Thirty. Dragon Fruit.

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Play "Sanctuary"- Joji

Soon after me and Harry had both drifted to sleep for an hour or so, my head on his chest and his soft breaths cascading down the back of my neck.

I woke just before him, and I had that horrible pit in my stomach- the one you get when you really don't want to do something but you know you have too. That was me, with going to class.

I knew I shouldn't of postponed it as long as I did but the cold fear I got at the thought of having to sit in lesson, staring at the horrid man who tried to put his hands on me made me feel sick. The only comfort I now had was that Harry was right next to me, and I could actually talk to him and feel safe instead of being aware of his every move and being too intimidated to actually say anything.

I've still been drawing him in secret though, but he doesn't have to know he's my muse, or ever was for that matter. I can't help but think he would feel I was invading his privacy , but the way these series of drawing are turning out compelled me to keep going- he was too beautiful, the temptation was to alluring.

The other thing that was bothering me was my Mother. Sometimes it would make me a tiny bit uncomfortable knowing Harry had witnessed her breakdown, saw a part into my life I really wanted to keep hidden. But I would always shake of the foreboding fear that he would judge me, that's not Harry- I knew that now.

He also knew her name, but I decided to forget that and prayed he would too.

Watching peacefully Harry started to stir awake beneath me, scrunching his nose up once he registered the even brighter sunlight was being painted onto his closed eyelids. Ever so gently his thick lashes began to flutter, before I was met with the most breath taking green i'd ever seen. I'd never seen his eyes so up close in the golden light from the sun before, and he was the most majestic creature i could never of fathomed up in my head. He was perpetually prepossessing.

Grumbling lowly at the incessant light he couldn't escape I smiled at him which he softly returned, growing into a dimple filled grin once he scanned my features.

"The wonderfully dead arm I have right now is so worth the pretty picture in front of me," he chuckled, smoothing his palms and cold rings round my waist up to the top of my back, then back down to my waist once more. I blushed and looked down, subconsciously playing with the waistband of his underwear as something to figit with.

Harry cleared his throat before shifting slightly under me. " maybe not do that right now- mornings have been known to be an issue for guys sweetheart." He elaborated his sentence by flicking his eyes down to the space we were both aligned, and I widened my eyes at what he meant. Now he mentioned it lets just say I could definitely feel what he was on about, I mean Harry's size was hard to miss...

"Shit, sorry" I mumbled quietly, my cheeks heating up even more as I rose from his lap whilst he just laughed breezily.

"S'okay love, could I use your shower?" He smiled at me, and I just nodded quickly- looking forward to the chance to gather myself and not look like an idiot.

Whilst Harry shuffled to the bathroom, I watched his smooth tanned skin ripple over his muscles on his back. His hips moved with his walk, making his spine curve in the most delicious way whilst he rolled his shoulders back and fourth to probably get rid of the stiffness from sleeping on the sofa. Once his hand reached the back of his neck to smooth it out he turned to face me once more, racking his eyes down from frame.

"Welcome to join y'know..." His husky morning voice made my thighs tightened together, and although Harry already knew my answer was going to be no he still loved to tease my shy nature.

Before I could even answer he just smirked and shook his head, continuing to walk to the bathroom before closing the door softly behind him. I let out a quick breath, running my hands over my face to try and sooth the flush on my cheeks.

He's going to be the death of me I swear.

Using the free time I decided to make us breakfast, Harry definitely seemed like the type to love food- same as me. Food is amazing. I grabbed everything I needed and began cooking us some scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and some sliced up kiwi, strawberries and some dragon fruit I hadn't eaten yet. What? The fruit market down the road is good, might as well buy some weird fruits too.

Getting orange juice out from the fridge I placed everything on the island, and I was in the middle of making a pot of tea when Harry emerged from the bathroom with just a towel low on his hips and a cloud of steam cascading around him

What is my life? He looked fucking incredible.

Once he saw what I was doing he actually moaned, scanning the food with hungry eyes. "Fuck me, I'm so hungry oh my god." He looked so happy right now, leaning over the island a bit to grab a piece of bacon before sitting down on one of the stools.

He started munching on it happily and I felt my cheeks hurt from how much I was actually smiling at him. He glanced at me quickly before tapping his leg and telling me to come sit on his lap. I did, obviously- I was a sucker for him and he totally knew it.

Harry began plating me some food, grabbing me a fork before stabbing a piece of kiwi and placing it at my lips. I quickly snatched it off the utensil and leant back onto his shoulder- chewing slowly and indulging into the taste. I loved kiwi.

"What on earth is that" he then said, snapping me out of my food daze. He poked at the piece of dragon fruit, inspecting it with caution. "Looks like some magical ass fruit there Angel." I pursed my lips to try and not laugh at him..but I could feel my laughter bubbling up in my chest.

"Harry Potter type shit" he mumbled, before stabbing it with his fork. That was it I couldn't hold it in anymore, I burst out laughing so loud my sides started to hurt. Soon enough Harry began laughing with me, pulling me tighter to him as he started to lose it as much as I did.

"Try it." I teased him once our laughter died down to a few snickers here and there. His eyes widened like I just told him to murder his childhood pet, vigorously shaking his head no as drops of water flew off his curls as it was still a little wet from the shower.

"Absolutely not." He stated firmly, before sipping his orange juice and making weary glances at this mysterious fruit.

"Come onnnn baby, for me" I pouted, trying to make my eyes as doe-eyed as possible in hopes of that being his weakness. He did falter for a second but then shook his head no once more. He's got commitment that's for sure.

Boldly I picked up his fork that was still grasped to his hand, placing the fruit at my lips and allowing it to sit there for a second whilst I just started at him. "How about..." I began, trailing off once I saw I had his complete locked attention.

"I'll let you watch me shower if you eat this hm? What about now?" I whispered, lowering my volume and placing my other hand on his chest. Fuck shy, I like being bold this is fun as hell.

I couldn't even blink before Harry's mouth was round the end of the fork, taking the fruit into his mouth leaving his lips glistening as he chewed slowly, eyes darkened to black. "Get your fucking ass in the shower right now Angel, let's see if you keep to your promises hm?" he taunted back- running one single finger up the inner of my thigh before gripping my hip harshly.

"I wonder what would happen if you broke them?" he smiled daringly.


A//n- bit of a shorter one today...just a filler for the next chapter. It's gonna be a saucy one guys ;)

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