Ten. Give Me Comfort.

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Play "Keep Your Head Up" - Ben Howard

The earthy colours that the outside brought sliced through my vision as I ran towards the sports field.

I knew from my many days of spending time alone at college that there was a small wooded area behind the playing field. I usually go there when I didn't want to face the voiceless void that was my apartment.

It was the only place I could think of that I could go to. The only place that disgusting man wouldn't find me.

Even though I doubt he would try considering Harry's murderous expression when he saw Mr Mavis putting his hands on me.

I knew that any sane person would've stopped what was happening if they saw it, but I couldn't stop the drowning anxiety in my chest at what Harry was going to do- him being the one that found me. He looked beyond mad before I ran out of that suffocating classroom.

The familiar view of the small wooded clearing came in sight as I kept pulling myself forward with panted breaths. Shakily, I collapsed behind an astray, old looking tree that seemed worthy of shielding me from anything in that moment.

It looked wise, with its mossed bark and sheltering canopy. Honestly I couldn't be more grateful of it if I tried. Nature always seemed to comfort me, and in some strange way Harry had already known this when he took me on that adventure some days before.

My breathing faltered. Harry.

He could be kicked out of college if he did anything to that Professor, I really hoped that if he had unleashed his anger on Mr Mavis that the law would hear mine and Harry's side of the story first. I couldn't bare the thought of him being kicked out of education because I wasn't strong enough to defend myself.

At that thought my hands began to fumble and grasp the damp forest floor below, whilst an angry feeling seethed through my veins.

I wasn't angry at anyone but myself. I felt weak, I couldn't even manage to try and free myself because my brain had become paralysed with clouded panic.

Ever since the accident that's all I've ever done- freezing up with fear and running away as soon as I got the chance. People had experienced this first hand when they tried to intervene into my life, witnessing my desire to grieve alone shown through my primary instinct to run in the opposite direction of them and their help.

The all too recognisable feeling of hot tears pooling up in my bloodshot eyes overcame me,  and I couldn't seem to stop the strangled sob that wracked through my chest. My hand flew to cover my mouth as I cried harder, pressing my head into the trees cracked bark behind me.

I wanted my Dad. I wanted her. But they will never be here, and I will always be forever alone- crying in the forest of my forgotten heart.

These were my last thoughts before my eyes closed and I fell into unconsciousness, exhaustion consuming me.

- - - - - - - - -

"Angelina!" A distant voice shouted, the urgency in its tone melting into the landscape of trees that still surrounded me. I stirred awake, my eyes fluttering open whilst letting my mind collect itself.

The first thing I thought of was pain, a cold numb pain that began to make its way up my spine from the obscenely uncomfortable position I had practically passed out in. And my head, the overbearing throb of it, like a screaming siren that increased its decibel every time I moved.

The next thing that washed through me was confusion, why was it dark?

The sky was enveloped with navy black, whilst dull looking stars were peppered and weaved within the vast melancholy colour. It almost looked beautiful. Almost.

"Angelina!" The voice shouted loudly again, this time it being a lot closer- the cracking of twigs and crunching of leaves telling me so. Because of the nearing proximity of the voice, I could immediately now tell who it was.

"Harry?" I whispered out weakly, then the reflection of his green eyes snapped towards my face, leaving a relieved expression to wash over his own.

He sped over to me and crouched to my level, scanning my features for any trace of injury but just instead finding a forlorn look in my eyes and dried tears on my cold cheeks. I knew I looked a mess, but I didn't care.

"How..?" I began to say, wondering how he'd found me and why he'd known that I didn't just leave the premises and go home earlier.

He understood what I was trying to say, so he nodded before replying. "Your car, it's still parked in the lot. I knew you hadn't left so I've been looking for you."

Judging by his hoarse voice and reddened nose, I knew he had been outside looking for at least a few hours- resulting in a guilty feeling to overwhelm me.

"I'm so sorry" I breathed. I couldn't believe I had made him search around for me, wasting his time on some damaged girl like me.

"What?" He frowned. There was shock and disbelief written in his irises, did he not see the inconvenience I caused him?

"I just, you wasted your day trying to find me. I didn't mean to be an inconvenience or anything" I told him, speaking the most words I've ever said to him before.

"Angel don't be stupid" was all his soothing voice said, before placing his strong grip around my waist and lifting me to my feet with ease. This caused the blood to rush to my head at the sudden movement, making me lean into his chest for support, inviting the comforting vanilla scent to my senses. I felt comfortable around him, more than I should let myself be.  But right now I didn't want to be guarded anymore.

Just then my heart felt heavy, and I started to cry again. The tears re-soaking my cheeks with another round of broken sadness for the third time today.

Maybe it was because of what Mr Mavis tried  to do to me, or maybe it was because of the tight warm grip a certain curly haired boy had on me. The comforting feeling was so foreign to me, causing me to fall over the edge of trepidation and to be openly vulnerable in his arms.

I felt his muscles tense beneath me at the sound of my quiet whimpering before he suddenly tightened his old, wrapping his arms around me more to pull me closer into him. He didn't say a word, he never questioned my outburst of tears, knowing I just needed the necessity of his consolation in my torn and defenceless state.

Every bad memory, feeling and action that had ever happened to me was being brought to the surface, Mr Mavis's unwanted touch seeming to be the tipping point to my desperate attempt of a balanced scale. I fought hopelessly to try and subdue the upcoming wave of heartbreaking emotions by holding on to Harry's strong frame with a fierce grip, but the feeling of panic started to bubble up.

Harry must've noticed the upcoming anxiety attack because he took my chin between his fingers, forcing my eyes to look into his.

"Just breathe Angel, your okay. Trust me"  he whispered. He then took my hand with his bruised one and placed it gently on his chest, signalling for me to mirror his steady breath.

I remained locked under his enticing stare as I battled with the uprising anxiety, copying the slow rising and falling of his chest with my own. I felt his soft heartbeat beneath my palm through his warm black T-shirt, he was alive and he was with me.

A calming serene of blue started to overtake my mind instead of the unsettling bright white I see during my panicked dazes. It was working, he was helping me.

Soft waves of a cooling breeze flushed against his and my skin, equalling us down to captives that nature held within its hands. He never took his eyes of mine. They never left mine until I was completely under his enthralling spell, the pacific tranquility he brought consuming every new breath I now took.

Even when I was completely calm, I couldn't bring myself to look away.

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