the traffic below. I stayed staring ahead not daring to look at Harry as he let himself open up to me, it was like he read my mind before about knowing he loved the sky.

I wonder why he yearned to search and understand something so vast that you could get so easily lost in. The stars were constant, always showing up each night without fail, and he wanted to uncover every tale they told that was woven into each bright flickering light.

"Yeah, it would definitely be worth it" I whispered. He smiled lightly at my reply, seeming glad I didn't pry him because of the sudden reveal of information about himself. He was never one to talk about himself I've come to notice, he liked to show people things instead.

I didn't know what I was doing here with him, I didn't have friends it's just not something I have in my life. But with Harry, even the smallest shred of something personal he decided to share with me would make me feel something I could only describe as happiness, and as much as I knew I should stop it, I just couldn't.

The heavy blanket wrapped round his frame shuffled, catching the attention in my peripheral vision. He moved so he could adjust the soft material so no cold air could come in contact with him, and as he did this a little white, slightly worn, small box fell out of his pocket. He made no indication that he cared about it falling out and making itself obvious, leading me to believe he didn't really mind about me seeing it.

It was a cigarette packet, although it looked a little old to be brand new. His eyebrows furrowed down at it, before picking it up slowly and returning it to his pocket and making sure it was securely placed this time.

I couldn't help but want to know more about him, the burning need to understand him growing more I spent time in his company.

" um, smoke then?" My voice came out gentle, and I couldn't help but cringe at the fact that it sounded like I was trying to go all therapy on him, which I wasn't.

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