Five. The Carousel.

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Play "Dancing In The Moonlight" - Jubël

Angel? No one's called me that before, but I couldn't help but internally smile at the nickname.

After listening to my subconscious though, I widened my eyes in fear. I didn't know who this guy was I couldn't possibly tell him where I live, that's basically rule number one on talking to any unknown stranger.

He must've noticed my uncertainty because he tightened his grip on the wheel and turned to face me once more. "Listen, I don't know why I'm offering you my help I'm not a nice person-but at least I'm actually offering" he snapped at me.

I flinched away from his tone and looked down at my hands, the uncomfortable silence was almost painful. An unreadable look flashed past his eyes and once more he let out another sigh, and I was surprised by the softer words that came out of his mouth next.

"I'm sorry for shouting but you should really realise that I'm not going to hurt you okay?" He asked me, but there was still a slight ring of irritation in his voice, probably from knowing that I was afraid of him. It wasn't nice to be feared.

The last events in the classroom where still haunting me though, and I still felt undeniably shaken. Which then led me to finally speak to him, for there was no other option fast enough to get me away from here on campus.

"Take me somewhere" I whispered, not daring to look him in the eyes for I knew that my sudden use of words would've taken him by surprise.

The low growl of the engine started, indicating he had heard what I said as he pulled out of the parking space he chose that morning. Not too far from the entrance but also not too close, he must not like attention on himself, a bit like me in that sense. As we continued to drive to a place I wasn't sure of, I took the time to think through what just happened in the few fleeting moments before I was saved by the person next to me.

I had a slight relapse in panic, but evaluating my previous anxiety attacks this one wasn't as extreme so at least there was that. The trigger as always is still my family. The thought of them made my heart flutter with guilt and sadness that I tried to push down by focusing on the way his rings reflect the dim sunlight. 

I know I needed to work on my self control when it came to the mentioning of them but I couldn't. It just didn't seem right to live an easy life, it didn't seem fair. These attacks reminded me of that.

As we drove green started to ripple through the reflection on the window next to me, and I frowned at the sudden change in scenery from the usual grey hues of the plain city landscape of buildings and cars. The questionably warm wind blew through my hair from the slightly open window on Harry's side, and the sun remained to dance over his long eyelashes as he gazed at the old winding road ahead .

He was taking me to the countryside? I wonder what's out here that he thought I would like.

Although maybe he didn't care if I liked it or not, after all I was nothing to him, just some troubled girl that fell into his care. However I couldn't help the thought cross my mind that just maybe it could be his beloved secret place that he was going to reveal to me like in those story books, but deep down I knew that was way to personal to show a stranger.

Which then led me to thinking of why he would go so out of his way to help me. But he said to trust him, so I did. My brows furrowed at the continuous rambling in my thoughts.

Once I stopped overthinking I reasoned with myself though, and because of the zero possibility of him opening up to a clueless stranger, I came to the final conclusion that it simply was just a random location, one he thought of when I whispered for him to take me to a place.

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