Twenty six. Cherrie's Red.

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Play "Daddy issues" - The Neighbourhood

Playfully Harry tapped my behind as he sauntered towards the front door, exiting the apartment and waiting in the stairwell.

Once I'd snapped out of the brief shock of his actions I smirked at him lightly, secretly telling him I liked him like this. Reaching for my nikes I stopped my hand mid way, instead reaching for my thigh high black heeled boots I bought on a wim from one of my lonely nights of online shopping.

Gently sliding them on my legs I could feel Harry stare, perhaps making me bend over slightly more than usual just to get revenge for leaving me so flustered a few minutes ago. Once I heard his shaky intake of breath the satisfaction I was craving was completely satisfied.

Grabbing a little black silk cardigan I walked out of my house, locking the door before striding of in front of Harry- the playfulness I was feeling making me sway my hips a little more than I should. I couldn't help it though, if I was going to cope with my sadness by having a night of fun- why not go all out?

"Careful." I heard Harry warn lowly, his voice deep and gravelly as it echoed throughout the concrete hallways.

Once we made it outside the building I stopped and waited for Harry to side with me, but when he did I saw that he was in the phone.

"Hi yes, it's Styles," he gave out his name to the unknown caller before agreeing on a time which I noticed was literally two minutes from now.

"Whacha doin'?" I questioned him, nudging my hip with his as the anticipation for the evening ahead buzzed in my veins. I felt excited for the first time in a long while.

"Just bookin' a taxi darling," Harry returned the favour and nudged his hip back on mine, darting his eyes up and down the dimly lit street lazily with a little smile on his face.

Before I knew it I'm guessing what was supposed to be the taxi had arrived, but it looked a lot fancier to me. We both then climbed in the back which I appreciated because if Harry sat in the front I knew the nerves would start to get to me.

The car engine revved to a start, it really was strangely a super nice car for just a taxi but I couldn't be bothered think anything of it. The pretty street lamps distracted me along with Harry's hand on the exposed part of my thigh where the dress and boot failed to meet. His palm was warm, and I tried so hard not to put my hand on top of his and stroke my thumb across his rings like he was doing to my leg. But I didn't, even though I wanted nothing more than to do it.

In no time we were in central London, the prominent night life of our city varnishing the streets in neon lights and music. I knew where we were heading, this way was to devil's advocate- the most promiscuous club in London. Seemed fitting, Harry was anything but modest.

Pulling up on the curb a street away from the place Harry thanked the driver before paying him, glaring at me once I began to protest that I could've payed. He then got out of the car, running a hand through his hair and fixing his shirt cuffs- leaving his lingering vanilla scent in the vehicle with me.

I couldn't believe I was doing this. A nightclub with Harry. Nothing seemed real as he opened my door and offered me a hand up onto the street.

My dress clung to me and my legs where exposed to the late year breeze as we strolled towards the entrance. Skipping the queue Harry jumped to the front of the line, literally nodding at the terrifying bouncer before pulling me next to him and guiding me inside, and I didn't miss the deathly stare Harry sent at the men who looked at me. And as I would of expected they submitted to Harry, he had this 'don't fuck with us' presence that everyone seemed to be scared of, and rightly so, he was scary when he wanted to be.

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