Seven. Black and White.

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Play "River Flows In You"- Yiruma

Sitting in one of the music rooms for an hour I have to say, was not the most entertaining plan to endeavour on. Seeing as I happened to pick the only practice room without an instrument, and I couldn't leave for another one as rehearsals for something had been going on just outside.

But I still had one hour to kill, and it sounded like the practicing outside had stopped so I decided to find another room.

Slowly creaking the heavy wooden door open I slipped out the small space and quickly searched for another before a new lesson started.

I tried the first door I saw, then realised a younger boy with glasses was sat there playing a flute type instrument, so I backed away slowly whilst mentally cursing myself for being so awkward. At the next door the handle pushed down and opened and I smiled softly to myself at the new found success.

Inside a large grand piano stood in the slightly musty room, its black and white keys shining with an inviting invitation to play them. So I sat down gently on the firm leather stool and placed my delicate touch onto the keys.

It's true what they say about music being embedded in your memory, because I knew exactly what keys to press to create the melody I had come to love and practice so many times before, until I just... didn't anymore.

I started to play 'River Flows In You', the beautiful harmony of notes melting together and chipping away at the walls I had built around my heart.

Dad taught me this piece.

I remember his eyes crinkling ever so slightly when he tried to hold back a smile and keep me concentrated on the piano. Or when he would turn the page of classical sheet music when I didn't ask him to, he would just constantly be watching me and knowing when I needed the page to be turned.

My fingers played as I closed my eyes. I felt angry that he left me, alone and afraid- not being able to find the right notes with him gone from by my side. A warm tear trailed down my face to my lips, it tasted like salted sadness and I didn't seem to care as I let more slip past my eyes. 

I'd lost her as well, but i didn't dare to even let her shining, happy face fall across my mind, I knew I couldn't come back if I did.

I played harder, my hands shaking at the overwhelming pain I felt. I cried for them, I played for them. I played because I wanted them to hear me from wherever they were. I wanted them to know I was sorry.

The notes began to still as I breathed deeply, letting my hands fall to my lap as I started to lose power in my body. I hadn't played in a while, but I didn't like the way it made me feel anymore. It now made me feel helpless, almost like I wasn't included in the music- simply because I didn't want to let it in. Apparently I seemed to do that with music and people now.

Unsteadily, I stood up since it was time to collect my notes so then I could finally go home and be alone. I then grasped the metal handle, it feeling cool against my flushed skin, and pulled it down whilst gently pushing open the door.

There stood a class full of people, staring at me in deadly silence. I froze whilst it dawned on me that everyone in here had witnessed the hearing of my playing, and I couldn't help the dread that followed.

It was still nauseatingly quiet until a loud, steady clap could be heard from the back of the room. Everyone tore the eyes from me and looked towards the applauder. Miss Berry, one of the music staff stood with a beaming smile gracing her soft features, and I couldn't help but look down in shame.

That song showed too much heartache and guilt that I wondered if anyone had heard it as it wrapped and intertwined around the physical notes. But it just seemed like the whole room just saw a random girl who knew the piano, that was until I saw him.

He was here, looking at me with a glint of something I couldn't decipher in his green eyes, frowning at me in what I could only hope was confusion. I held his stare, silently pleading him to not ask me about it ever again. I couldn't explain what I was trying to say with that song.

Miss Berry ushered me towards her as the class around me raised its volume to a relaxed level, calming me a small amount.

"Where did you learn to play like that dear?" She questioned me, her warm brown eyes holding only compassion as she flickered them from the piano I was just using back to my face.

"My dad taught me" I found myself saying. Then I pressed my lips into a tight line, realising I had just told a stranger something personal about myself I would never share with anyone, especially because it was about my family.

"A very talented man then" she stated, whilst I just nodded and averted her gaze once more. I knew he was watching me, I could feel it, it was almost like I could practically hear the cogs turning in his brain, trying to solve the puzzle of me that I can't seem to solve myself.

The thought of him reading me so easily at this moment like he has in the recent past led me to worry, so I tried to seem as nonchalant as possible before turning my head towards Miss Berry yet again. Clearing my throat I asked to be excused, which she just furrowed her eyebrows at but agreed nonetheless, then I hurried out the room only stopping to breathe once I was out of sight from all the stares.

Putting my head in my hands I slid to the floor, cradling my legs to my chest and staring forward at the wall. Why did I have to play? It seemed like everybody knew about my loss and about my multiple failed attempts to heal the raw wound that continued to scar and reopen at any time. But deep down I knew that they didn't, after all they wouldn't of even known my name- I was a nobody. Not that I minded the invisibility.

The sound of an opening door could be heard down the hall but I took no notice as I stared at the floor thinking things over. I raked my blonde hair with my hands and slightly pulled at it in frustration, a soft sigh leaving my lips. An angry tear slipped out my eye before I could register so I sniffed and quickly wiped it away, not liking how vulnerable it made me look.

Just then the sound of footsteps grew closer and a figure slid down the wall and sat next to me, their vanilla scent wrapping me in comfort.

It was silent for a brief second before it was broke by a quiet voice.

"What happened to you Angel?" He breathed.

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