Fifteen. Thankyou kisses.

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Play "Naked" - James Arthur

"Yes you can use my bedroom it's um, down the hall to the left," I told Harry, who was still very much in my apartment that he somehow knew the location of but I still hadn't asked how.

He'd asked me if there was somewhere he could go to make a quick phone call, so I offered my bedroom.

As I watched him saunter away, his back muscles growing taught from under his shirt when he walked caught my attention, and it didn't seem like such a good idea to let him into my bedroom anymore.

I've always been private, and I couldn't help but think that letting him see the one private space I kept concealed in this house was basically giving him a key to my brain.

You can tell a lot about a person from their bedroom, and I hoped he wouldn't be able decipher the evident sadness the walls happened to radiate.

However I couldn't deny that I also knew deep down, under my forgotten ability to connect with my emotions and my guilt suffocated thoughts, there was just a girl, anxious of a very attractive boy being in her room. It was as simple as that.

The soft thud and familiar click of a handle pulsated down through the shallow air of the hall and to my ears, wracking another wave of nervousness to overcome me.

I chewed on my nail and paced around the kitchen, allowing the cool breeze from the open passageway to my hidden balcony cool down my reddened cheeks that I could feel were fighting to stay obvious.

Aside from my quickened breath though the house was silent, so silent that when Harry had began to speak on the phone I could just about pick up on some of what he was saying.

"I didn't agree to that," he spoke, his volume dipping lower once he must've realised he had risen it slightly.

I felt bad, I shouldn't be listening. I was never raised to pry into someone else's world that didn't concern me, which led me to shuffle quietly to the next only room available with a comfortable chair and a door that I could close-my art studio.

As I made my way there and stepped inside, I clasped the cold metal handle with my palm and was about to then close it when his frustrated voice echoed through the apartment once more.

"I don't care, I'm not putting up with that." There was a pause signalling he was listening before he continued. "She's not safe okay? And I will make that happen and someone like you can't stop me."

I closed the door quickly and jumped back from it like it burnt me. I'd definitely listened too long. It was just the captivating way his deep voice spoke, his subtle northern-english accent that caught a few words now and again was very endearing to me.

But I'd still listened too long, and I was ashamed with myself for that.

Slowly I made my way to the nearest seat, the stool that accompanied my abandoned piano that was not so gracefully hidden by a white bed sheet.

The smooth ripples of the fabric draped delicately over the curves of the piano, almost accentuating the beauty that was underneath it.

I knew the instrument was expensive but that wasn't what I valued. It was my Fathers, and I needed it here with me, because even though I never looked at it because of the guilt it brought, the security it gave me slightly topped the latter.

There was a slight layer of dust on the material that I noticed would catch the artificial light and almost twinkled with glow, and as I sat on the stool I found myself staring aimlessly at it whilst my mind drifted.

There was a very small ache in my chest, it was small but it was there, and it came more noticeable whenever I thought about Harry. More specially Harry's phone call. So there was a 'she' in his life.

Uncovered - H.SWhere stories live. Discover now