Nineteen. Orange Juice And Progress.

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Listen to "pretty boy" - The Neighbourhood

"Erm, yeah two burgers with fries and cokes ple-"

"Orange juice."


"Could I have orange juice please, if that's okay I don't really mind though."

Harry sighs, but the corner of his lips threaten to curve upwards telling me he's not actually mad. I've never liked fizzy drinks, Ive always thought they tasted like that static screen on old switched-off TVs bubbling on my tongue.

Mum still drinks tonic with her collection of snobby, Spanish gins she can't seem to let go of. There's about fifteen different flavours on the shelf, I can picture them in perfect coloured order, and yet she always picks the blueberry- she's always been predictable like that. It's why I avoid talking to her, because I know exactly what she'll say.

Dad would always tell her to pick a new flavour, 'live a little' he would say which is ironic because, well, he's dead.

"Make that two orange juices with those actually." Harry clears his throat and places his firm grip back on the steering wheel, driving forward before the nice lady gets in another word.

I'm starting to get used to Harry's impatience now so I just roll my eyes playfully and ignore it, shaking of the dark grasp the haunting nostalgic hands had started to have on the back of my neck.

I can't have those thoughts when Harry was with me, it would be a shame to put his golden flame of warmth to a disappointing waste.

"Thank you," I smile at him, "but you didn't have to have orange juice too you know" I state quietly.

In the corner of my eye I see him shrug, not making a comment on the last minute order switch.

I took a moment to glance at him, his hair had gotten a fraction longer- you wouldn't be able to tell unless you really looked but it had. The rich chocolate curls in perfect ringlets at the bottom after just recently drying from the lake, framing his face prettily.

I remember when he appeared in his very first lecture, how ominous he was to me. I now look at him and dare I say feel comfort- which is dangerous and I don't know what the fûck I'm doing, but right now I'm too alarmingly lonely to care.

Pulling up to the window the lady Harry rudely cut off awaits us, giving us her best customer friendly smile that you could tell was forced from miles away, and I wondered what her life was like outside this fast food place.

She seemed smart, she had her wits about her, this eager glint in her pale blue irises filled with determination that looked slightly dulled from this place. It was trapping her in like this caged bird wanting to venture through life with no set path- you could see it written across her features.

That or maybe I'm being to psychological, perhaps I did listen in class more than I thought. Although I still don't know for the life of me what I'm supposed to do going back into Mr Mavis' lesson, but I'm not going to stress that right now. Not when the most attractive man is sat next to me holding a bag full of burgers in my direction with a massive boyish smile across his face.

"I'm so excited to eat this" He grinned, placing the bag in my lap and pulling out of the drive through continuing back onto the main road. I tried to hide my laugh with a cough, turning my head to look out the window in fear of giving myself away.

As I was looking out I felt something on my leg, and low and behold it was Harry poking me with his index finger, squinting his eyes whilst I believe was trying to make himself look intimidating.

However even if he was joking around the frown pulled across his brows and the little crease in between them made me decide then and there I didn't like to see him anything but happy. It's how I envision him when I close my eyes, it's how I keep on drawing him in my book.

"What was that Angel?" He glared at me with one hand on the wheel before putting his eyes back on the road, even a stranger could still see the playfulness that was still apparent behind his irises but he still looked damn scary when he pulled shît like that.

Oh wait. Okay I should probably reply and pretend I haven't been staring at him with this creepy fondness-type-of-look for the past minute and use words- yes I need to use words.

"Nothing, I um... there was this guy, he er let go of his stroller. The baby was rolling down the hill in it, was so funny really you should've" Oh god that was tragic, I grimaced and tried to focus on stopping the blush spreading to my cheeks.

I heard Harry intake a quick breath, seeing him purse his lips tightly in an attempt to now hide his laugh from me instead.

"Babies rolling down hills, wouldn't of taken you as a sadistic type there baby." The subtle hint of laughter danced through his words, even in funny- well on his end- situations he still manages to speak so slowly, so carefully. It's one of the things I've allowed myself to become soothed by. It's nice.

"But I know you were laughing at me, you know what that means?" Oh right, spoke to soon there.

We stopped at a red light, the foreboding silence bled into our exhales of breath so for once I couldn't even hear myself breathe.

He had this look in his eyes, I've seen it before- it's dark but it's alluring. It's decadently dangerous.

He ran his tongue across his bottom lip, squeezing the top of my thigh with enough pressure to feel each shape of his rings in my skin. It didn't hurt, it actually felt...good.

"You're gonna pay for that one Angel." He breathed, letting the words seductively coat his low, husky voice in a sultry glaze before smirking and travelling his stare to my lip that I was currently biting out of nervousness.

He leant closer, the magnetic pull of his aura alone attracting me too him. His nose touched mine and he parted his soft lips, staring at me with intoxicated wild eyes.


He pulled back, facing the front and pushed the accelerator. "Wha-" I practically panted out, before I did indeed realised the light was now in fact, green. Brilliant.


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